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Hunter Monster with Gun

Hunter Monster with Gun

2K View2023-07-04
The game is pretty good, the monsters given are quite diverse and the spawn time is also relatively fast, it's just that there is no direction of mission instructions.
The gameplay is very repitive even though there are a myriad of missions given. For Story Very good for those who haven't seen the Anime yet.
If you are aiming for the online system in this game is very quiet, no one plays the online mode, the room is empty, pvp is also quiet.
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The game plays perfectly fine. Too bad landscape mode only works during hunt. However, trying to force the game to play on landscape seems to work with to problems, as if it was built to have landscape mode but somehow got disabled. The downside of the game are the following: -No FPS option and the game randomly gives me FPS capped and somehow drops. -Some crafting requirements parts from small monster which takes time before they spawn.
A game that introduce yourself to a world where are monsters and have the titule of hunter seeing a lot of new places with parameters making it suitable for monsters (Like pantanous for water monster like a hybrid giant frog) 🕹️ Controls: Very usefull in the hour for fight and travel, with a complete hud who make more easy view the bag and others things, the combos in middle of the fight is great for me
Pretty boring the story is quite interesting but gameplay is abbysmal. Its auto where you go here kill monster go there kill more monster repeat again and again yeah thats it
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