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SS3 Crows Corner Community FAQ - Jan 31st

SS3 Crows Corner Community FAQ - Jan 31st

624 View2024-01-31

1/31 Corws Corner FAQ

Q:Depending on the map, certain memory fragments will drop (ex. Cocooned Flame).  But I don't remember seeing them in the rewards of the various gods, including the God of Machines.  I wonder if drops only come from monsters that appear when entering the map.
A:Only from monsters that can drop items.

Q:As a content creator, I make content that a lot of Free to Play players enjoy.  However, when I say something like "You should filter Flame Sand to make more FE per hour" I can't really show what I mean as the Advanced Auto Loot instantly picks it all up.It would be nice to be able to toggle off the Season Pass Advanced Auto Loot to show the difference for the F2P players."
A:You can cancel the Pactspirit Follow to close auto loot, and there is also an option to close auto loot in the settings.

Q:Can you lower the exp penalty?
A:No plans for now.

Q:Hi, currently both normal (max: 8) and corroded (max: 10) versions of the max agility blessing affix on Feline Steps don't affect your default cap of 4.  Could this be looked into, please?  :p
A:There seems to be a misunderstanding here. What this means is that the Agility Blessing Upper limit can be stacked up to x layers through other means, not that your Default Agility Upper limit will directly reach x layers. For example, if you get +12 layers of Agility Blessing Upper limit from other sources, it will still be limited to 8 layers due to the presence of Feline Steps. (You may consider modifying the description to prevent ambiguity)

Q:Hi!  Pls tell us something new about 4 and 5 chapters.  It's already the fifth season and the plot is still stuck.And btw, will you add missing six god trials (Knowledge and Deception)?"
A:The plan is still in progress. These matters have been designed and planned, but to be frank, the progress is relatively slow because the team's main focus is currently on adjusting some of the most basic gameplay experiences, such as the treasure hunting experience.

Q:How often do dot skills such as frost terra deal damage.  For example with a 1000 dps skill is this dealing 100 damage every 0.1 seconds or 10 every 0.01 or some other amount?
A:Persistent skills will show their Damage over Time (DoT) damage, such as Frost Terra's initial value being 8 points of Damage Over Time per second, and Flame Jet being 3 points of Damage Over Time per second.
(Damage is dealt every frame, which means damage is dealt every 0.033 seconds)

Q:Currently it is quite tedious to reroll mods while crafting, since most of the time you try to get one or two specific mods at a specific tier.  Are there any plans to improve this system, like for example automatic rerolls until you hit a specific mod/tier?
A:There are no such plans for now. However, it's a great suggestion, and we will consider it.

Q:Agility blessings.In comparison to focus and even tenacity it's a very weak mechanic to invest in.  It have very poor blessing generation mechanic, very weak traits (+2 maximum stack, waiting attack)Moreover Waiting attack doesn't even work in this season, it doesn't give any damage per blessing.Any buff or rework or bugfix for trait is planned for this mechanic? "
A:We have noticed this issue and are considering how to improve it.

Q:Would it be possible to get an option to disable certain loot/drop sounds of items?  Some are rather loud and really spammy (Energy core/Netherrealm reso).
A:We will observe and see how to optimize it.

Q:It seems like the City of Aeterna rewards are capped at tier 301 (110% quant, 63% add quant, 20% 5 copy tears).  I'm currently at tier 365, and the rewards are exactly the same as tier 301.  Before tier 301, there is usually an increase in rewards every 5-10 tiers.  Is this a bug or are the rewards capped at tier 301?
A:This is by design. After reaching a certain number of layers, the increase in layers will only increase the difficulty, not the rewards.

Q:Does "additional fluorescent memory dropped" affect bubbles from nightmares?does "additional fluorescent memory dropped" work inside POB or only kong's legendary trait?
A:It does not affect Nightmare bubbles. Only Kong's outer ring effect works.

