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Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
<Hero Stories> Quasi is Quasi

<Hero Stories> Quasi is Quasi

450 View2024-02-05
Chapter 1: Quasi's Story
Quasi Mortal, born with a hunched back, pigeon chest, and one blind eye, was cast away at birth. Left on his own, he was adopted by a man dubbed Bishop Cloud. However, this wasn't out of the kindness of Cloud's heart - Quasi's appearance repelled both humans and devils alike, and he could see spirits with his good eye. The bishop used Quasi as a tool to earn more money out of his job as an exorcist. Quasi loved Cloud and followed every command Cloud made, happily pleasing his father with every ounce of his heart. He fought his own fear just to banish evil spirits for Bishop Cloud. His courage turned his face more hideous, which disgusted people enough for them to leave whenever Quasi was around. Soon enough, a rumor emerged - the people thought that Bishop Cloud was keeping a pet devil.
Chapter 2: Poor Quasi Mortal
On Easter's Eve, Quasi accidentally joined a group of vagabonds during their parade. With them, Quasi found a new life as a clown - no one cared about his appearance then, so long as they were entertained. Quasi danced and sung for the people, who cheered him on at every step.
Having never seen this side of life, Quasi was overjoyed - who knew life could be filled with so much ecstasy? Bit by bit, Quasi got carried away with his dancing and the the celebration got out of control. The guards of the city rushed in and apprehended Quasi, who was sentenced to a whipping for causing chaos.
With his deformed body exposed to the public, the crowd gasped - the sight of his body was so horrid that it sent some people running and made others throw up. Those who were physically unaffected joined the guards in beating Quasi, slipping in kicks and punches between each lash.
The beating eventually stopped. The townspeople no longer wanted to touch his filthy skin or see his grotesque characteristics. Humiliated, hurt, and thirsty, he gazed at the sky as he bled out. Despite being a human, he thought, he was still hated by others. Treated as living scum. But why?
The crowd slowly dispersed. Quasi begged for water - just a few drops would suffice. But no one took him seriously, and even a few spat at him as they passed. Just as Quasi gave up, a girl came up to him and fed him some water between his cracked lips. No one seemed to notice...
Chapter 3: Amina the Wraith
The girl's name was Amina, and she was a wandering spirit. A few years ago, Quasi had protected Amina from some ghosts who had been bullying her. Amina was now returning the favor in her own way.
The two became friends quickly. Quasi was a good listener, considering that he had never been allowed to speak much. He would make time for Amina whenever she needed it. Eventually, Amina felt comfortable with telling Quasi about her past and how she had become a ghost - it turned out that Amina had been sold to a slaveholder in a foreign country and she had come back to her homeland to look for her parents after fifteen years. However, she was murdered by a couple of bandits seeking money.
Quasi and Amina searched for clues that would hopefully lead them to Amina's parents, but they couldn't find any.
One day, while they were searching, a nun stormed up to them and accused Amina of stealing her daughter's body. The two argued until they eventually found out that the nun was Amina's mother. When Amina told her mother about how she had come to be like this, her mother was heartbroken. She vowed revenge upon whomever had sold her daughter off...
Chapter 4: Cloud's Crime
Quasi took Amina to the clock tower, where her mother was watching the sky. The three needed to discuss some things with each other, the identity of Amina's father included. At the bottom of the tower's steps, they ran into Bishop Cloud.
Upon seeing him, Amina screamed - the bishop was the very bandit who had murdered Amina. In denial, Quasi asked the bishop whether he had done it and tried to gently coax the answer out of him. However, Cloud didn't bother with talking to Quasi - in a rush, he pulled a dagger from a pocket on his robe and stabbed Quasi.
The stab didn't hurt nearly as much as the truth. The person whom he'd always looked up to was a murderer. The man he trusted would gladly stab him without a second thought. The one person whom he'd thought loved him would turn against him if it meant being able to escape any harm that came his way.
Distressed but filled with a sense of responsibility to see this through, Quasi and Amina followed Cloud to the top of the clock tower, where they confronted Amina's mother and Bishop Cloud.
It turned out that Cloud and Amina's mother had been lovers. Amina's birth was an accident - one that the bishop hid by selling Amina to a traveling merchant. However, Amina winded up making her way back. In a state of panic, Cloud felt the urge to silence her. And so, he assembled a small group of men to help him murder Amina.
Distraught by this news, the nun jumped off the clock tower, taking Cloud with her.
Chapter 5: Quasi Mortal
Now that Amina knew the truth, there was no reason for her to stay. Amina was depressed, but she had to let go - no matter what happened, nothing would change. Left on his own once again, Quasi had nothing but his rubber duckie and an annoying raven that refused to leave him alone.
Quasi did learn something new, though - spirits didn't need to be exorcised. If Quasi just talked to the spirits and helped them move on without regrets, then they would leave on their own.
It was then that Quasi became a soul soother instead of an exorcist. He now travels the world in search of souls that are trapped or lost, hoping to help them continue on to the afterlife. Quasi carries a coffin with him so that he has a place to stay while he travels.
His appearance earned him a bad reputation - he was thought to be a man-eating beast or a wandering devil. No one said his name out loud for fear of summoning him. Hearing these rumors, Fire Wraith decided to see the man for itself - he wanted to challenge Quasi and even brought his friends, Wind Wraith and Water Wraith, along for the ride. Quasi found them annoying at times, but their company was always welcome.
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Wow, never thought I'd get so hooked on a game's story.


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White Author

All heroes in-game have their stories~


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