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Clash Mini Reviews

Clash Mini Reviews

The game offers a fresh and condensed take on the beloved Clash franchise.

One of the standout features of Clash Mini is its simplicity and ease of understanding, making it enjoyable for both new players and seasoned Clash veterans. The game strikes a good balance between being approachable for casual gamers while still offering strategic depth for those who want to dive deeper into the gameplay mechanics. The inclusion of various game modes and the constant addition of new content keeps the experience fresh and engaging.
The game offers a fresh and condensed take on the beloved Clash franchise.
Clash Mini
Clash Mini

CLASH MINI - New Patch, New Game Mechanics, New Decks! // GAMEPLAY [iOS/Android]

Clash Mini is an Auto Chess/ Auto Battler in Clash Supercell universe! Build your deck of units, go into one of 3 game modes and outwit your opponent using Strategy and Tactics. This video review of Mobile/ PC/ Console Game will show you some gameplay and help you to decide if you should invest your time into this game, we will discuss game mechanics, combat, progression, mechanics and f2p or p2w aspect of the game made in 2024. ❤️ HELP ME REACH 20 000 FOLLOWERS 🔔 FOLLOW FOR MORE GAME REVIEWS 🌲 LINKTREE (ALL THE LINKS):
CLASH MINI - New Patch, New Game Mechanics, New Decks! // GAMEPLAY [iOS/Android]
Clash Mini
Clash Mini


This is literally the best game to spent your quick breaks on, the matches usually take a minute or two so yeah as a working person I would say this is best for me. My favourite is the archer  queen always has been my favourite since COC to minis . In my opinion Archer queen has the best ability in clash mini , everyone should try it just put some tanky minis in front row and put your queen and some more long range damage dealer like archer , wizard or like spear goblin with her this would be some easy lineup .
Clash Mini
Clash Mini

Clash Mini News

Clash Mini丨Shutting down on April 25, all before even hitting the global stage.
Clash Mini|Event has ended, come and see if you're on the winner's list!
Clash Mini | Community Event #2: Show off your game achievements!
Get Ready for a Massive Clash Mini Update! Join us for the TapTap x Clash Mini Event


作為Supercell的忠實粉絲,我對這個廠商算是既愛又恨。愛的是它總能做出符合我審美的遊戲。Supercell擅長提取一個玩法最核心的本質,以非常簡潔的形式呈現給玩家,來展示它對遊戲的深刻而高明的理解。既能做到玩法堅實,具有重複可玩價值,又能做到不浪費玩家時間,在遊戲裡的每一分每一秒都能轉化成充足的快樂。 恨的是我最愛的遊戲被它給砍嘍😡本著精益求精的目標,Supercell經常把他們自認為不夠好的遊戲給砍掉。而這款Clash Mini看上去有希望成為Supercell遊戲大逃殺裡的吃雞贏家,不僅存活一年絲毫沒有縮減經費的跡象,還能不斷進行更新,讓遊戲的內容變得更豐富。 遊戲名:Clash Mini 平臺:Android  iOS 類型:自走棋 公平對戰 Clash Mini的玩法像是皇室戰爭的基礎上加入了自走棋的羈絆、升星等要素。整體流程更類似自走棋。玩家購買棋子,佈置棋子的戰場位置,和對手battle分出勝負,然後進入修整時間,購買新的棋子,這樣迴圈下去,直到一名玩家獲勝三次,取得最終的勝利。
Clash Mini
Clash Mini


遊戲名:Clash Mini 平臺:Android   iOS 類型:自走棋 公平對戰 ✨高度精簡的自走棋玩法,先贏對方三局就算勝利! ✨快節奏對戰,5分鐘一局,玩自走棋終於不用憋尿了! ✨沒有養成不靠抽卡,這才叫公平競技! ✨大量收集元素提供長線目標,角色、表情、棋盤……皮膚品質都很高! 最開始入坑自走棋失敗就是憋尿憋不住🤣 動不動一局30分鐘對膀胱太小的人真的很不友好😥 終於有遊戲解決了這個痛點! Supercell新出的這款Clash Mini大幅簡化了自走棋的玩法 但又保留了精髓 羈絆增幅、同名合成升星和公平對戰一個要素都不少 卻能把單局時間壓到5分鐘左右 非常適合碎片時間多但整塊時間少的玩家! 遊戲裡可收集的內容也很豐富 升級角色可以解鎖表情,打天梯還能獲得皮膚 感覺這次像是要長期運營了~果斷入坑啦~
Clash Mini
Clash Mini


