Chemist was introduced in S1 and was able to be obtained through rumble boxes. Chemist was classified as a support hero whos weapon had dual functionality (was able deal damage to enemies and heal teammates and herself on impact). The intended goal was ultimately to create a more versatile support character, but, because of her ability to self-heal off of primary fire (now it’s an active ability), they accidentally created a flanking 1v1ing demon…
I, like many players, have the internal notion of “I’m not dying to a support hero”. I, also like many players, have been humbled by a few rogue Chemist mains when I first started. Chemist players before the nerfs, could literally pounce on almost anyone (not usually tanks, but I’ve seen it). You would watch Chemist players initiating fights, holding angles, …flanking (it was a weird time).
Nothing made it more perfectly clear that you needed to improve at the game, then getting less kills/damage than the support hero ON EITHER TEAM (I was shown up by a Chemist player with 13 kills my first season….that’s not support). I remember watching the kill feed thinking “wait…is that our support?” Truly set the tone of the game.
Even though Chemist has been balanced out and made a legitimate part of the support role category, I still miss those times of having to watch my back for an eager Chemist trying to “make a play”😅.
**CRAZY SIDE THOUGHT** if they did a LTM where all of the original support hero’s where their season 1 roles and stats, that would go insane. Iris gets her SMG, Chemist gets primary fire self healing, Sindri and Labula are back to their DPS roles and stats. I’d love it!
I didn't know Sindri and Lab were Dps ,I remember Iris shooting short series though 🤔SS2 I think...
Author likedYep, Sindri and Labula were support reworks. They were DPS hero’s initially. Sindri was our only DPS/Control hero. Her rage ball use to do serious damage. They weren’t S-tier DPS by any means, but they were fun☺️
Lol i love the aos on chemist tho. Be helping the team all the time with her