So I chose Jianxin from the "5 star exclusive selector "...
Giving a no-effort 5-star selector is a genuine Kuro thing, and honestly, there aren't many companies as generous and sincere as Kuro Games. They truly make an effort to listen to and understand their player base before make an update live. One of their earlier titles, "Punishing: Gray Raven," is a great example of an well-prepared game. Although it has undergone numerous updates, where it can be overwhelming for newbies, but it compensated with a hood of rewards and great opportunities for non-spenders to earn gacha currencies and enjoy plenty of the game content without having to scratch their heads.
It's dozen times more generous than GenshiT was or will ever be, that's for sure ~
Got jianxin at 80 pity... Got verina at 20 tho
Nah bro you're too lucky😭
I got jiyan in my 1st 10 pull so I do be agreeing with that princess dolly person. Wuwa really is generous just like PGR.