🪄基於經典皇室Clash IP打造的衍生遊戲,快節奏自走棋玩法,在遊戲中自由的收集不同類型的棋子進行陣容的組合搭配,和不同的對手戰鬥,打敗所有的對手就可以獲得遊戲的勝利。 🪄局內角色的站位與陣容選擇十分關鍵,有策略地布局选角组卡池,应对不同的局势才能击败对手。 🪄每個角色有自己的職業屬性和不同類型的能力,通过收集、召喚和升級迷你軍隊,打造专属的战斗阵容。 🪄每局時間3~5分鐘,共5回合的戰鬥,有1V1與8人對戰兩種模式。 - 🎮遊戲名:Clash Mini 🕹️平臺:iOS/Android
Clash Mini
Clash Mini


My favorite hero is countess (Because of his teleport and the health regeneration after him, it's very good for my strategies), and by the way if you want a game to pass the time clash mini is a good option. unfortunately it is not yet available in my country and neither is the language in the settings, I really hope that support arrives and that the game grows, I don't want it to be another abandoned game in the Supercell beta. 
Clash Mini
Clash Mini


This game, in my opinion, was one of the best games that supercell created, not only because of the gameplay but also because of how well designed and how cute the characters are, many of them seem super cute to me, like the mini pekka, the nagic archer and the little archer, but apart from the heroes that I liked would be the barbarian king, the monk and the skeleton king since they are super epic characters because of their skins and also because of the abilities they have, my final score for the game is 10/10 one of the best games supercell could put out
Clash Mini
Clash Mini


"In all of my honesty, I just see this yesterday and with the event of having a chance to win some prize for telling what #MyFavClashMiniHeroes you've been liking. But as I have played it so far, the game itself is a great gift". #MyFavClashMiniHeroes is no other than the Barbarian itself. I have chosen it for it was one of tthe first hero to have during my clash of clans game then they make a game like this a mix of clash royal with a bit of battleship vibes. Second is look at cute passive hehe And lastly, it's the classic the barbarians will always be the classic to clash of clans like game.
Clash Mini
Clash Mini

YouTube's Fastest Clash Mini Beginner Guide & Review [Best Tips + Pros and Cons]

A fast beginner guide and review of Clash Mini, including the best Clash Mini tips and tricks I wish I had known when I started playing. #ClashMini #MobileGames Get awesome perks + early access on Patreon: https://bit.ly/2U6CZkU Clash Mini is Supercell's take on the Auto Chess genre, and I think they might have a winner on their hand if they play their cards correctly (no pun intended, haha :p). Let me know what you think, and be sure to share your own tips for progressing fast and winning more Clash Mini matches.
YouTube's Fastest Clash Mini Beginner Guide & Review [Best Tips + Pros and Cons]
Clash Mini
Clash Mini

CLASH MINI - Strategic Depth in a Simple Looking Autobattler // QUICK REVIEW [iOS/Android]

Clash Mini is an Auto Chess/ Auto Battler in Clash Supercell universe! Build your deck of units, go into one of 3 game modes and outwit your opponent using Strategy and Tactics. This video review of Mobile/ PC/ Console Game will show you some gameplay and help you to decide if you should invest your time into this game, we will discuss game mechanics, combat, progression, mechanics and f2p or p2w aspect of the game made in 2024. ❤️ HELP ME REACH 20 000 FOLLOWERS 🔔 FOLLOW FOR MORE GAME REVIEWS 🌲 LINKTREE (ALL THE LINKS):
CLASH MINI - Strategic Depth in a Simple Looking Autobattler // QUICK REVIEW [iOS/Android]
Clash Mini
Clash Mini


I started playing when the open beta was first released but after a month I got to a point where there wasn't much else I could do so I stopped while keeping up with the updates through my favourite content creators. The most recent update was so big I just had to try the game again but even with all the new heroes and mini's my favourites haven't changed. Countess used to be the most fun hero before and I can confirm she still is, although now she has good competition like the Skeleton King who would be a close second or Queen Archer who does much better now with the recent changes than she did before.
Clash Mini
Clash Mini

Mini Prince upgrade overview!

