
Games worth discovering

Sword of Convallaria: For This World of Peace
Truly a phenomenal game that blends Strategy Tactics and RPG with open ended choice based storyline

Truly a phenomenal game that blends Strategy Tactics and RPG with open ended choice based storyline

859 View2024-10-01
Hi fellow taptap gamers let me share to you the game that ive been playing for the past few weeks. SWORD OF CONVALLARIA is a truly unique game where strategy and tactics plays a huge role in the story driven narrative. The world building in this game is fully fleshed out and the game has high production value in terms if content, voice acting storylines and cutscenes and animations. What i love most about this game is the environmental factors that you can use strategically to your advantage to even the odds. When outnumbered you can push boulders to roll over massive mobs use archers to light up and burn the the ground by hitting explosive barrels and even push enemies over a ledge and make them fall of the map. Spike traps and even mud and sludge and other cool thinga truly ground breaking amazing tactical depth in an RPG. Also there are so many ways to build your squad. This is the only gacha true and fair gacha for F2P ive seen where time limited new characters are PERMANENTLY ADDED to regular banner which means you can obtain all characters from regular pulls. Also the gacha pull rates are high and there are so many events and ways to earn luxite to pull for heroes :) there is also a massive story campaign from what ive hear over 120+ or more hours with nice japanese voice acting. There is also a semi pvp mode where you can set defenses and challeng other players and try to break through and seige their fortress. Lastly the game has a time travel alter your destiny mechanic which allows you to manage a mercanary guild with a small town establish relationships with different factions (Kings army, papal states, union, vlder, alaman traders, darklight and more) and through choices and doing quests affect the overall storyline and standing with these factions altering this modes ending you can recruit heroes in your tavern train them forge weapons heal them with rest and deploy them to protect caravans and so much more. There are puzzle like missions where you have to discover howw to win the battle or defend your objective and even stealth based gameplay. What are you waiting for this game is a must play a truly phenomenal well made game by XD entertainment.
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