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ZOZ: Final Hour Reviews

ZOZ: Final Hour Reviews

ZOZ: Final Hour First Impressions Review

MY OVERALL SCORE 8/10 This game is a ton of fun and runs super smooth. Looting and shooting feels great, and I loved exploring the city and trying to find the blood crystals. The cosmetics in this game are beyond amazing. The cash shop is cosmetic only and done very well. this is a must play for any fan of shooter games. Find and upgrade your weapons while make use of multiple perks and skills, fight a way out with your style!
ZOZ: Final Hour First Impressions Review
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour

ZOZ: Final Hour - Beta Impressions

Join this channel to get access to perks: EMAIL ► fitnessgamer3000@gmail.com 🢂 Play this game on PC! Android Emulator : 🢂 BEST Gaming Phone! RedMagic 7! : (These links support the channel) Playstore: BETA Appstore: BETA ZOZ: Final Hour is a TPS for your extreme shooting delight. Zombie City, San Yager. Including you, 15 mercenaries infiltrate into the city to collect Blood Crystals, a mysterious matter which is worth hundreds of billions of dollars and carries the hope of salvation of the human race! You will only retreat with the condition of enough Blood Crystals. But watch your back, Merc, Zombies are not the biggest threat, Humans are!
ZOZ: Final Hour - Beta Impressions
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour

Goodbye ZOZ: Final Hour

Oh yeah! Watch!
Goodbye ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour

ZOZ: Final Hour News

ZOZ: Final Hour Unveils in New Regions
Commander Rambo in San Yager using Ak-47
07/28 Rolling Maintenance Notice
09/08 Announcement

Goosebumps and faster heartbeats!!

This game is similar to a zombie apocalypse 3D action game. I like that I can customize my character as a strong soldier. It's very entertaining and fun. I never felt so many goosebumps before!
Goosebumps and faster heartbeats!!
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour

This game is so amazing, it is almost like Call of Duty: Black Ops.

The game is really challenging from the start since you have to discover things on your own, and you need to win to be the best among the other fighters while challenging a horde of zombies. I got confused about how to win the game after extracting the things I need, and I don't know how to exit, which gives me excitement and eagerness, but still, I got the win!!
This game is so amazing, it is almost like Call of Duty: Black Ops.
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour


This is a very Good game i had very great experience playing it. Graphics of the game are awesome, gameplay is is also very great, The only negative point is that you need a good phone to play this game atleast your phone should have 4gb ram to run your game smoothly cuz i have tried it in 2gb ram phone and it was very laggy then i tried on 4gb ram phone it was good and it ran smoothly on medium graphics settings and when i tried on 6gb ram phone the experience was next level and one more issue is with loading, the loading page takes too much of time but Overall, the game is great and I recommend others to try it.
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour

ZOZ Final Hour SEA

Its almost in the some genre as Skyfall Chasers. Where you have to collect starlight to win but with Skyfall Chasers you can lose everything and still have an opportunity to get back everything your team lost and still win the match. Not with this game. You go down you might as well quit. Yes, I've been knocked down and still was abe to recollect all that my team lost. So yeah there should be an easier way to recollect all that was lost maybe increase the blood crystals to maybe 10 instead of just 5.
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour

ZoZ:Final hour: Intresting premise not the best execution

Intresting premise execution is not that good. I like the gameplay itself and the core premise where it is to survive and exfil. Now the things that hold it back are very big. First problem why the hell is my ping 168. I have a perfect internet and its a problem. So dont  know about that. Graphics are actually pretty good but when i put my settings below film quality i get minecraft graphics dont know is it a glitch or a phone issue but plss fix it. Also we need a second map or more pois on this one because its so damn small. Weapons are totally unbalanced. Use the bizon and you win automaticlly. Also its kinda weird that you cant pilot the helicopter until a serten level. But evrething else is good. I like the premise and zombie variations. They are amybe the best thing about the game. Because when your not expecting a fire zombie may pop out behind the wall. But all in all Game is ok. I hope they fix on the global launch. (P.S. Im from Bosnia and Herzegovina so please forgive my typping.) Thats it i hoće you have a greatday or night. 
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour

Amazingly different

Wow just wow mercs killing zombies mercs betraying mercs reviving teammate making friends getting betrayed always in your guard extracting blood crystals holding the line for extraction making it on stage of champions feels soo good love this
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour


NEW FPS MOBILE SHOOTER GAME! (ZOZ FINAL HOUR) In this YouTube video I will be showcasing this brand new Mobile FPS game that includes PVP and PVE with zombies! Loot, collect items and extract while taking down zombies in your way and other players from around the world! Follow me on Social Media: Twitter ► https://twitter.com/ImOwFromYT Discord ► https://discord.gg/cDCWfY3 Second Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/c/ImOwStreams
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour

