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Knightcore: Sword of Kingdom
You only need a minute to win it ! My Knightcore Sword of the Kingdom Experience

You only need a minute to win it ! My Knightcore Sword of the Kingdom Experience

2K View2023-10-31
Can a game that's designed to be played in short bursts be an engaging experience in long stints?
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Man, I love short burst games. Keeps me coming back!


U Phoe Maw
U Phoe Maw



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Want to fight for less than 99 seconds? Knightcore: Sword of the Kingdom is a speedy strategy game
SHOULD I PLAY KNIGHTCORE: SWORD OF THE KINGDOM? Check it out if you’re looking for a simple, fast-paced strategy game you can play on the go, but skip it if you’re looking for a deep story or combat. Knightcore: Sword of the Kingdom offers small-scale battles that are over in 90 seconds or less. That’s a terrific game if you have a few minutes to kill, but I struggled to stay invested when I played for longer stretches of time. There are few cool side features, like minigames and some light kingdom building, but there’s not much to them. It’s clearly a game made to be played in short bursts, so if that’s what you’re looking for, you should give it a try. 
Honestly game is great for quick bursts. It's fun and keeps your entertained with all the different game modes/maps. I hate the fact you only get a certain amount of XP you can gain in a day. After you hit the limit there's not really much more point to keep playing. Other than that it's an okay time killer.
Drip Commander1K2022-11-15
the game is sooo relaxing, it can be called as an experience, but it only last 2-5 days because the story (only mode) is short.
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