🎮 Gameplay: the gameplay is valid play your cards right and your granted the win and it also has a huge roster of brawlers *78* to be exact with each to match your kind of play style utilize their abilities to their fullest potential and remember have fun! the game also had ranked which isnt hard to hard to scale so ye
why 👎 Cons: for some mystery reason brawl stars developers decide to make characters op for no reason then put heavy nerfs on them like why? then they FUCKING DECIDED THAT REMOVING BOXES WAS THE RIGHT MOVE but anyway what do i know
🕹️ Controls: very simple
🎨 Graphics: a cartoony style the graphics are decent u cant change it i think
📖 Storyline: pretty sure they have a horror project of this game theme park type of flow
💰 Value for Money: alot of skins i wont bother buying but there very cool ngl
now for the good stuff⬇️⬇️
it takes up 1gb of storage and works with ios and android
🐞 Performance: works fine with most devices except mine :<
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