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Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales Entertainment

Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales Entertainment

<Hero Stories> It's Robin~! Time!

Alright so we starting with Robin bc Robin is the greatest :> ✦Chapter 1: Marksman Robin✧ Once upon a time, there were two intelligent boys who lived in a poor village, named Jack and Robin. The residents of this village were forced to become thieves because they were far too poor to live otherwise. Out of all of them, Jack was the smartest thief - he chose the most difficult targets and escaped unscathed every time. Robin had been one of the thieves working with Jack, but as Jack grew more and more famous, Robin became jealous of Jack's exploits. As a result, he decided to do something else entirely. Since Robin was an extremely skilled marksman, he stopped stealing and gathered some of his fellow oppressed peasants to rise up against the rich. Robin also decided that, while Jack was unknown by everyone, Robin would become famous.
<Hero Stories> It's Robin~! Time!
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

Happy Chinese New Year~ Dear Dreamer🏮

It's said that people gain three pounds during the Chinese New Year. Come to the land of Oz and see if your beloved handsome guys and beautiful ladies have changed. They have been waiting for you for a long time.
Happy Chinese New Year~ Dear Dreamer🏮
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

What are you waiting for? Dear dreamer❤

- Beyond the Tales - the Wildest Idle Adventure RPG. - Marvelous Exploration | Epic Fairy-tale World. - Rich Rewards | Claim 1001 Summons. - Deck Evolution | Abundant Strategic Combinations. - Gorgeous Battles | Thrilling Showdowns.
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales News

Dark Grimm' Fairy Tales | Wish Party (Includes Gift Code)
A Big Thank You for Your Support in the Oz World! (Gift Code Included)
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales - New Event | King Street
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales - New Event | Dynamic Concert

<Hero Stories>Many called her "Goddess Bella," for she was beautiful, kind, and rich.

Chapter 1: Goddess Bella There was once a small town named Green. It was just like every other town - peaceful and quiet. However, the one thing that set this town apart from the others was its most beloved resident: Bella. Many called her "Goddess Bella," for she was beautiful, kind, and rich. Every day, many of her admirers would line up at her door,  asking her out on dates and giving her gifts. However, Bella didn't love any of them - she appreciated their effort, but none of them were gentle or thoughtful enough.
<Hero Stories>Many called her "Goddess Bella," for she was beautiful, kind, and rich.
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

<Hero Stories> One snowy evening, a lonely girl was selling matches on the side of the street.

Chapter 1: Match Girl One snowy evening, a lonely girl was selling matches on the side of the street. No one noticed her, much less bought her matches. Moving from spot to spot, she eventually came across a luxurious house. When she looked through the window, she saw a large Christmas tree and several children with their hands full of candy. It all made her think of her deceased grandmother, who had always been gentle with the girl and always showed and love affection for her. After crying for a bit, she moved away from the house and continued to walk until she was far too hungry to continue. With her stomach growling, she entered an alleyway.
<Hero Stories> One snowy evening, a lonely girl was selling matches on the side of the street.
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

<Hero Stories> Cindy, so where is your shoe?

Chapter 1: Cindy Despite being changed into an entirely different person, Cindy still looked a lot like Sophie. After the three mice used Frog Princess' crystal ball to turn Cindy into a glamorous sorceress, she started looking for a way to the ball. She did eventually get one - Cindy managed to convince the guards at the door to let her in without one. Curious about this new girl who'd come from nowhere, Reinara and her daughters, Tasha and Dusa, asked her how she had managed to get in without a ticket. Cindy refused to tell them, afraid that they might get the guards to take her away if they found out. Reinara and her daughters, angry at Cindy for not telling them, decided to slight Cindy as much as they could.
<Hero Stories> Cindy, so where is your shoe?
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

