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Punishing: Gray Raven Reviews

Punishing: Gray Raven Reviews

here for the people have a second thoughts of downloading the punishing gray raven A.K.A pgr

we have a ✅ beautiful / cute characters ✅ beautiful / cute Voice 《EN》《JP》《CHINESE》 ✅ ultra graphics 《even low device will not be lag》 ✅ insane combat animations ✅ interesting story ✅ don't have trash Gacha ✅ available on low devices《Size: 14gb》
here for the people have a second thoughts of downloading the punishing gray raven A.K.A pgr
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven


i've been playing from day 1 and have ALL of the characters. you can go very high with f2p stuff (i have, going back and forth to legend in warzone) best of all? take 40 mins per day on avg to do everything
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven


This game has the best story. This game has the best music. This game has the best characters. This game has everything. So why wouldn't you play it? Well, we probably played different games then. The game is fun, and I liked it. I liked the beginning cutscene where some random girl beats us up (I don't know why). I like the gacha. And the combat sure is fun and interesting. Nothing much to hate about it.
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven

Punishing: Gray Raven Guides

How I Got Punishing Gray Raven After the Game Became Unavailable in My Region (Floating Reverie Update)
Punishing: Gray Raven | Chrome's Recitativo di Fantasia Tutorial
Gray Raven Database: Bianca Veritas
WITCH BIANCA is BEST BIANCA! Trying her out for the FIRST TIME.


Punishing Gray Raven just implemented something BIG. Watch me stream over on Twitch: https://stixy.me/Twitch Sauce: official Read more: https://www.mmobyte.tv/ FOLLOW ME ヽ(´▽`)/: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mmobyte Twitter: https://twitter.com/ByteStix/ All credit is given (in the form of "sauce") to the original creators of every piece of art used.
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven


There's no better time to start playing Punishing Gray Raven than RIGHT NOW! Become a Patron over on Patreon! https://stixy.me/Patreon Watch me stream over on Twitch: https://stixy.me/Twitch Read more: https://www.mmobyte.tv/ FOLLOW ME ヽ(´▽`)/: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mmobyte Twitter: https://twitter.com/ByteStix/
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven

The best Gacha ARPG, hands down 🛐

Fast paced combat, easy to get into if you're used to Hack 'n' slash games like DMC, MGR or the like, each character (Construct/Omniframes) has it's own gameplay/mechanics, so there's quite the variety to choose from, story-wise; each one of them has their own personality and backstory you can get attached to, the game also is not really demanding in terms of Phone specs, you can always tinker with the graphics to make it more easy on your device, the game also has a PC Client if you're not that into the Mobile gaming experience.
The best Gacha ARPG, hands down 🛐
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven


I played the Punishing Gray Raven PC Beta! Play Punishing Gray Raven with me! Just a guy that finds funny stuff online. Watch me stream over on Twitch: https://stixy.me/Twitch Sauce: Official Read more: https://www.mmobyte.tv/ FOLLOW ME ヽ(´▽`)/: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mmobyte Twitter: https://twitter.com/ByteStix/ All credit is given (in the form of "sauce") to the original creators of every piece of art used.
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven

Based game

Been playing since launch, and I can really tell that Kuro has been paying attention to criticisms and what players want. I'm not F2P, but it is very F2P friendly if you look at the order of updates from other servers to guide your savings. I'm only bringing this up because people are crying P2W, which is largely untrue. Although if you are able to afford it, I'd say to get the montly pass. It is really worthwhile (3.3k BC total for 5-6 dollars).
Based game
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven


The Most, Enjoyable Gacha Game ive ever played... The only thing you need is just a lot of practice cause this game required a lot of attentions to the enemies move or else youre gonna die quicker than the money on my bank account. Not to mention the music in this game is really really good
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven

