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Pascal's Wager
Pascal's Wager - Mind Sound's Posts - TapTap

103 View2024-02-04
Really good "souls-like", but with a lot of its own unique touches; like the 'sanity' system, where fighting anything slowly makes you lose sanity and once at 0 you go mad and die while losing stats along the way (temporarily). The combat feels a bit sluggish and slow to respond to a degree, but still comfortable enough to get the job done. Story feels a bit rushed at times, but does a good job of establishing a mysterious narrative.
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a true soulslike rpg, but poorly optimized
Graphically it's beautiful, Even the combat mechanics aren't bad even if they're a bit slow, as a game it's really good, but the problem that arises is the optimization, it's so badly optimized that it runs terribly, with stutters and lag, or it closes, it's a game that if it solved this problem I would recommend it to all RPG and soulslike lovers on the go!
Its a very great game story and atmosphere wise. But classes do not feel unique, and your run 100% is decided by luck. It is too repetitive, and gets boring too quickly. It is one of thier newer games, but I'll take Soul Knight any day. It has too high of a learning curve, but after learning, it usually just revolves around getting a few specific items and desolating everything with no trouble at all.
good game, very similar to soul knight although this one is incredible
Alexander Rodriguez6192023-10-11
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