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Blood Strike
thoughts on blood strike

thoughts on blood strike

450 View2024-04-01
👍 Pros: its really good for low end devices quite frankly im surprised it worked on my phone cuz its really bad with high end games (iphone 6 btw)
getting a upgrade in a few days
👎 Cons: not enough content its fun really but its getting boring ive already tried out all the guns and now im just killing time until they give the game a cool update people complain about the graphics but i don’t btw needs more guns to keep interesting and also needs tdm (how does a fps not have a tdm)
bugs🐞: sometimes the bullets don’t register and costs me sometimes but its not frequent just happens time to time
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Daniel du Plessis
Daniel du Plessis

Blood strike sucks, It is hypocritical and sets you up to be the moving target for the rich I am going to remove my account and stuff that.


LLR☔️ Author



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it does have tdm my G just select it above start match like you would in codm or wzm


LLR☔️ Author

no it doesn’t the closest thing we have to that is hotzone


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Baby Princess
Baby Princess

"iphone 6 used to be so powerful, they showcased its power and graphics capability by showing how smoothly the new and upcoming game Vain Glory ran on it" It still works and runs Blood Strike in 2024 onw of the last good 3 device# before Jobs died and apple turned poopoo ( ✖ ︿ ✖ )


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🎨 Graphics: Graphic's is amazing and also it can be played on low end phone's like mine. 🕹️ Controls: Control's are Good and control's also can be customized. 👎 Cons: Are that there is not a lot of gun's and content. 👍 Pros: Blood strike is a very fun game and time consuming in a good way. 💖 Overall Experience: Blood strike is the best game I played so far.
Blood Strike review
🎮 Gameplay: Blood strike is a FPS whit 4 modes: Battle Royale, Hot Zone, Weapon Master, and Squad Fight. 🕹️ Controls:  The controls reminds me a lot Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2019. Anyway the controls are very smooth. 🎨 Graphics: The graphics are kinda okay but not to crazy to be in 2024 🎵 Sound: The sounds in Blood Strike are pretty unique but not to crazy. 🎼 Music: The music are very similar to other FPS or TPS so it's not that crazy.
A Sad Review for BLOOD STRIKE
For a game that has high expectations, and promises. This game has caused me too many problems, not with the players but with the game itself. When the beta test was announced I was lucky enough to find a spot on their list and play the game. The beta test was smooth and I had no problems whatsoever. That is not until soft launch and official release. I managed to get to diamond rank 2 and start playing seriously. That's when I started having connectivity issues, the game bugging out, crashing, character problems, HUD problems, even the game just freezing altogether. The experience was awesome during the game. I had some of the best fun during the game when first release came around, but the truth is, is that it had more bugs during its final release than during its beta and soft launches. I recommended this game to those who have certain low end devices and mid end devices. It was a decent game while it lasted. It's graphics and texture are decent, not the best, but decent. I recommend this to anyone who can't afford to play games that take tolls on their device. 3 out of 5 stars, my HONEST review.
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