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Warm Snow Reviews

Warm Snow Reviews

Are you looking for your next roguelite obsession? Look no further

SHOULD I PLAY WARM SNOW? Absolutely play it if you enjoy action-packed roguelites with tons of unlockables and a unique setting. Warm Snow takes place in a fictionalized version of seventeenth-century China where the kingdom has fallen into chaos thanks to a strange phenomenon known as “Warm Snow.” I had to slice my way through multiple locations and thousands of mutated enemies to get to the bottom of this bizarre event, equipping myself with different relics and weapons as I did so. This is as tightly designed and fun of a roguelite as I’ve ever played and definitely worth the dozens of hours you can put into it if you want to unlock everything.
Are you looking for your next roguelite obsession? Look no further
Warm Snow
Warm Snow

Kept coming back to this one once it has been launched in my region!

Warm Snow has received overwhelmingly some positive reviews, with players praising its unique blend of rogue-like action gameplay and dark fantasy setting. This game's eerie atmosphere and challenging mechanics keep players engaged and coming back for more!!
Kept coming back to this one once it has been launched in my region!
Warm Snow
Warm Snow

Warm Snow - Hype Impressions/Is It Legit?/PC & Mobile Demo

Watch More Reviews On My YT Channel 'Warm Snow' is a Rogue-like action game with a background set in a dark fantasy world, where the eerie 'Warm Snow' holds sway. You will play as the Warrior 'Bi-an' on a crusade against the Five Great Clans, in order to save a world teetering on the brink of destruction. Subscribe to the channel it's free!! https://rebrand.ly/drv74aa -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Warm Snow - Hype Impressions/Is It Legit?/PC & Mobile Demo
Warm Snow
Warm Snow

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Warm Snow
Warm Snow

Feels very similar to Hades, but offers its own distinctive approach | Impressions - Warm Snow

Warm Snow is an action roguelike that manages to strike an impressive balance between familiarity and innovation. Drawing inevitable comparisons to Hades, it delivers a fast-paced gaming experience that's both addictively entertaining and uniquely its own.  Warm Snow distinguishes itself with agile, fluid, and satisfying combat. The flashy and visceral visual effects are amazing and fits perfectly with the game's action-packed tone. Players can experiment and swap found items called relics between four different slots, altering their function. Clear rooms, combat different types of enemies, and kill the boss to end the chapter. Next chapter, rinse and repeat. If you die, back from the start.
Feels very similar to Hades, but offers its own distinctive approach | Impressions - Warm Snow
Warm Snow
Warm Snow


遊戲名:暖雪 平臺:iOS/安卓 類型:Roguelike | 國風 | 動作 | 劇情 這是一款超級爽快的國風Roguelike動作遊戲——《暖雪》手游版。原作PC版在Steam上保持著92%的特別好評,而今移植到手機上售價25元,買斷製,沒有任何廣告,非常良心。手機版除了在鍵位和功能界面上針對手機做了重新適配外,其他方面絕對原汁原味,黑暗詭異的故事,超級爽快的戰鬥,內容豐富的養成系統,不愧為經典的名號! 【多結局的怪異故事,一步步揭開黑暗的真相】 遊戲講述了一段黑暗詭異、充滿中國古典神話色彩的故事。遊玩過程就像剝洋蔥一樣,一步一步探尋出駭人聽聞的真相。根據選擇不同,遊戲會出現多個結局,很值得多週目探索。 龍武二十七年,皇帝和四大家族的倒行逆施導致民不聊生。此時天降神罰,皇宮長出白花,天上下起了怪雪,此雪不冷也不融,被稱為“暖雪”,吸入之人會成為怪物。你扮演的“狴犴”曾是貴妃之子,在宮鬥中流離到民間,被揭竿而起的平天教收養,此時被派來剷除皇帝和四大家族,自此,一場充滿了陰謀的冒險開始了。
Warm Snow
Warm Snow