Is your tier list having Prince in S row yet?! Which upgrades do you go first with?
Mini Prince upgrade overview!
Clash Mini
Clash Mini

Clash Mini gameplay

The game, which is a spin-off of the popular Clash franchise, offers a simplified and condensed version of the strategic gameplay found in its predecessors. I appreciate the bite-sized matches and quick gameplay sessions that Clash Mini provides, making it suitable for on-the-go gaming. The charming graphics and familiar Clash characters also add to the game's appeal.
Clash Mini
Clash Mini


👉🏻一款快節奏自走棋策略遊戲。 🪄基於經典皇室Clash IP打造的衍生遊戲,在遊戲中自由的收集不同類型的棋子進行陣容的組合搭配,和不同的對手戰鬥,打敗所有的對手就可以獲得遊戲的勝利。 ‼️喜歡自走棋、策略的,🉑️下載體驗啦 - 🎮遊戲名:Clash Mini 🕹️平臺:iOS/Android ✅自走棋|策略|桌遊|風格化 🪄 🌀 局內角色的站位與陣容選擇十分關鍵。 ⭕️ 自定義卡池,由1名英雄+5名迷你奇兵組成。 💗 收集、召喚和升級你的迷你軍隊。 💡 每個角色有自己的職業屬性和不同類型的能力。 👥 1V1與8人對戰兩種模式。 🕐 每局時間3~5分鐘,共5回合的戰鬥。
Clash Mini
Clash Mini

Is Clash Mini Worth Your Time? Pros and Cons

Clash Mini is a pretty new auto chess/ auto battler from Supercell. Can it reach depth of other Clash games. Lets take a look? In this article we will talk about both good and bad sides of Clash Mini so you can decide if this is the right game for you. PROS 1. Auto Chess made simple Clash Mini takes Auto Chess / Auto Battler genre and makes it simpler and easier to comprehend. Now you just need to win 3 times to win the match, amount of units you can place is very limited, battlefield size is tiny too. After all its called Mini for a reason.
Is Clash Mini Worth Your Time? Pros and Cons
Clash Mini
Clash Mini


Clash Mini is a spinoff from Clash series including Clash of Clans, Clash Royale and others. This time its Auto Battler / Auto Chess and its really fun. Supercell made autobattler simple and easy. But this doesnt mean that it doesnt have usual supercell strategy depth, like in other games. Lets take a look? This video review of Mobile/ PC/ Console Game will show you some gameplay and help you to decide if you should invest your time into this game, we will discuss game mechanics, combat, progression, mechanics and f2p or p2w aspect of the game made in 2023.
Clash Mini
Clash Mini


Clash Mini, one of the three new Supercell games to become well-known globally, has now become the talk of the town in the Supercell community. Since more players are getting into the game now, I'll help you with all my experience and knowledge with this game, Thank you TapTap for this opportunity. Introducing the Basics of Clash Mini Clash Mini is almost similar to Clash Royale, but instead of 3 towers, you have to play on a chess-like board with 5 lanes. You can place your units anywhere, and so can the enemy place their units anywhere. The strategy element comes in when you have to properly position your units so they don’t get hit by powerful abilities or units like the Miner. Since we have started talking about battles, let’s see what a Battle Deck exactly means in Clash Mini
Clash Mini
Clash Mini


🎮 遊戲名:Clash mini 平台:安卓/iOS 類型:自走棋丨策略丨桌遊 🌟 經典IP打造的衍生遊戲 策略棋盤遊戲,在合適的位置放置你的軍隊 分為英雄+mini小兵,配備好一支優秀的團隊 預判對手的位置,選擇用弓箭手、魔法師還是重量型大塊頭 誰先獲得總共三局的勝利,就能贏下最終的皇冠 不斷收集壯大自己的小兵,給他們升級+學習技能 超易上手,畫風可愛,設計簡潔
Clash Mini
Clash Mini
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