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Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
<Hero Stories> Britney was born in a family of alchemists.

<Hero Stories> Britney was born in a family of alchemists.

79 View2024-02-12
(Britney's story is hilariously short (which is deserved considering how much pain she's caused me)
Chapter 1: Dangerous Taboo
Britney was born in a family of alchemists. Her great great great grandmother had passed it down to her great great grandmother, who then passed it on to her daughter, and so on and so forth. However, Britney's mother died five years after Britney's birth, which left the task of teaching Britney alchemy up to her grandmother.
What made teaching Britney difficult was that Britney's mother never mentioned alchemy to Britney before she died. But it wasn't out of neglect - in fact, the village that Britney and her mother and grandmother lived in banned alchemy. Any alchemists were punished, and luckily for Britney, her grandmother got off with just an exile. Some people were burned alive, whereas others were tortured until they died. Even being connected to an alchemist could get a person hanged. Britney's mother, seeking to protect her daughter, decided to have Britney live a normal life.
Ignoring her mother's final wishes, Britney went to visit her grandmother every day. She would always bring a basket of fruit and some flowers, not caring about the consequences.
Chapter 2: Granny's Hood
Britney's grandmother lived in the forest next to the village. In this forest lived a werewolf who barely managed to eat anything - the villagers were always successful when it came to chasing the wolf away from their supplies. Hardly anyone went into the forest, either - the adults warned the children to never go in, scaring them with stories of evil fairies and man-eating creatures. The only person brave enough to enter the forest was Britney. But the wolf always had a hard time finding Britney and her grandmother. She always seemed to disappear whenever he was about to catch her.
Britney wasn't afraid of going into the woods. Her grandmother had crafted a cloak that hid Britney's breath from the wolf. But that wasn't the only reason why - the hood inhibited Britney's terrible side. The grandmother had only seen Britney's terrible side once, but it had scared her badly.
Even though Britney's grandmother had taken every measure she could think of, an accident still happened anyway...

Chapter 3: Werewolf's Scheme
One sunny morning, Britney was on her way to visit her mother. Everything seemed beautiful - the sunlight shone through the gaps between the leaves, the birds were singing their lovely songs, a few woodland critters playfully ran about, and the grass was a vibrant green. Nothing could possibly go wrong, right?
While Britney was walking, a gust of wind blew her hood off her head. It was just for a moment, but that was enough time for the wolf to catch Britney's scent. But the wolf didn't want to eat Britney just yet. It decided to stalk Britney so that it could find where her grandmother was living. Britney, unaware of the impending danger, happily skipped on her way.

Chapter 4: Werewolf's Assault
After a bit of skipping, Britney finally reached her grandmother's home. Her grandmother opened the door to let her in, and as she was about to close the door, the werewolf jumped out at her and knocked her out. Britney was absolutely terrified. The expression on the wolf's face, its sharp, bright claws, its massive body - all of it was too much for Britney to handle. Overwhelmed, Britney fainted dead away.
The wolf was euphoric. After months of having nearly nothing to eat, it finally had secured itself a meal that would keep its stomach full for a while. But the wolf couldn't eat every bit of them - no, it had to save some. Who knew when its next meal would be, after all. It would eat the old lady first and then save the girl for later. Its jaws watered as it thought about how they would taste. Licking its lips, it opened its mouth wide, preparing to chow down on Britney's grandmother...

Chapter 5: Evil Britney
(accurate description of Britney)
Just as the wolf's teeth closed down on the grandmother's stomach, someone's hand grabbed it by the ears and threw it so hard that it flew out of the house, tearing the door off its hinges. Britney's dark side had finally awakened.
With a demented smile, Britney stepped out of her grandmother's house. Her eyes fixed on the wolf as a shiver ran down its spine. Britney took a step forward, reaching into the basket she had brought with her. Scared, the wolf took a step back. Grabbing an apple, Britney tossed it up into the air, admiring its luscious color. Then, she gripped it hard, fingers digging into the flesh. Slowly, the appearance of the apple changed until it looked like...a bomb?
She tossed it up and caught it again. The wolf took another two steps back. Turning to the wolf, she smirked. Then, she lobbed the bomb at the wolf, moving so fast that the wolf could barely see it move. Reaching into her basket again, she threw an even bigger bomb at it this time.
The wolf was blown away by the explosions. The booms attracted the villagers nearby. Going into the forest, they found the grandmother's house and evil Britney, sneering at them with a malicious smile. She was dubbed a witch from hell when they saw the marks the explosions had made. The wolf was nowhere to be found...
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