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Torchlight: Infinite
Devs need priorities. Potential to be best current ARPG.

Devs need priorities. Potential to be best current ARPG.

262 View2024-01-11
Everything about this game is mint and a breath of fresh air to any ARPG enjoyer...until you tell your friend to try it and realize you have no way to group or interact with them at all. Devs desperately need to fix their priorities. Stop pumping out seasons that the small playerbase will enjoy, and fix the darn base game so you can see the insane amount of people waiting to come-back with their friends.
If you don't have friends to co-op with anyway, this will likely be the best ARPG you'll try.
- Smooth campaign/early leveling and skill progression lets you get used to the game style and your character exactly as you'd want.
- Combat is pretty much exactly what you'd expect, and your build will determine your pacing. Very responsive and feels extremely satisfying. A++ here.
- End-game "Mapping" and Boss systems feel like seamless transitions, and I would say are vey well done. Plenty to expand upon as you get stronger and want to make the content harder and more rewarding.
- Crafting system is wonderful. Initially it was missing hotkeys so you'd want to use your phone to avoid carpal tunnel when doing heavy endgame crafting...which was toxic...but the system itself was great AND they've been constantly improving it so 100% say Crafting is a win.
- Auction House is straightforward. Like anything else it can use some minor love but it's definitely a solid system, but missing the "sort by cheapest" feature ANY other A.H. would have...seemed a bit silly. But all-in-all it's a good system.
Short Summary - IF YOU'RE PURELY SOLO, this is 100% worth a try if you enjoy ARPGs at all. You won't be disappointed. IF YOU EXPECT TO CO-OP WITH FRIENDS...just avoid it.
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the  game is a lot of fun it’s got the core arpg battle system down . The characters are fast, abilities are unique and STRONG and all about the damage I played about 200 hours in the closed beta and enjoyed every character there fun quick cool downs and you feel strong the whole way through . The skill upgrade systems provide a lot of builds that you could go into with all the characters so plant of ways to go about your journey in the game.  That being said it does have flaws much like every game but so far it’s off to a great start and hopefully it continues
this game is by far the best arpg out to date. the graphics the gameplay everything. I'm proud to be a beta tester. the fact that there is no auto play is fantastic. I will stay off the path I will explore. one drawback is the talent menu. it needs to be simplified. only reason I understood it is because I played the previous beta. no for new players I think it may scare em a bit because you don't know if the skill you applied is active. but overall my experience sofar is amazing. I'm only 2hours in but oo my. it was worth the wait.
Hello everyone.Today I want to leave a review about this new game, so I'll start: We have a good ARPG with interesting game mechanics. 👍 Pros: WITHOUT AUTOBOY 👍 Pros: WITHOUT ENERGY(There are activities in the game that have a limited number of attempts per day and for which consumables are needed, but we can knock them out in other activities, so you can play for a very long time every day). 👍 Pros: Good amount of solo or cooperative content for 4 players(you can enter any dungeon solo, or 2-3-4 players and play together).
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