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Qui Bai & A Lesson In Injustice (Arknights, A Death in Chunfen event)

Qui Bai & A Lesson In Injustice (Arknights, A Death in Chunfen event)

3K View2023-08-25
Qui Bai is one of my most anticipated operators coming to Arknights global this year and she's finally here. Compared to majority of operators released in the last few months, she may not be as META but definitely a WAIFU
Going into the story (spoiler free), I knew it would be alot more personal and not really serve any of the overarching plotlines in Arknights (as it is a mini event story). Still the story managed to convey a great lesson in how "one injustice" even if for the betterment of everyone can spiral into "two injustice" and so on until eventually the good intent behind those actions initially are all faded away
The story did an excellent job of telling more of Qui Bai's life lessons she learned in her time wandering the lands of Yan and the beliefs she holds after affirming her conviction in the city of Yumen
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