Still the BEST ZOMBIE GAME on Mobile

Social Links: Discord: https://discord.gg/9EAsUU3
Still the BEST ZOMBIE GAME on Mobile
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour


👉🏻一款第三人稱射擊遊戲。 🪄類大逃殺玩法,你將扮演15名傭兵之一,潛入了充滿殭屍的聖亞格爾城中,嘗試收集價值連城、承載著拯救人類希望的神祕寶物「血之水晶」。而只有在收集足夠的血之結晶後才能夠撤離。 ‼️喜歡大逃殺、射擊的,🉑️下載體驗啦 - 🎮遊戲名:ZOZ: Final Hour 🕹️平臺:iOS/Android ✅風格化|動作|射擊|戰術射擊 🪄 🗺️ 戰場由多個隨機建築群生成,每次的體驗都不一樣。 🔫 可攜帶任意兩種已解鎖的武器,近戰裝甲和基本裝甲進入戰場。 ⚔️ 通過殺死人類雇傭兵和僵屍可以獲得額外的福利和技能。 ⭕️ 當途中遭到擊殺,將會以殭屍的姿態復活重新參與遊戲。 🌟 殭屍雇傭兵的目標是消滅人類雇傭兵並阻止他們逃離城市。 👥 可選擇單人模式或者雙人模式作戰。
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour

ZOZ: Final Hour is an exciting 3rd person loot & shoot mobile game...

ZOZ Final Hour will leave you entertained for hours and coming back for more. The main objective is to scavenge and find 5 blood crystals so that you can extract from the map and save humanity. The world is overrun with zombies and the only hope to bring it back to normal is to collect blood crystals. The graphics are breathtaking for a mobile game. The game runs at 60fps and feels very smooth with no lag or stuttering. The gameplay is fun and never the same experience. Exploring the city to find loot and items so you can survive the zombies is fun in of itself. Even more fun is when you find other live players and engage in combat with them and steal their blood crystals.
ZOZ: Final Hour is an exciting 3rd person loot & shoot mobile game...
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour

There are lots to love about this game!

I was surprised how well this game is, the gameplay mechanics and graphics are nothing to sneeze at, which is not surprising as a player coming from another Netease game called "Lost Light" i think they made a great game but (and this is a BIG but) i hate the way you have to enter the map when you have to buy back what you looted before with coins which are limited! Please get rid of that mechanic because it's my loot and you don't get to take it away from the player and force to buy it back! Also the lag is just dogsh&t to be honest, hope they add more servers to include more regions (please add one to North Africa 😉) and controls can have more flexibility to suit more players with specific play styles (like hold to aim instead of pressing to toggle aim...)  But with that said i think the devs made a good job and hope they make it even better in the future and kudos for making the pass not that expensive at just 3.5$ which is cool
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour


Decent extractor game. Could see myself playing a couple hours at a time
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour

A PVP/E type of game that is like shooting games from a 3rd person's perspective

A zombie game with great graphics and great action gameplay, UI is great, easy to access and easy to understand. You will begin in action after you create your character, so first if you don't know what is going on (if this is your first time playing this kind of game on mobile like me).
A PVP/E type of game that is like shooting games from a 3rd person's perspective
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour


sactually this game is good, but there are still lags, bugs, and slow servers. on medium devices it's not very good to play for a long time, it gets hot quickly.
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour


Well what can I say first impressions I think it's brilliant it's got a good idea of having to fight to survive and get the extraction out alive it's ABIT to much tho for the size of the mapi think it definitely need to be lot bigger and the way it also shows you where the blood crystals are on the map and as people are all headed in the same direction as there gets less that needs to change it would be better as treasure hunt and hide and seek.. you know the sound of gun fire can give away your position also shooting a flare gun up in the sky for extraction can also give away your location so just hope nobody else see when you let one of the bad boyz off I think the graphics are so nice too few tweaks here and there and another thing is aiming and shooting something just don't feel right I don't know what it is maybe I just got to get used to it other than that a pretty solid game I may say so for my first go so I will definitely be playing again soon just lots to do on my other games a the moment.. well happy gaming guys
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour

Buy Why

Ok so I'm redoing my review #1 MERC VS MERC VS ZOMBIES, VS MUTATED MERC... is too much and it kills the game fun, #2 When playing Solo  I've noticed players would team up which isn't cool and needs to fixed somehow. considering there's a Duo mode players should be restricted from doing so because it's cheating. #3 mutated Mercs Are OP AF and can kill you while you're down'd but a Merc can't that's illogical. and again it kills the game, Because you obviously won't make it to a safehouse to recover. players should be given the chance to do so no matter what role you're playing as.
ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour
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