龍武二十七年,天降異雪,此雪不融且溫。後世稱之為“暖雪”。吸入“暖雪”的人將喪失神智、淪為怪物,自此人間墮入瘋狂,世界搖搖欲墜。《暖雪》是一款獨特的暗黑國風動作rogue遊戲,玩家扮演刺客“狴犴“踏上征途。 遊戲有著極開放的玩法,六大宗派、十二種心法、海量的神兵聖物,不同神兵與特定宗派又能產生奇妙的反應。 自由搭配能組合出千萬種變化,每次冒險都有不同的體驗。 作為一款國產動作遊戲,《暖雪》基本功意外的紮實。“打擊手感”就像新年換上新的毛線胖次,刺不刺撓只有玩家自己知道。 遊戲強調高機動性的凌厲戰鬥,搭配獨特的飛劍系統讓爽感進一步拉長。 除此之外,世界觀本身也是《暖雪》一大特色,充滿了「奇形怪狀」、「性格扭曲」、「令人髮指」。有時真難想象這居然是B站發行的。我們二次元居然好這口。 並且不同於一個遊戲拆成8個賣的國外廠商,《暖雪》後續DLC還是免費發售的。好文明! 堪稱—— 《暖雪》是2022年國產單機銷量冠軍,而這個位置,前一年是《鬼谷八荒》,再前幾年是《太吾繪卷》,足以見其重磅地位!我祝願暖雪越來越好,永遠不會撲街。
Warm Snow
Warm Snow

Warm Snow -- Gameplay

A vast and nervous roguelike gameplay wherein you can customize your gameplay by choosing weapons, powers, and elements to adapt your fighting style and find the gameplay that suits you! A story with a neat "silk painting" inspired art direction. Immerse yourself in a rich story with stunning visuals inspired by silk paintings, adding poetry and elegance to the game world.
Warm Snow
Warm Snow


Another Rogue-like action game with a background set in a dark fantasy world, where the eerie 'Warm Snow' holds sway. Playing as the Warrior 'Bi-an' on a crusade against the Five Great Clans is totally cool, you'll need to save a world teetering on the brink of destruction!!
Warm Snow
Warm Snow

Countless Combinations and Rogue-like Elements - WARM SNOW // QUICK REVIEW

Welcome to the chilling and mysterious world of "Warm Snow," where snow in July can only be melted with blood. In this Roguelike action game, you step into the shoes of Warrior Bi-an as you crusade against the enigmatic 'Warm Snow' and the Five Great Clans threatening to destroy your world. Join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind this dark phenomenon and dive into the game's countless combinations of sects, relics, and exhilarating swordplay. Plus, don't miss out on our exploration of the mobile version's optimizations, including button customization and auto-dash features. Prepare for a thrilling adventure filled with secrets, monsters, and action! This video review of Mobile/ PC/ Console Game will show you some gameplay and help you to decide if you should invest your time into this game, we will discuss game mechanics, combat, progression, mechanics and f2p or p2w aspect of the game made in 2023. ❤️ HELP ME REACH 10 000 FOLLOWERS 🔔 FOLLOW FOR MORE GAME REVIEWS 🌲 LINKTREE (ALL THE LINKS):
Countless Combinations and Rogue-like Elements - WARM SNOW // QUICK REVIEW
Warm Snow
Warm Snow

I Experienced the Wonders and Devastation in Warm Snow : A Personal Journey through a History Alter

Dive into the chaotic world of 'Warm Snow,' an adventurous roguelite set in a fictionalized version of seventeenth-century China. Experience a thrilling journey filled with mutated enemies, varied weapons, and strategic gameplay. From delightful discoveries to frustrating challenges, watch as I gradually unravel the mysteries of this engaging game world!
Warm Snow
Warm Snow

This Game is a BLAST! Warm Snow (Mobile) [60-Sec. Review]

Warm Snow is an indie action rogue-like developed by BadMudStudio released back in January of 2022 that has now come to mobile devices. Gameplay will consist of clearing enemy chambers and acquiring upgrades like new swords, perks, and relics to aid you on your journey. Despite of some issues, Warm Snow offers a truly rich and in-depth rogue-like experience fans of the genre shouldn't want to miss.
This Game is a BLAST! Warm Snow (Mobile) [60-Sec. Review]
Warm Snow
Warm Snow