Punishing: Gray Raven - Wintry Shackles/Lucia Crimson Weave/38 Summons

Watch More Reviews On My YT Channel The PC version of PGR is out. And it runs really smooth and clean. So if you were looking for a reason to hop back in now is the time. Also Alpha is a beast and worth it. Subscribe to the channel it's free!! https://rebrand.ly/drv74aa ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join the Legends Discord= https://discord.gg/FqmFNXu
Punishing: Gray Raven - Wintry Shackles/Lucia Crimson Weave/38 Summons
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven

Review Punishing Gray Raven

Punishing: Gray Raven or simply PGR is a 3D post-apocalyptic and sci-fi action RPG. At first, this game is fairly simple for the storyline and may be familiar with "anime" games in general. Players will take on the role of a commander with a futuristic background where the earth is being attacked by a virus called Punishing. The virus is very dangerous because when it is hit, living things including machines will become out of control and can destroy humans around them.
Review Punishing Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven

Hack and slash your way to getting gud

One of the best hack and slash games out there. It's a gacha game that is actually free to play friendly. Like you could play without spending a dime and you could get every character. But let's get into the game. For a hack and slash gacha game, you actually need skill to get good. And not just have a specific combo you ingrain in your brain. Because skills are based on a orb combo. Ping 1 orb and you tickle enemies, 2 is stronger but some characters require 3 pings to deal their specific elemental damage. And 3 ping deals maximum damage. And you can't just candy crush ping all your orbs on all the characters. As some have a specific ping combo. As some characters a "ping 3 orbs of colour X to proc skill Y" and alot of characters need it to deal big time damage. Oh and dodging has an energy system. And you can't just constantly spam the dodge button as characters can only dodge twice in succession. Then enters some sort of CD before you can dodge again. And if you actually burn through all your stamina energy, it'll take a few seconds before it recharge. In certain scenarios that means certain death. (Basically, get good. Literally)
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven

wow, i never expected anything much from a mobile game...

with alot of other arpgs or character/stylish action games or whatever you want to call them. On mobile, it's always feels like something is missing there. Whether how impressive the visuals, effects and animations are, it's really easy to notice how much combat is compromised on a phone. With pgr, they managed to make this game feel as home as alot of other action games do. There's alot of mechanics in play here compared to alot of other mobile action games (DMC POC) and it manages to feel as home on pc as much as mobile do thanks to these mechanics. The problem with game like honkai 3rd, genshin and zzz coming up is that their combat system just relies so much on your characters stats rather than the gameplay it self. pgr manages to prove that you don't need to be that simple to be a good mobile game.
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven


They gave a S rank of our picking, pity is a guarantee 100% weapons don't go away and in anniversary events all S ranks get Featured gacha aka 100%. So you are guaranteed to get your character, plus weapons banner don't go away. So you can focus on the character for the duration of the event and then if you don't want the next upcoming units, pull for weapons. Also you don't need meta teams to do content unless you want to be no1 but like... why?
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven


Great graphics and good performance, it runs beautifully on the highest graphics on my medium end phone(sdm 712 8gb ram) my only problem about this game is that the gameplay is too repetitive, you kill enemies for a few minutes and maybe have a boss fight here and there then rinse and repeat.
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven


You can practically get all new S characters without spending a dollar and make them SS by farming
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven

Punishing: Gray Raven Entertainment

does anyone else love kamui
WITCH BIANCA is looking THICC! | PV & Gameplay Reaction
LUNA SUMMONS! Fake Ascension Patch | 「Punishing: Gray Raven (战双帕弥什)」
Dancing Tonight | Punishing: Gray Raven

Great game, but boring.

If u consider yourself as a weeb, u r 100% will gonna love this game.. 👎 Cons: this game is boring as f*ck
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven


Very generous, though you do have to save well aand refrain from pulling other banners, but you can definitely get all characters if you play everyday right from the global release. What I like from this game is that it doesn't take much time to do dailies, plus it keeps me entertained even when I I'm busy.
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven
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