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The Boss Rush Game Mode in Arknights Makes a Return! - Trials for Navigator #3

The Boss Rush Game Mode in Arknights Makes a Return! - Trials for Navigator #3

933 View2024-02-18
Trials for Navigator is a limited time boss rush game mode where you move continuously from one stage to another featuring different waves of enemies and bosses. This game mode can really test your tactical prowess as the "Doctor" of Rhodes Island whether it be your flexible strategies or brute forcing capabilities.
By completing objectives in Trials for Navigator, your also able to obtain a free outfit for Ceylon.


Survival of the Fittest (TN-1)

TN-1 features Pancho Salas and 'The Big Ugly Thing' as the bosses. Apart from that there aren't any other noteworthy elite mobs for me to keep an eye out for. As the name of the stage implies (survival of the fittest), I am going to show these poor enemies why they shouldn't mess with some of the dominating META operators in the game.
This stage was extremely easy and my squad was definitely over-kill. The first stage is always a warm up so I have no doubt that the next stages aren't gonna be this easy.

Blood and Terror (TN-2)

TN-2 sounds and looks terrifying, featuring Tola, the Blood Knight and the Damazti Cluster. The much dreaded light and darkness, back stabbing mechanic also makes a return along with the elite mobs 'Nightzmora Followers'.
All in all, this was much more easier and manageable than it was in the Near Light event. The Damazti Cluster boss fight was also a lot more straightforward compared to the hell stage encounter in chapter 11 and there were only 3 'Nightzmora Followers' elite mob enemies.
Either I have gotten really good at the game, my broken operators are carrying me hard or the devs are pulling their punches so far.

Deep in Danger (TN-3)

TN-3 is a bit of a headache. There are many Arknights Doctors that still haven't recovered from PTSD due to dealing with Seaborns in Stultifera Navis event. This stage isn't holding back with all of the bosses and enemies being from the Seaborn faction.
Bishop Quintos and 'The First To Talk' are relatively easy to deal with but the 'The Endspeaker ' can be a pain to deal with especially when it is accompanied by these elite mobs:
Nourished Founders spawn sea brand at the location of their death so using silence to disable it is almost a must do. Nourished Predator has 90% dodge rate and if they are on a sea brand tile, they cannot be blocked. Nourished crawlers will spew corrosion damage around their location as they lose HP so it's often wise to take them down from range. Nourished ReadBreaker is extremely tanky while hitting like a truck.
Lappland still remains as the most reliable source of silence in the game. Lumen was also helpful in removing the stun CC applied on allies when corrosion reaches it's max threshold. Totter and Horn are always reliable picks for snipping heavy enemies from a distance and Pozemka shows the Endspeaker why she is META.

Path of the Faithful (TN-4)

TN-4 is the final stage for this season of Trials for Navigator. Since the stage proclaims to be a "test of faith", I decided to pull out my fully invested Abyss Hunter Squad. Them paired together with Texas alter and Pozemka is gonna pass any trials of faith. Not even Andoain with his dodge field, domain expansion BS will stop them.
Honestly the most difficult part of this stage was not bopping my head to the boss theme music which often times can cause silly mistakes.
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So glad I pulled Lappland and Lumen. Silence never felt so good.


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