Warm Snow : First Impressions

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Warm Snow : First Impressions
Warm Snow
Warm Snow


Learn Everything you need to know about Warm Snow in 30 secs. This video review of Mobile/ PC/ Console Game will show you some gameplay and help you to decide if you should invest your time into this game, we will discuss game mechanics, combat, progression, mechanics and f2p or p2w aspect of the game made in 2023. ❤️ HELP ME REACH 10 000 FOLLOWERS 🔔 FOLLOW FOR MORE GAME REVIEWS 🌲 LINKTREE (ALL THE LINKS):
Warm Snow
Warm Snow

PC to MOBILE! A GREAT 2D Rogue-Like You Don't Want To Miss! Warm Snow [4-Min. Review]

Warm Snow is an indie action rogue-like developed by BadMudStudio released back in January of 2022 and met with a positive reception online. With that success, the game has now reached mobile shores at a cheaper price. The gameplay loop will have you clear enemy chambers and then pick an upgrade route you want to go on. These boosts range from new weapons, perks, and relics that alter your character’s behavior.
PC to MOBILE! A GREAT 2D Rogue-Like You Don't Want To Miss! Warm Snow [4-Min. Review]
Warm Snow
Warm Snow

Warm Snow (Gameplay)

While Warm Snow may not have the polish that other roguelikes feature, there’s plenty to keep you playing for hours on end. The combat system gives us freedom during encounters with rewards that offer a deep level of character customization, hoping that your next run will last a little longer. I’d call this game a hidden gem, but don’t let it be hidden from you for too long if you have a roguelike itch to scratch. LOL
Warm Snow
Warm Snow


I have seen a lot of positive ratings for this game, with its atmospheric setting and engaging gameplay being particularly praised. The game offers a satisfying challenge and an immersive experience that keeps players hooked. With a 92% positive rating on Steam and a dedicated player base, Warm Snow has established itself as a standout rogue-like action game. I appreciate the game's immersive world and compelling gameplay, making it a must-play for fans of the genre.
Warm Snow
Warm Snow


平台:Steam丨手機📱 類型:暗黑國風 丨 Roguelike ❄️詭異黑暗的世界觀 雪是暖的,本就奇怪。坊間傳聞則是,龍帝與四大家族之首一同作法違背天道,神明降下天罰,一朵巨大怪異的蓮花給人間帶來「暖雪」。 「暖雪」使得這個世界變得瘋狂、詭異,人吸入後發生驚悚變異,地牢屍橫遍野,各色妖魔。主角就此肩負重任,踏上了除魔之路。 🏮傳統中式元素 遊戲的諸多關卡,都與傳統文化息息相關,美術在國風上發揮了高超水平 關卡場景如佛堂、深宅大院、王府地牢,中式詭異元素拉滿 白蓮🪷、劍冢🗡️、中式婚禮...都是國風中式遊戲的經典意象代表 就連操作也是操縱飛劍攻擊敵人,喜歡國風武俠類的朋友們,這簡直就是一場視覺盛宴! 📱肉鴿玩法 作為Roguelike遊戲,隨機性必不可少。 七大流派,雷、冰、毒、遠程係等等,隨著關卡進度不斷開啟新的流派玩法供你選擇 每次冒險都有新的道路變化,探索線路取決於我們的選擇。不斷挑戰,獲得新武器、新天賦點。
Warm Snow
Warm Snow

Must try this cool and amazing game! I keep on waiting for this to come out!

This is actually a dark fantasy game which is why I noticed in this game that it is always at night. I love the sounds of the swords. It sounds so real and it is so amazing! I have been waiting to play this cool game and as I watched the trailer I already knew that I would enjoy this one. In this game you need to save the world by defeating the enemies, as you go further the enemies become stronger and bigger which I find very challenging and enjoyable.
Must try this cool and amazing game! I keep on waiting for this to come out!
Warm Snow
Warm Snow
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