<Hero Stories> Quasi is Quasi

Chapter 1: Quasi's Story Quasi Mortal, born with a hunched back, pigeon chest, and one blind eye, was cast away at birth. Left on his own, he was adopted by a man dubbed Bishop Cloud. However, this wasn't out of the kindness of Cloud's heart - Quasi's appearance repelled both humans and devils alike, and he could see spirits with his good eye. The bishop used Quasi as a tool to earn more money out of his job as an exorcist. Quasi loved Cloud and followed every command Cloud made, happily pleasing his father with every ounce of his heart. He fought his own fear just to banish evil spirits for Bishop Cloud. His courage turned his face more hideous, which disgusted people enough for them to leave whenever Quasi was around. Soon enough, a rumor emerged - the people thought that Bishop Cloud was keeping a pet devil.
<Hero Stories> Quasi is Quasi
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

<Hero Stories> Sweeties~~ lovely girl here, try this rpg

Chapter 1: Thumbelina Once upon a time, there was an old lady who wanted a daughter. She went to a witch for help, and the witch gave her a piece of wheat and told the old lady to water it with a single drop of water every day. However, the lady was too impatient and decided to add two extra drops. When the wheat blossomed, it released an ugly toad. Disgusted, the woman chased the road away with her broomstick.
<Hero Stories> Sweeties~~ lovely girl here, try this rpg
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

<Hero Stories> She had always been naughty

Chapter 1: Little Mermaid Larissa, also known as the Little Mermaid, was the King of the Sea's youngest child. She had always been naughty - she tugged at her father's beard, covered turtles' shells with graffiti, and put on monster costumes to scare whales. Despite all her pranks, everyone still loved her the most out of all the others. Larissa's singing could pacify even the most troubled beast of the sea. While many praised her for it, one woman wanted to use Larissa's voice for her own needs. That woman's name was Surla, and she was the Witch of the Sea.
<Hero Stories> She had always been naughty
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

<Hero Stories> a guy that you may hate...

Chapter 1: Rogue Jack Once upon a time, there was a naughty boy named Jack. He and his mother lived in a poverty-stricken village. Some of the village's inhabitants had gathered, making an organization of thieves. Everyone talked about thefts and who to steal from, exchanging information with each other. Jack, having grown up in such a village, quickly learned how to steal. His innate talent helped him acquire a powerful arsenal of skills that helped him steal from difficult targets with ease.
<Hero Stories> a guy that you may hate...
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

<Hero Stories> Here comes our devil cat~ Mew~

Chapter 1: Devil Cat Once upon a time, there was a kind girl named Sophie. Her father was a wealthy merchant who traveled the world, trading with others. He was also a kind person - he would always bring back little trifles to give to Sophie. Sophie's mother was a gentle and loyal housewife and taught Sophie to be  kind. The stories she told Sophie always inspired her to do good whenever Sophie could.
<Hero Stories> Here comes our devil cat~ Mew~
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

<Hero Stories> Raven looks awesome

Chapter 1: Seven Ravens Once upon a time, there was a family with eight children. Seven of these children were boys, and the youngest was a girl. Despite being born beautiful, she was so fragile that the family thought she would die before she was baptized. Everything had to be done quick or else she might die before they did those things. The boys were all eager to help, all racing to get water from the well. Unfortunately, they got too carried away and dropped the bucket into the well. Their father waited and waited, but the boys never came. Angered, the father cursed his sons - they were probably out playing in the field again. They might as well be ravens circling the fields.
<Hero Stories> Raven looks awesome
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

Britney Must be the Cool Girl -- Video Inside, Check it Now!

