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Call of Duty: Mobile Season 2
The official upcoming Season 5 weapon balancing 🎁

The official upcoming Season 5 weapon balancing 🎁

29 View2024-05-15
- MG42 - movement speed reduced, bullet impact reduced, ADS speed reduced
- LW3-Tundra - ADS time increased
- Echo - pellet spread increased (BR only)
- Equalizer - duration time reduced
- Trip Sensor - duration reduced
- Molotov Cocktail - duration reduced
- M13 - bullet impact increased
- ASM10 - reload speed increased
- Bruen MK9 - damage multiplier increased
- Dingo - damage multiplier increased
- M4LMG - damage multiplier increased
- Holger 26 - ADS movement speed increased
- Groza - range increased
- Havoc - score required reduced, charging speed increased
- SAM Turret - score required reduced
- Concussion Grenade - range increased
- Flash Drone - range increased
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