Q:How do you feel about the current state of bow skills and bow in general?Is there any plan to get maybe a bow hero and new bow skills?"
A:Currently, the entire Attack Projectile system is not running very well, and we are trying to adjust it. We cannot reveal any new Heroes and skills for now, but we will work on good ideas when they come up.

Q:Currently in season Major Tallent "Mind blade" that adds Main hand weapon damage to spells no longer interacts with modifier "Adds X% of skills damage to base Wilt Damage", so base wilt damage no longer gets increased by adding "Mind Blade" which was working in previous seasons.  Is this a bug?
A:We have tested it and it is still effective. If there are any special circumstances, please provide them to us for further review.

Q:The Psalms of Aeterna Tree was reset in permanent server when the new season started.  Please, would you consider keeping the progress of the Psalms of Aeterna nodes in the permanent server without resting it when a new season launches ?
A:It's not easy to handle this separately for the time being. We will take this into consideration and address it later on.

Q:Do Minions of the same type summoned by one skill always have the same base damage?   Let's say I run a 2H axe with "%consumed life per Attack" and "added physical damage per recently consumed life"".  And Isomorphic arms are active.Now we have 2 Guards, one does his dash and loses life.  The other Guard did not attack.  Do both get the base damage from the Axe or only the one that attacked?  I assume only the one who attacked, but just making sure.``
A:You are correct.

Q:A 2H Staff has the same or sometimes worse Deep Dream Mods than a 1H spell weapon like a wand.  While 2H attack weapons have better deep dream moods than 1H attack weapons.  I assume this is not intended?
A:The Dream Affixes for Two-handed Wand and One-Handed Wand are from the same pool, and Attack Weapon is indeed as you said. This is by design, and we are observing the effects of this approach to see if any adjustments are needed.

Q:1)  "Removes the cast frequency limit on Spacetime Illusion", Does this mean the cast frequency is the same as the character self?  Does the increase/reduce Spacetime Illusion Cast Frequency still work on this?
2) I assume the Illusion's status is copied from character self, and there is a mod like ""+ Illusion damage, - character damage"", does the - character damage affect Illusion if it was copied from character?
3)  ""When Spacetime Illusion consumes Spell Burst, it also attempts to consume Spell Burst for Youga"", do these cast considers as character's or Illusion's?
4) From the above question, if I have 4 spell burst charges, Illusion cast 1 times and active spell burst, which means 1 + 4 = 5 itself.  And then it consumes my charges.  So in this situation, will it take only the charges or also the cast that active spell burst? (+ 4 times, or another 1 + 4 times?
A:1) It will be the same as the character itself, and the casting frequency will be invalid at this time.
2) It is derived from the Character Replicate. So -Character Damage will also affect the illusion.
3) Spells generated by the character's burst still count as the character's.
4) Since it is still the character's burst, it belongs to the player's independent 4 times.1)

Q:As a mobile player, and assuming that a lot of players are playing on mobile.  Running 8-4fully juiced maps takes me 1 min to run, and 3 to 5 minutes to go back and click the loot one by one.  Can this be solved by being able to long press the loot button like in PC, or allowing loot pets to loot FE as well.Please help, cause my finger has calluses already.
A:We are considering the option for stackable items to be picked up with a single click. However, due to the progress of the server opening, we cannot guarantee the exact timing of this feature's official implementation.
Q:Barrage: “Additional damage per wave” is it additive or multiplying?Also the candle , -43% additional damage per wave, ain't it a negative mod as a T0?"
A:It is cumulative. The design intent of the Affix on the Soul Candle is to make the first wave of damage higher and then decrease it, but there is currently no supporting gameplay designed for it, so we are considering making adjustments in the future.

Q:1)Will there be reruns for old seasonal pactspirits(like the cube of rapacity one or dark surge)?
2) Are there any plans to make the pity last  forever till you get a legendary, at least for the "Pactspirit boon" banner?"
A:Dark Surge Pactspirit has always been present in Past Memories.
The guaranteed Normal card drop will always be there, even when a new Season starts, it will carry over.The limited-time Card pool won't reset either, and the guaranteed drop count will carry over when it reopens.
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