Britney was born into a unique family – a family of alchemists. However, her mother, the sole support in her life, never spoke about alchemy. Alchemy was considered taboo in the village, leading to accusations of witchcraft and execution. Britney's grandmother was banished from the village for practicing alchemy, and she sought refuge in the forest. As a result, they had to live ordinary lives, concealing their alchemical heritage. Every day, Britney carried a basket of fruits and secretly visited her grandmother. Despite the presence of malevolent werewolves in the woods, Britney was unafraid. Her grandmother had crafted a magical hood tailored to conceal her scent, making her undetectable by the werewolves. More importantly, the enchanted hood suppressed Britney's formidable potential. Although her grandmother repeatedly warned her to wear the hood at all times, an unexpected event was looming. On a sunny morning, as Britney headed to her grandmother's, a gust of wind snatched away her hood. The werewolf, catching the scent, planned to follow her and uncover her hidden grandmother in the woods. The danger approaching Britney remained unknown to her. When Britney knocked on her grandmother's door, the werewolf pounced, knocking her grandmother unconscious. Faced with the ferocious beast, Britney fainted in fear. Now, the werewolf could finally enjoy its feast, licking its lips, deciding to start with the grandmother. As the werewolf prepared to feast, a small, innocent hand grabbed its head and tossed it out the door. This marked the awakening of Britney's dark persona. She smirked, pulling an apple from the fruit basket and transmuting it into a bomb, hurling it towards the werewolf. Followed by an even larger explosive apple, the werewolf was blown away. The commotion attracted villagers, who, upon seeing the transformed Britney, believed her to be a witch sent from hell.
Britney Must be the Cool Girl -- Video Inside, Check it Now!
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

<Hero Stories> Miss Conch hears something...

Chapter 1: Miss Conch Miss Conch is the daughter of the river god. She is the apple of her father's eye. She used to be obedient as a child, but as she grew up she developed a will of her own. Whenever her father asked her to do housework, Miss Conch would just blow bubbles. When Miss Conch became old enough to marry, her father tried to marry her off to a wealthy crab. She winded up hitting the crab with a starfish to drive him away. Next, the river god tried to marry her off to a knowledgeable turtle. Miss Conch just slipped back into her shell until the turtle's patience wore out. Finally, when the river god tried to marry Conch off to a brave crocodile, Conch ran away from home and went to the nearby reef. While she was angrily muttering to herself, a fisherman picked her up from the reef...
<Hero Stories> Miss Conch hears something...
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

<Hero Stories> Wonder Allish, where's the Mr. Rabbit?

Chapter 1: Wonder Allish Allish is a lovely and lovely girl filled with creativity, but until she met Time Rabbit, she led a dull and dreary life. When he appeared, Time Rabbit was staring at his watch, going somewhere in a hurry. Allish chased him into a small burrow in the woods and, while falling, bumped into many falling tables, lamps, rocking chairs, and other types of furniture. Eventually, she landed in a strange room. Except for a table with some items on it, there was nothing in the room. The door was too small for Allish to fit through. To Allish's surprise, the doorknob could talk! It told Allish that the door led to Wonderland, where no one besides the Time Rabbit was allowed to enter unless they correctly answered some of the door's questions.
<Hero Stories> Wonder Allish, where's the Mr. Rabbit?
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales | 祝所有女性玩家們婦女節快樂~

奧茲大陸的女性夥伴各展英姿 有擡手即可改變戰局的優雅法師 有一往無前的禦姐戰士 還有顧全大局的元氣輔助 你心目中的女神夥伴是怎麽樣的呢? 歡迎留言給你留下印象最深的女神的一句話~
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales | 祝所有女性玩家們婦女節快樂~
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales Guides

Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales - Gameplay | Guild War
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales - Gameplay | Witch's Brew
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales | How to reroll
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales | Beginners Guide

<Hero Stories> Queen Lilith was Once a gorgeous queen

Chapter 1: Queen Lilith Queen Lilith was once a gorgeous queen with a kind heart. She was loved by all she ruled and her people always wished her well. Unfortunately for Lilith, there was one thing that she wanted that she didn't have - children. Every night, Lilith prayed for children - especially a daughter. She kept on praying until the devil broke the Magic Mirror of Oz. That night, Lilith had been sitting on her windowsill, praying as usual. Snow was gently falling and all seemed to be well.
<Hero Stories> Queen Lilith was Once a gorgeous queen
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

Little Red Riding Hood is on the hunt again. Is it you, Dreamer?

Little Red Riding Hood is on the hunt again. Is it you, Dreamer?
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
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