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Wuthering Waves News

Wuthering Waves News

There are four days left until Wuthering comes out and I'm so excited✨

There are four days left until Wuthering comes out and I'm so excited✨
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Wave is right around the corner! - Which of these 5⭐ character you're going to choose?

From left to right: 1.Jianxin 2.Lingyang 3.Verina 4.Encore 5.Calcharo - Which is your choice?
Wuthering Wave is right around the corner! - Which of these 5⭐ character you're going to choose?
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves | Resonator Showcase | Danjin — A WAYFARER'S ESCAPADE

Danjin Gameplay Showcase has been released now. Adorned with jade, dispelling fear... bringing hope near.
Wuthering Waves | Resonator Showcase | Danjin — A WAYFARER'S ESCAPADE
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves Reviews

Wuthering Waves CBT II In-Depth Review: A New Dawn in Mobile Gaming
Kuro knows what they're doing
Ironically, the best MMO I've played in years..

Wuthering Waves special broadcast program will be released on 03/29 at 19:00 (UTC+8)

Wuthering Waves Special Broadcast is happening on 2024/03/29 at 19:00 (UTC+8). A 20-min program discussing player feedback from Closed Beta II and an important announcement. YTB: Stay tuned!
Wuthering Waves special broadcast program will be released on 03/29 at 19:00 (UTC+8)
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves Absolutely BROKE the Internet in the last 48 hours

Wuthering Waves is releasing on to PS4, PS5, PC, Android, and iOS, and is having their 2nd Global Closed Beta test! Become a Patron over on Patreon! https://stixy.me/Patreon Watch me stream over on Twitch: https://stixy.me/Twitch Sauce: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/10936001 Read more: https://mygachahub.com/ FOLLOW ME ヽ(´▽`)/: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mmobyte Twitter: https://twitter.com/ByteStix/
Wuthering Waves Absolutely BROKE the Internet in the last 48 hours
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves


Kuro Games於1月18日正式宣布,即將於全球範圍內開啟【奏鳴測試】,本次測試為問卷封閉測試,官方將從填寫問卷的漂泊者中抽取部分用戶獲得測試資格。漂泊者們可直接點擊下方進入遊戲主頁,點擊“Sign Up for CBT2”即可填寫問卷參與獲取測試資格。 此外,在官網預約《鳴潮》並參與測試便可參與抽獎,有機會獲得iPhone 15 Pro Max、PS5等獎勵,也不要忘記在TapTap預約本作,獲得遊戲的最新情報! 除了可以在官網參與問卷招募之外獲取遊戲測試資格以外,TapTap也為各位漂泊者們準備了獨家的「奏鳴測試資格」,在本貼文的留言區下方暢所欲言,聊聊你對《鳴潮》的喜愛、關注的角色、對遊戲內容的期待,我們將會抽出五名玩家,送出獨家的「奏鳴測試資格」! 《鳴潮》是一款開放世界動作遊戲,主打高自由度的動作戰鬥玩法與豐富多樣的開放世界探索。而你,在這個世界蘇醒的漂泊者,將在找回記憶、尋找自我身份的同時結識無數的共鳴者同伴,並和夥伴一起踏上跨越悲鳴的旅途。
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves Entertainment

Ngl, she's making a very very compelling point
Yinlin Art (from: @toroe02)
Rover ❤The heart is in the right place.
Wuthering Wave Fanart 'Sanhua'


Only one skin tone? Twitter -- https://twitter.com/GuitarRock69 Follow Me On Twitch -- https://twitch.tv/GuitarRock69 Discord Channel : https://discord.gg/27aC9bh Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GuitarRock69/ For Business Inquiries : [email protected]
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves

Game installed !... waiting for servers to open 🔥

Game installed !... waiting for servers to open 🔥
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves

Comment to Win|Discuss open-world games, and win exclusive access to the Wuthering Waves beta test.

On the morning of January 18th, the open-world game Wuthering Waves opens a beta recruitment portal on its official website, signaling that the game is finally prepared to introduce itself to players worldwide. You can sign-up for 2nd CBT via game card below: Before this, Wuthering Waves had already conducted several small-scale tests targeted at players in China. In previous tests, Wuthering Waves demonstrated an impressively polished combat system. Building upon the combat system legacy of Punishing: Gray Raven, Wuthering Waves continues to deliver combat that is exhilarating and decisive. As for the specific mechanics, each test iteration was different, and it remains to be seen in what state the game will present itself to players in the upcoming test. Narrative content was a notably contentious and variable element during the tests. Following the completion of these tests, the developers placed great importance on feedback from test players and indicated that they would make improvements to the narrative in subsequent testing phases.
Comment to Win|Discuss open-world games, and win exclusive access to the Wuthering Waves beta test.
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves | CBT2 Trailer Revealed and Pre-Launch Lottery Event Available!

