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Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
<Hero Stories> Cindy, so where is your shoe?

<Hero Stories> Cindy, so where is your shoe?

79 View2024-02-07
Chapter 1: Cindy
Despite being changed into an entirely different person, Cindy still looked a lot like Sophie. After the three mice used Frog Princess' crystal ball to turn Cindy into a glamorous sorceress, she started looking for a way to the ball.
She did eventually get one - Cindy managed to convince the guards at the door to let her in without one. Curious about this new girl who'd come from nowhere, Reinara and her daughters, Tasha and Dusa, asked her how she had managed to get in without a ticket. Cindy refused to tell them, afraid that they might get the guards to take her away if they found out. Reinara and her daughters, angry at Cindy for not telling them, decided to slight Cindy as much as they could.
When Cindy entered the ballroom, the party stopped - everyone was too busy admiring how Cindy looked. The prince offered to dance with her, and Cindy did. After the two's first few steps, Cindy fell in love with the prince.
Cindy used her magic to impress the prince, accidentally humiliating her stepmother and stepsisters in the process. Vowing revenge on Cindy, the three struck a deal with the devil cat and acquired dark magic in exchange for their souls. After the ball ended, everyone went their own separate ways. Cindy and her stepfamily would meet at the last ball the prince hosted...
Chapter 2: Devil Sisters
The prince would be picking his fiancée at this last ball. Wanting to be the one the prince picked, Cindy wore a dress even more dazzling than the ones she had worn before.
Unfortunately for Cindy, the prince had been brainwashed by Cindy's stepfamily. He only paid attention to their magic. No one thought anything of it, but Cindy saw the horns growing from her sisters' heads and the magic haze around the prince. Cindy tried to lift the spell on the prince, but to no avail - her stepsisters were prepared for anything that could happen.
The entranced prince called for the guards to come and take her away. Cindy had to flee in the form of a bird in order to avoid being caught.
Cindy had forgotten about the glass slippers she was wearing and dropped one of them in her haste to leave. The stepsisters picked up the slipper and commanded the prince to kill the person whose foot fit perfectly in the shoe.
Chapter 3: A Brilliant Idea
Cindy was trapped. Since the prince was under her stepsisters' control, she couldn't go back to the palace. The only way for her to be safe was by removing the spell cast on the prince.
Seeing that Cindy was in a tough spot, the mice told her that Reinara's cat was the source of the problem. They had heard Reinara making deals with it and getting rid of the cat should solve their issues.
However, Cindy was far too kind to kill the cat, so the mice suggested that Cindy trap the cat in a glass bottle. It sounded like a solid idea, but there was a problem - the mice didn't know how to trap the cat.
In the meantime, the prince was having all of the girls of the kingdom try the glass slipper on. Cindy was terrified - the slipper was specially made for her, so her foot was the only one that would fit. It would only be a matter of time before she was found and definitely would be killed.
Inspired by this, the mice came up with an idea.
Chapter 4: Glass Slippers
The mice asked Cindy to turn two of them into her stepsisters one of them into the prince. They also told her to disguise a glass bottle as her glass slipper. Then, they visited Reinara. She asked about the ball, and the disguised mice said that Cindy had been banished and that they had placed the prince under a spell that made him forget about Cindy. They then said that the prince would marry anyone whose foot fit into the shoe Cindy left behind, so they needed Reinara's help for one of them to be married to the prince. Right at that moment, the mouse disguised as the prince knocked on the door and asked for the women to try on the shoe.
The mouse disguised as Dusa wasn't able to get her foot to fit. The mouse disguised as Tasha asked Reinara for help, and she agreed. Taking the cat and Tasha into another room, Reinara made another deal with the cat - ten years of her life in exchange for letting her daughter marry the prince.
Yawning, the cat transformed into Tasha and placed her foot into the slipper, fitting perfectly.
Chapter 5: End of Story
The mice signaled to Cindy, who was outside. She released the spell and the slipper turned back into a bottle, sucking in the cat and trapping it inside. Before anyone knew what was happening, the mice took the bottle away.
Angry that she had been tricked, Reinara became so angry that she passed out. With the devil gone, the stepsisters lost their power. The prince, having retained all of his memories, threw them into the dungeon. However, Cindy pled for their release and had then sent back to their mother, where they lived poorly for the rest of their days. Cindy and the prince got married and lived happily ever after, and the prince never questioned the disappearance of Maid Sophie...
Damn, chapter 4 made absolutely no sense at first.
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