Thank an anonymous commander for this walkthrough!
Here are some common tips you need to know in battles. Hope to help you get deeper understanding of this game. :)
Basic Rules in Battle
Normal attack: the attack initiates by heroes.
Skill: the active skill will take effect after activating it;
the passive skill no need to trigger, it will take effect all the time or reach a certain stage in battles;
the trigger skill needs a particular condition to trigger to take effect.
Front Row and Back Row
During the deploy stage for your team, the right row that only has two slots is the front row (red), and the left three slots are the back row (green.)
In battles, the enemy will attack your heroes who on the front row first except for some skills that force to target your heroes on the back row.
If both two heroes on the front row are killed, there are two situations.
1. One is all the heroes on the back row will become the enemy’s target if they are all melee attack or are all ranged attack.
2. The other is the melee hero will be the new enemy’s target and become front row hero, and the ranged attack hero still be back row.
(in the above picture, if the front row heroes ‘Black and Battle Angel’ died, Musashi will become the new front row hero because he is melee)
How does hero gain energy in battle?
1. Generally, hero will gain 10 energy from each normal attack even if ths normal attack trigger skill.
2. Hero will gain 5 energy from the damage of each normal attack or skill of the enemy. Suffering continuous damage (such as burn effect and bleed effect) will not gain energy.
3. Killing an enemy’s hero will gain 15 energy.
4. The max of energy bar is 100, hero could cast ultimate skill (1st skill) when energy reaching 100.
How does Sacred Beast gain energy in battle?
1. The Sacred Beast will gain 5 energy from each normal attack of enemy hero.
2. The Sacred Beast will gain 15 energy from each ultimate skill (1st skill) of enemy hero.
Introduction of Hero’s attributes.
Crit and EVA/DOD
1. If the attack is dodged, this attack cannot crit whatever how higher crit rate your hero has, and the target hero will only get 50% damage from this attack. (Damage reduction) And the EVA Effect could increase this damage reduction.
2. Both normal attack and skill could trigger dodge and crit. However, the continuous damage cannot crit or be dodged.
3. When the normal attack or skill crit, the damage will increase based on the CRIT DMG.
4. The number of crit damage shows in yellow color.
Type Counter
1. In the game, there are 6 types of heroes. Mech, Bio, Gene, Alien, Mystic and Legendary.
2. Mech counters Bio, Bio counters Gene, and Gene counters Mech. Alien and Mystic counter each other. And the Legendary doesn’t counter any type, also not type can counter Legendary.
3. Attacking a target with a countering type deals an additional 30% damage and increases ACC by 15%.
The formula of some attributes
Penetration/PEN: Target’s Defense*1/(1+your hero’s PEN%)
Heal/Heal effect: There are two formulas because of heal effect buff and heal effect debuff.
When heal effect buff% > heal effect debuff%
Formula is ‘the original heal amount*[1+(heal effect buff% -heal effect debuff%)]'
When heal effect buff% < heal effect debuff%
Formula is ‘the original heal amount/[1+(heal effect debuff% -heal effect buff%)]'
The damage of normal attack and skill can trigger lifesteal, and the continuous damage cannot trigger lifesteal.
Formula is ‘the final damage*lifesteal%’
Here you could check more explanations of in-game phrase:

Game Phrase
Wow, the section of Type counter was mind-blowing! I've been playing around without realizing Mech, Bio and Gene counter each other. That's a game-changer, mate. Thanks for the walkthrough!