Wuthering Waves 2nd Close Beta recruitment is now available coming with  Lottery Event. You will have the chance to win CBT2 Qualification, Character Merch, iPhone 15 Pro Max, PS5, AirPods Pro 2, Nintendo Switch, and more! ✦Event Time✦ 2024/1/17 19:00 - 2024/2/7 02:00 (PT) Visit the event page for more info:
Wuthering Waves | CBT2 Trailer Revealed and Pre-Launch Lottery Event Available!
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves

[Winners Announced] Celebrate the launch of Wuthering Waves! Post to win $5!

We are thrilled to announce the winners! “N1C3” AverageJuly Toonafish Who? SUNNY Shawn Hoseki SastaNasha Norminasky Tv Jonathan Nicole Joy Note: Winners will be notified via an in-box message with instructions on how to claim their prize within 7 working days, so keep an eye out! 《Wuthering Waves》 is officially launched today, and everyone must be eager to jump into the game! TapTap has also prepared an event for all creators. Your casual game screenshot or game review all have the chance to win rewards!
[Winners Announced] Celebrate the launch of Wuthering Waves! Post to win $5!
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves Gameplay Trailer

Explore where your heart takes you. Slay Calamons with your Niellore blade. End the cycle of calamity. *The game is still in the early stage of development, so graphic qualities might not be ideal.
Wuthering Waves Gameplay Trailer
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves

Wuthering waves!! (I know I'm late from uploading this but...)

Wuthering Waves are coming!!! Launching on (May 22) Be sure to play wuthering waves!!! I'm not making this for a sponsor. I'm just making this post to notify you guys! There's so many good upcoming games each year! And one of them are the Wuthering Waves! So better play it or you might miss the change to enjoy the experience~ 😚 (By the way credits to the owner of the artwork!) >Wuthering Waves will be available to play from
Wuthering waves!! (I know I'm late from uploading this but...)
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves

Legend is here , Waiting is over

Yeah, you guys heard it right! Wuthering Waves pre-download is here. Super excited to play the game on May 23rd. 🎮 Gameplay: Open world, action-based game. Wuthering Waves introduces a combat mechanism unlike anything we've ever seen in mobile games, making this game a generation ahead of Genshin in combat and gameplay. 👍 Pros: Many cool freebies will be given at the launch of the game. 👎 Cons:  I can't wait anymore 🥹.
Legend is here , Waiting is over
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves

Global Wuthering Waves RELEASE DATE Leaked!!! also this ECHOES & SCAR 😱!!!

Wuthering Waves is a multi-platform free-to-play action RPG by Kuro Game. Wuthering Waves emphasizes freedom and exploration in its fast-paced Player-versus-Enemy (PvE) combat. If you're a fan of free-to-play games that offer deep gameplay mechanics, you should keep an eye on Wuthering Waves' upcoming closed beta. JOIN THE MEMBERSHIP: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdD7QJ558i3HBk0lbtLfmOQ EPIC GAME!
Global Wuthering Waves RELEASE DATE Leaked!!! also this ECHOES & SCAR 😱!!!
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves Is Revealed. A New Game by the Developer of Punishing Gray Raven

Open-world action game "Wuthering Waves" by the developer of "Punishing Gray Raven" Kuro, has revealed its first trailer. Through the trailer, the game takes place in an industrial wasteland, Rover. Characters in Wuthering Waves who live there have a fierce fighting style and mysterious abilities. According to the official, Wuthering Waves is a story-rich open-world game with a high degree of freedom. You wake from your slumber as a Rover, greeted by an expansive new world filled with novel sights and newfangled tech.
Wuthering Waves Is Revealed. A New Game by the Developer of Punishing Gray Raven
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves second closed beta registration now available

Kuro Games has opened registration for the second closed beta test for action RPG Wuthering Waves. It will be available for PC, iOS, and Android. Recruitment will end on February 7 at 2:00 a.m. PT / 5:00 a.m. ET. Start and end times for the test will be announced at a later date. Link:
Wuthering Waves second closed beta registration now available
Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves
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