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Rainbow Six Mobile
Rainbow Six Mobile - Getout's Posts - TapTap

222 View2024-01-14
👎 Cons: Im giving it a 3 for now sincce there is so many bugs like the joystick bug and even tho i have a good internet Its still giving me bad latency since this game is still in closed beta i will give it a 3 for now.👍 Pros: The operators are pretty good its fun to play because there are skills that make the game a little harder like the kapkan op is very nice and Jager is a good defender op since i main Jager,
But please fix mostly the bugs and improve gameplay but thats all,thank you Ubisoft for this amazing game to come to mobile..
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io ha
io ha

Game isn't in closet beta, it's in soft release. You have bad latency because it doesn't have EU servers. Wait until next big update (18 days)


Getout Author

Ohh thats why, thank you for the info


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