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Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
<Hero Stories> Queen Lilith was Once a gorgeous queen

<Hero Stories> Queen Lilith was Once a gorgeous queen

75 View2024-02-08
Chapter 1: Queen Lilith
Queen Lilith was once a gorgeous queen with a kind heart. She was loved by all she ruled and her people always wished her well. Unfortunately for Lilith, there was one thing that she wanted that she didn't have - children.
Every night, Lilith prayed for children - especially a daughter. She kept on praying until the devil broke the Magic Mirror of Oz.
That night, Lilith had been sitting on her windowsill, praying as usual. Snow was gently falling and all seemed to be well.
Then, out of nowhere, a shard of the Magic Mirror cut her finger, corrupting her mind as the darkness spread throughout her body. Lilith withdrew from offers and became crueller, day by day. The people soon started to live in fear of Lilith's newfound ruthlessness.
On the bright side, Lilith finally gave birth to a baby girl. However, it was too late - Lilith no longer cared for these sorts of things and left without a word.
Chapter 2: Eternity
Not only had Lilith become cruel, but she had also become infatuated with the idea of eternity. In order to pursue her perfect eternity, Lilith cut off all ties with everyone she knew and left to go to a desolate valley in the distant land of Kassel.
Over time, Lilith's dark mana changed the valley, distorting it to the point where it could barely be recognized.
The lakes, once blue and vibrant, were turned to frozen expanses of scarlet. The mountains, once majestic and proud, were turned into frozen walls. The forests, once serene and lively, were turned into blizzard-ridden wastelands. It was here that Lilith made her new home and became the dreaded Ice Queen.
The disturbing change in Kassel compelled everyone who had lived there to leave - aside from the people of a village just outside Icewind Valley.  The people there survived by helping each other when they were in need.
It really wouldn't have bothered Lilith if it weren't for two people - a boy and a girl, Kai and Gerde. Their happiness drove Lilith up the wall. They would ski down the mountains in their free time, laughing as they descended. Sick of their incessant chatter, Lilith decided to set them apart...forever.
Chapter 3: Corrupted Kai
One snowy night, Lilith snuck up behind Kai. She was about to turn him into an ice statue when he turned and saw her.
Something thawed inside Lilith, seeing Kai's innocent face. Unable to freeze him, she turned him into an emotionless puppet instead.
Taking him back to her palace, Lilith gave Kai a tangram. She told him that if he managed to make a pattern, she would reward him. If Kai managed to put together the word "Eternity," then Lilith would return his emotions and set him free.
When Kai made "Courage," Lilith gave him dark mana to use for his own. When Kai made "Hope," Lilith gave him eternal life. But no matter how hard he tried, Kai was never able to make "Eternity..."
Chapter 4: Eternal Friendship
One day, Gerde finally managed to break into Lilith's castle. Even though Gerde was willing to do anything to rescue Kai, Lilith didn't think of Gerde as a threat.
First of all, Lilith didn't think a corrupted mind could be saved by any means. Second of all, Gerde was just a little girl. Third of all, Lilith had extraordinary power. What did Gerde have? Enthusiasm and a sword that was probably too heavy for her weak arms.
When Gerde reached Kai, she realized that Kai wasn't in his right mind. She tried everything she could to bring him back to normal, but nothing seemed to change. At the end of her wits, Gerde decided to sing to him.
Her song made Kai remember the emotions he had forgotten and the two embraced. Accepting that Gerde had been able to bring him back with the power of determination, Lilith was about to tell her that Kai was still under her control...but then she noticed that the tangram had been rearranged to spell out the word "Eternity."
Even though Lilith didn't want to let them be happy, she was still a woman of her word. She allowed Kai to return to his family.
After that, Lilith sat in her castle, thinking about the meaning of eternity. The mirror shard was starting to lose its hold on Lilith as she realized that she had been seeing everything as if they were all disasters waiting to happen.
Lilith had always believed that eternity could only be achieved by cutting off all of her worldly connections. But this belief had just been shattered by a mere boy and girl...
Chapter 5: Lilith's Awakening
Having lost her reason for living in Icewind Valley, Lilith returned to her own family and started to search for eternity through new lenses. But her kingdom had changed while she was gone - it was now surrounded by ice walls, just like the mountains of Icewind Valley. Demons ran around unchecked outside the kingdom's walls.
Seeing these monsters reminded Lilith of her and Kai's old selves, but whereas Kai had been saved by Gerde, Lilith had no one to save her. There was no one to sympathize with the lonely Ice Queen.
Losing herself again, Lilith threw herself at the demons. She vowed to not stop until she had killed all of the demons with her flames of ice.
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nerc ATIF
nerc ATIF

Fairly good game just started and already have 5 mythical heros you should play it


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