Post Your Most Fashionable ROM Casual Wear!
RO:M Arena is hosting our first Academy Awards for May 2024 under the category of Most Fashionable ROM Casual Wear. The category will be opened to both Male and Female category with 10 nominees each and for all servers, SEA, GLOBAL and EU.
1. How to Participate? Step 1: Publish a public post with the following details: a) An image of your in-game most fashionable casual wear b) Mentioned Game: Ragnarok M: Eternal Love and include relevant tag like #MMORPGThatKeptMePlaying c) Title: YourIGN is joining RO:M Arena Most Fashionable Casual Wear May 2024 d) Thoughts: Joining RO:M Arena Most Fashionable Casual Wear May 2024 or Description of Your Selected Wear Region and Server: Character ID: Discord ID: Male or Female Category: For example: Region and Server: SEA EL Character ID: 9876543210 Discord ID: noi Male or Female Category: Female
ROM Arena3942024-05-20
Come everyone and play with us.
It would be much better if you took a photo without the name.
I took a photo in this way so that the name of the habit from other events would appear.
How did you get the character's arms to open to the side?
Costume animation