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Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
<Hero Stories>Many called her "Goddess Bella," for she was beautiful, kind, and rich.

<Hero Stories>Many called her "Goddess Bella," for she was beautiful, kind, and rich.

164 View2024-02-10
Chapter 1: Goddess Bella
There was once a small town named Green. It was just like every other town - peaceful and quiet. However, the one thing that set this town apart from the others was its most beloved resident: Bella.
Many called her "Goddess Bella," for she was beautiful, kind, and rich. Every day, many of her admirers would line up at her door,  asking her out on dates and giving her gifts. However, Bella didn't love any of them - she appreciated their effort, but none of them were gentle or thoughtful enough.
Bella had two sisters and a father. Her sister envied Bella because she had almost everything a person could want - beauty, money, and fame. They spoke ill of her behind her back.
Bella knew that her sisters hated her, but she never looked to start a fight with them and lived her life peacefully, worrying about her father's health only. All was well until a man named Madman Gatton arrived...
Chapter 2: Twist of Fate
Gatton was a vagrant hunter. He captured the hearts of many women with his robust figure and handsome face. As soon as he arrived at Green, Gatton set his sights on Goddess Bella.
But Gatton wasn't looking for love - in fact, he'd tired of the beauties in the world. Instead, he was after Bella's father's fortune. But unfortunately for Gatton, Bella didn't have any interest in him, leaving Gatton with nowhere to start. He paid no mind to her sisters, even though they were madly in love with him.
Changing his plans, Gatton then decided to gather information on Bella's father. Gatton was going to abduct him, but nothing went as planned. Bella's father escaped Gatton's trap and wandered into Beast Keep, which was home to a  monstrous prince (aka furry) named Adam.
Adam captured Bella's father and forced him to stay in his castle. However, Adam made a deal with Bella's father - if he sent one of his daughters in his place, he would be allowed to leave. But if Bella's father didn't send one within three days of leaving, he would be killed.
Bella's father was allowed to return home. He told his daughters about the deal they had made, waiting to hear what they would do.
Bella's sisters refused to go. They wouldn't stay with a monster, even if it meant leaving their father in the hands of one. However, Bella herself decided to go in her father's place.
Chapter 3: Secret of Keep
Surprisingly enough, every creature and animate object in the keep welcomed Bella warmly...except for Adam, of course. Adam gave Bella three rules - she would never leave the keep, she would never enter his room, and she would always dine together with him every day. Even though Bella didn't understand why Adam made these requests, she still followed them anyway. Ignoring the rules would be risky.
After a few days in the keep, Bella learned about Adam's curse from his servants. She started to open up a bit more and began to explore the rooms of the keep, but left Adam's room alone.
But as time passed, Bella became curious about what was inside Adam's room. Was there something valuable that he had chosen to hide? Maybe...something magical? Adam's rule had only made her more anxious to know.
One day, while Adam was out, Bella snuck into his room. To her surprise, there was nothing but a rose inside. The room was covered in a dark mist, leaving only the rose illuminated.
Bella couldn't help but pick up the rose and hold it in her hands. Even though the thorns pricked her fingers, she felt nothing but the torrent of mana rushing through her body. Fascinated, Bella lost track of time and Adam caught her inside his room.
Chapter 4: Rose CharmSeeing
Bella violate his rule, Adam approached her. To Bella, it seemed like he wanted to tear her apart. Terrified, she ran away from him and out into the forest surrounding the keep.
Her heavy breaths attracted the attention of a bloodthirsty pack of wolves. Overwhelmed by the situation, Bella's cursed mana burst out of her and she fainted.
When she woke up, she was lying in a bed next to a badly injured Adam. Bella felt a surge of regret and sorrow rise up within her - not because she felt affection for Adam, but because it was most likely her cursed mana that had hurt him this badly.
The servants then decided to inform Bella that the only way to get rid of the curse was by finding true love. This made Bella feel sorry for Adam - true love would be near impossible for Adam and his appearance. She decided to take care of Adam and his bad temper.
Over time, Bella stopped feeling afraid of Adam. She also adapted to the cursed mana inside her body. The only thing left was for Bella to find a way to help Adam find true love...
Chapter 5: True Love
One day, a group of villagers arrived at the keep, ready to send Adam to hell. Confronted with the deranged villagers, Adam had no choice but to defend himself with his claws and fangs.
Meanwhile, Gatton, disguised to look like someone else, attempted to spirit Bella away from the keep. Unfortunately for him, Bella saw  through Gatton's lies and refused to leave with him. Ditching his disguise, Gatton revealed his villainous nature just as Adam knocked him down.
As Adam prepared to kill Gatton, Bella stopped him. This would never help him find true love, she thought. Taking advantage of this moment of peace, Gatton took his dagger and aimed for Adam's heart, but Bella jumped in the way. Having not expected this to happen, Gatton ran away, leaving Bella and Adam by themselves.
A wave of rage and hatred started to build up inside Adam, but Bella soothed his emotions with her dying breath. At that moment, Adam finally understood the warmth and love Bella had given him. His eyes welled up with tears he had thought to be dried up long ago. Adam had finally found true love, but far too late...or was it?
As his tears fell, the combination of Bella's magic and Adam's newfound true love not only healed Bella's wound, but also removed the curse placed on Adam. He was finally turned back into a handsome prince.
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ente RINI
ente RINI

I like this game so much that i even manage to get 300k power within a day...thats shows that I adore this game n played it 24/7!! But pliss make Adventure mode longer like 10 stages for each level rise instead of 5 Stages only


ooti IGHT
ooti IGHT

This was just a random game I started & couldn't stop. Great graphics & so much to do that I never get bored. My husband watched me play & is now playing too. He is just as addicted as me


izes BLUN
izes BLUN

Translation of English language may be difficult but translation of fun isn't. This game is definitely a pay to win. But unless you care about being The BEST you don't need to. It will come. A wonderful balance of the mechanics allows for a casual player to have ALMOST endless potential.. I've spent money only out of impatiently wanting the top tier. Overall . 8/10!


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