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Sky: Children of the Light
Sky: Children of the Light - Oleksii Zakharov's Posts - TapTap

330 View2024-04-23
Sky is digital fairytale ❤️ It's slow game, where you don't need to rush.
I played Sky long time ago, but get boring. After announcing Sky for PC i decided to come back and it enjoys me alot.
👍 Pros:
- Stunning graphic
- Interesting mechanic
- It's social mmo!
- Simple controls
- Now we can have own nest! (Decorate own house)
👎 Cons:
- Can be repetitive
- On mobile graphics too blurry. On pc it's looks perfect
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cons 👎: overpriced cosmetics in collab :)


Oleksii Zakharov
Oleksii Zakharov Author

Yeah, agreed


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Sky: Children of the Light Review. PROS and CONS
I really enjoyed playing Sky: Children of the Light, its a nice relaxing game for a change, and it really helps to chill after a stressful day. This is a visual, musical and social experience with a background story that is being told without any words. Sky: Children of the Light Gameplay Sky: Children of the Light is a visual adventure, where you will play as a kid carrying a magical light that can restore your fellow souls to life and saving them. You can use magical candle and share your light with the surroundings. It makes other candles light up, spirits rejoice and you can also interact with other players
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