
Games worth discovering

Aether Gazer


984 View2023-12-14
Thor is the latest S rank, thunder element Modifier of the Yggdrasil Gen-zone. Like any other variation of Thor, she is accompanied by her trusty hammer Mjolnir which she uses to bonk her enemies into oblivion.
Aether Gazer is a gaccha game where you should always priorities Waifu>META but there are some Modifiers that require "additional investments" to get the most out of them and I do feel like Thor is one of them.
If you haven't heard yet, Thor and S Osiris goes well together like hand in glove to the point, Thor is regarded as an indirect buff to S Osiris. They share an ultimate skill chain which boosts their damage by 35% for as long as S Osiris is in her transformation state (Judge of the Underworld mode).
In short if you have S Osiris, Thor is worth picking up in my opinion. On a quick note, Thor's signature functor boosts her damage alot which I will touch up on.
Regardless just remember, Waifu>META.
On first look, Thor seems like a straight forward Unga Bunga type and while your not completely wrong, there is a bit more happening behind the scenes that makes her kit work.
Traces, skills & ultimate transformation
Thor uses Trace for her combat resource which is generated by either using skills or doing her full basic attack combo. She can have a maximum of three Traces.
When thor use a skill with three traces available, she can consume all Traces to use a follow up "derivative" skill which I will refer to as enhanced skill for simplicity. Pressing the basic attack button after any enhanced skill will continue her basic attack combo chain from her 4th basic attack animation leading into her 5th basic attack animation alot faster to get back one Trace at the end of it.
Her ultimate skill transforms her hammer into a giant gauntlet called the Járngreipr. Afterwards Thor is in a state called Thunder Rage at which point, you can repeatedly tap the normal attack button to bonk enemies with her giant gauntlet until the transformation runs out.
ThunderCloud & Thunder Frenzy
ThunderCloud is a bar that fills up the more you attack and boosts your DPS. It will start to deplete if you can't keep up the pressure. You can have upto 100 ThunderCloud point and each 1 point (upto a maximum of 80 points) increases Thor's damage by 0.3%.
This part of her kit is something that will become second nature as you get more proficient with Thor.
Thunder Frenzy on the other hand is a core part of her kit which is triggered when you use a enhanced skill. In the Thunder Frenzy state, she is invincible for 1.5 seconds and does 15% more Thunder damage.
Celebrian, TrembleStrike & Járngreipr
Celebrian is Thor's signature functor, something I want to highlight as it can be a factor in whether you should pull for her or not.
In Thunder Frenzy state, each skill hit triggers thunderbolts which deals damage to enemies (500% of attack). Thunderbolts is usually triggered at the end of Thor's basic attack combo without her signature functor.
Each non enhanced skill grants her a stack which boosts her damage by 10% for each stack (maximum 3 stacks). Each stack lasts for 7 seconds and when she has 3 stacks, it is counted as having 4 stacks (just for added bonus!).
When you have 3 stacks, you want to use Thor's enhanced skill 3 called TrembleStrike. TrembleStrike consumes all the stacks and does TONS OF DAMAGE! Each stack increases enhanced skill 3 damage by 12%.
Finally, when Thor is using her giant gauntlet (Járngreipr) in her ultimate form (Thunder Rage), each attack she does gives her a stack (maximum of 3) which increases her damage by 12% per stack before the final blow that ends her Thunder Rage state.
In short, while all of these does ultimately add to "damage bonuses", Thor's signature functor just gives so much of it from additional thunderbolts to stacks that boosts her enhanced skill 3 and ultimate damage.
Sigils, Aether codes & Warp
The Eternal Chariot and Decree of the Waves sigil set are best for a non Omega Thor.
Yellow codes enables Thor to summon additional thunderbolts, extend her Thunder Frenzy state and reduce the cooldown of enhanced skill 3.
The warp system ultimately comes down to personal preference but Melee power up, Unfetter and Ultimate Equation are just too good to pass up for Thor.
I absolutely love her design and playstyle. Her animation are so fluid and flows well into one another. Her kit really makes you feel like your an unstoppable force that will stop at nothing to bonk the sh** out of your enemies.
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