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BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG Reviews

BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG Reviews

why you need to play brown dust

It won't even allow me to post a YouTube link enough said. One word "fan service"
why you need to play brown dust
BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG
BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG

BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG News

Why play brown dust?
《棕色塵埃2》賽季活動「SCHOOL CRISIS」開跑,開啟青春的校園戀愛吧!


這遊戲真的太大,哦不是,太棒了!原以為這是一款平平無奇的戰棋遊戲,沒想到有這麼色高品質的美術製作,以及高自由度的劇情探索內容,讓我這個沒有玩過前作的人,突然想去玩玩全系列了。這真的是戰棋遊戲! 這是新出的角色白雪 🌺美術品美術品質炸裂的戰鬥演繹 反正我編隊全靠XP,雖然必殺動畫可以關閉,但我還是選擇了“每次觀看”。這樣的結果就是,我是沒有辦法跨戰力打過BOSS的。 💡養成有点困難,關卡也有点困難 養成環節,不管是鍛造還是精煉,在屬性強化上隨機性比較強,所以整體的養成線就拉得比較長了。關卡就不用說了,超難關卡都有非常強的策略性,把敵方單位推到另一個敵方單位碰撞後,會造成與自身面板無關但與推動單位生命百分比有關的傷害,而這個設定可以讓很多超過自身戰力2倍的關卡,被跨戰過關。 🖊️橫豎隨意切換 不管是戰鬥中,劇情中還是待機界面,甚至是登入界面,遊戲都可以通過翻轉手機絲滑切換橫豎屏。(單手操作豎屏當然是更符合習慣啦😆)
BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG
BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG

Brown Dust 2 one of the best gacha's this year or just another dump in this hell hole?

🎬 Presentation: Brown Dust 2 is the sequel to Brave Nine that was before known as BrownDust at least that's what I think? So I joined this game with the release of the PC and found it (tldr) to be a pretty pleasant experience and hence downloaded the mobile client as well. 📖 Storyline: 🎵 Sound: The story I won't comment much on it since I haven't really dived too deep yet, but one thing it's good at is really making it feel like an actual fantasy anime. The stellar voice acting (fully voice acted) really helps too. As I delve further into this review you'll understand why I think the story not only benefits from it's writing but equally from it's world. You start off with a classic join the adventure guild trope story. Which tbh I wasn't enticed by, but then after completing the small prologue I was put into the story of "traveling girl" as you'll see in the pics. Not sure if it's because I got her as a unit or it just supposed to be like this, but her story so far is very immersive with it's town, and characters you're introduced too and her own little secret. Sure there's good writing but there's also the fact that the world around you is so beautiful like something from the Octopath series. Music is amazing as well! Also, takes you back to traditional final fantasy RPGs, and not to mention the day, and night function just adds up to the rpg experience. Though having played the reverse 1999 cbt I wouldn't say it's on the same level story wise.
Brown Dust 2 one of the best gacha's this year or just another dump in this hell hole?
BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG
BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG

Play or Pass???

Total size when I play this game is 6,24 GB, genre : adventure, turn-based tactics RPG, 12+. One of the RPGs that focuses on fan service for female characters in this game. There are 4 system languages, English, Korean, Japanese and China (Taiwan). And there are also 2 voice languages, Korean and Japanese. One of the unique things in the game is the battle mode selection animation, because there is a story mode which looks like an old Nintendo cassette. That we can choose, there are 3 packs that we can play, story pack, character pack, and special pack,
Play or Pass???
BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG
BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG

Brown dust 2 : One of the Best Adventure RPG!!!

This game is simply amazing, there is a lot of character and variety of battle mechanic you can use in battle. This also include ability to craft all your character gears and the crafting gear stat can match exclusive gear sometimes. Another thing is that this game developers are very generous with event rewards and listen the players' voice and suggestions. Gacha system is also very generous, you get free 1 draw daily in all event banner and that counts toward pity system. Besides the game is completely beatable for non-spender.
Brown dust 2 : One of the Best Adventure RPG!!!
BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG
BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG

Why not try BD2?

It's cute, cozy and...
Why not try BD2?
BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG
BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG

BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG Guides

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