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Tower of Fantasy
Tower of Fantasy - Food-chan's Posts - TapTap

703 View2024-02-20
This is a review experience in mobile.
I was present at both cn beta testing, cn open beta, global beta testing and finally global released.
I remember writing a review in the cn version what I experienced even with the language barrier. I don't think I could describe it again, especially thats like double review XD.
The memories this game gave me was both bad and good, while I did have bad memories it's actually fun to talk about it cause I like to brag ig lol.
I tried so many mmorpg game in mobile and that's also how easily I drop them. Idk why? Ig I was looking for the mmorpg feeling that I wanted. Did tower of fantasy have it? Yeah, but probably just 50%.
Bruh I remember getting a special box that let me randomly get a character/weapon from SR (4 stars) and SSR (5 stars) dude and you get that from exploringgg and luck.
What did tower of fantasy give me?
• Good memories of guild helping one of another defeating the world bosses. I promised you it's hard to solo, I don't even know if you can solo it.
• The generosity from the developer that gave me hope after being deprived by *ahem* game with letter G.
• The freedom to literally climb anything. I remember spending my Christmas trying to reach the tower and it wasn't even that huge tower in the first planet, I forgot what it was called but it's like the hub where you got the motorcycle, if you reach the top you'll get a reward actually.
• Guild and ranks. The thrill to see your guild making into the top and also your guild mates getting ranks, felt like I won the battle even though I wasn't doing anything.
• Combat and Combos - Dude! Imagine Genshin but like got the honkai combat and combos, like even just running have different attack and you can chain and such. Up to you.
What I don't recommend for new users?
• Ranks - if you don't have the time to grind and want to be a casual player, ignore this idea. Also if the server already been there from the start, I don't think you could defeat ranks there, you should join a new server but it's going to be somewhat dead. But then again up to youuu, everyone have different fun.
And I don't remember what else not to recommend, if I do I'll add it. For now that's it.
Story Wise? I know I might sound mean, I didn't really pay attention. I guess it wasn't clicking well with me? I didn't play that long after being destroyed by unicorn part grind other than that, that's when I realized it's really grindy for me and I was getting busy at that time.
Overall very nice mmorpg if you want to feel genshin but a bit better in terms of exploration, puzzles (I found there puzzles more interesting), gacha, combat and co-op/multiplayer.
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Totally get what you're saying about the language barrier man, it can be tough.


Food-chan Author

rightt especially when trying to finished some side quest and u dk what they want cause some ask for items and the translation app is so off haha xd


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Vasto Lorde
Vasto Lorde

i totally get that feelin of wanting an mmo that fulfills our unconscious conditions.....we just can't find it and drop these mmos like 5 days in... any suggestions for good mmos?


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