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T3 Arena
T3 Arena - kaedeharj's Posts - TapTap

1K View2022-07-09
Chemist needs a buff. Badly... (part 1)
Lvl 9 Chemist needs around 4 body shots (each deals 1.5k-ish dmg) to kill non-tanks. She has 8 ammo and relies on using her ammo on herself to survive. She can also use her skill, which has a spread, and is on a 10 second cooldown. Her heals are AOE bursts of 1k. Her projectile gravity is extremely strong and so she doesn't have very far range, and the farther she shoots the less accurate. In a 3v3 shooter, every hero should be able to fend for themselves because they only have two other teammates who can help them. Chemist struggles with this;
1.) She needs to decide whether to use her ammo for damage or to stay alive. The only way she can do both with the same ammo is if she shoots someone at very close range to damage them while also being in the AOE to receive the healing. Going into close-range will mean everyone except Ossas can kill her easily. It's the ideal solution to this problem, but she simply isn't built for it.
2) Her AOE damage is NOT a set damage (think Kazama's rockets) but scales with the distance between the enemy and where the shot lands. If the very edge of the AOE hits an enemy, Lvl 9 Chemist does 300-600, and if the enemy is hit as close to the center of the AOE as possible, it does around 1k. Direct hits deal 1.5k dmg. She would barely tickle someone in close range if she has to whip around to hit them but miss.
3) She is Epic rarity but is outperformed in every scenario by the other healer, Iris. I've won FFA matches with Iris with no deaths, and I'm sure a LOT of people will agree this isn't too difficult to do. Iris has extremely easy to aim shots which I don't believe have a damage fall-off but do have spread. She does not need to use up her whole clip if she does mostly headshots and have her skill on herself. Her ult basically makes her immortal to anything that isn't a bomb or headshot-to-kill bullets.
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Chemist needs a buff. Badly. (part 2) 3) Basically, anything she can do, Iris does better. Aoe heal? Chemist needs to aim and reload, Iris just uses a skill once and can leave it for half a minute. Damage? Iris MELTS, while Chemist either tickles or misses (or dies before she can even shoot her second shot). Damage Boost? Iris has 100% uptime on it with a 4 second cooldown to switch targets. Chemist may have a stronger boost but has to choose to either use her ult to save herself, a teammate, or determine the best person in her team who can make use of the damage boost for like 6 seconds. Her ult is strong but situational and Iris' damage boost never ends.
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