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Devil Slayer - Raksasi Reviews

Devil Slayer - Raksasi Reviews

Devil Slayer - Raksasi: Try Out The Game Through TAPTAP CLOUD GAMING During Pocket Playfest 2023

🎮 Game: Devil Slayer - Raksasi 🍭 Platform: PC (Steam) | Nintendo Switch | PlayStation 4 | macOS ✨ Genre: Roguelite | Hack and Slash | Indie | Single Player 📱There is a 16 day event called the Pocket Playfest, starting on December 23rd until January 7th. During this time, you will be able to play 2 PC indie games a day, and users from North America will have 30 minute quotas to play these games every day! You can now play these awesome PC indie games for the first time on mobile devices thanks to TapTaps new cloud gaming service! Available during this event! The pocket playfest will also offer prizes for both developers and participants as well.
Devil Slayer - Raksasi: Try Out The Game Through TAPTAP CLOUD GAMING During Pocket Playfest 2023
Devil Slayer - Raksasi
Devil Slayer - Raksasi

Unveil the Mysteries in Heaven Dust 2!!

🌌 Description: Greetings survivors! Prepare for another thrilling chapter in "Heaven Dust 2" – a suspenseful horror-adventure that plunges you into the heart of a mysterious and infected world. Explore eerie environments, solve intricate puzzles, and face relentless undead foes as you navigate the chilling aftermath of a biohazard disaster. Brace yourselves for a spine-tingling journey through the unknown!
Unveil the Mysteries in Heaven Dust 2!!
Heaven Dust 2
Heaven Dust 2

Devil Slayer - Raksasi: Seamless Gameplay, Diverse Characters, and Artistic Composition

Developed by GlassesCatsGames, "Devil Slayer Raksasi" seamlessly integrates diverse elements from various gaming genres, culminating in a harmonious amalgamation of action and rogue-lite gameplay. Incorporating procedurally generated dungeons, standard roguelike features, and a combat system reminiscent of souls-like dodge and stab mechanics creates an engaging and well-rounded gaming experience, particularly appealing to enthusiasts of the roguelike genre. Including Japanese lore in "Devil Slayer Raksasi" adds depth to the game, offering players a potentially captivating and culturally rich experience. Depending on individual preferences, this infusion of Japanese mythology may entice those seeking a distinctive and thought-provoking gaming encounter.
Devil Slayer - Raksasi
Devil Slayer - Raksasi

女皇的抉擇 News

Get Ready for "Starlet Story: Hollywood Dreams" Alpha Access!

The Binding of Isaac meets Dark Souls in this addictive dungeon crawler

SHOULD I PLAY DEVIL SLAYER RAKSASI? Totally play this. Devil Slayer Raksasi takes the top-down roguelite approach of The Binding of Isaac and layers on a dark fantasy vibe that would be at home in a FromSoft game. This tough but addictive combination left me wanting to keep playing even after I’d wrapped up the demo. Thankfully it has multiple characters to try! PLAY IT FOR YOURSELF From December 23, 2023, through January 7, 2024, TapTap is running our Pocket Playfest Winter Edition. That means you don't need to take our review as the final word; you can try playing this game yourself! If you live in the United States or Canada, you can test out any of the ten games featured in the Pocket Playfest using our cloud gaming technology. And even if you're not in the US or Canada, you can still vote on your favorite games and get entered in a giveaway for some incredible prizes.
The Binding of Isaac meets Dark Souls in this addictive dungeon crawler
Devil Slayer - Raksasi
Devil Slayer - Raksasi


GET IT ON THE STEAM PAGE 🔗Join the Playfest >> 📅 Schedule Dates: December 23, 12 AM PT - January 7, 11:59 PM PT. Playfest Winners & Player Rewards Announcement: January 8, 12 AM PT. Cloud Gaming is an exclusive event that will take place on TapTap between December 23 and January 7. Throughout the duration, a limited selection of independently developed games will be accessible for play by all participants. Participating will grant you the opportunity to experience the gameplay and earn a chance to win more than
Devil Slayer - Raksasi
Devil Slayer - Raksasi

Heaven Dust II - Try Out The Game Through TAPTAP CLOUD GAMING During Pocket Playfest 2023

🎮 Game: Heaven Dust II 🍭 Platform: PC (Steam) | Nintendo Switch | ✨ Genre: Adventure | Indie | Zombies | Horror | Dungeon Crawler | Action RPG | 📱There is a 16 day event called the Pocket Playfest, starting on December 23rd until January 7th. During this time, you will be able to play 2 PC indie games a day, and users from North America will have 30 minute quotas to play these games every day! You can now play these awesome PC indie games for the first time on mobile devices thanks to TapTaps new cloud gaming service! Available during this event! The pocket playfest will also offer prizes for both developers and participants as well.
Heaven Dust II - Try Out The Game Through TAPTAP CLOUD GAMING During Pocket Playfest 2023
Heaven Dust 2
Heaven Dust 2


GET IT ON THE STEAM PAGE 🔗Join the Playfest >> 📅 Schedule Dates: December 23, 12 AM PT - January 7, 11:59 PM PT. Playfest Winners & Player Rewards Announcement: January 8, 12 AM PT. Cloud Gaming is an exclusive event that will take place on TapTap between December 23 and January 7. Throughout the duration, a limited selection of independently developed games will be accessible for play by all participants. Participating will grant you the opportunity to experience the gameplay and earn a chance to win more than
Heaven Dust 2
Heaven Dust 2


自上古時期便存在的神獸一脈,他們擁有強大的力量,相對其他妖族更爲親近人類。 故事簡介: 誤中麒麟之計,陰差陽錯流落瀛洲仙島的鳳離,正好碰上百年一度的神宮大典。盛典之際,瀛洲仙島卻有魔族潛入……爲尋回鳳離,前往仙島的伽藍,卻與追蹤魔族的英招不期而遇…… 神獸始祖——白澤 性格:慈悲 簡介:瀛洲神宮宮主,通人間萬物之情,曉天下萬物之貌,好穿白衣,對人類異常親近,喜歡收集各種人間的玩意。 神獸侍臣——英招 性格:豁達 簡介:白髮白馬身化雪,虎紋鳥翼玉鋃鐺。英招爲上古神獸,妖力強悍,一直伴隨白澤左右,與其一同掌管瀛洲神宮。


故事簡介: 傳說凰都的新任廚神擁有神乎其神的廚藝,能夠完美復刻每個人心中最思念的味道,甚至滿足人們的心願。鳳離在拜訪廚神後,被告知需要尋找三種特殊的材料,才能將其製作成功。爲追尋記憶中的味道,鳳離開始四處奔走…… 食神始祖——鳳昭 性格:性格高傲,精緻挑剔 角色介紹: 百鳥朝鳳化靈而來,性格高傲,精緻挑剔,對事待人都力求完美,特別是對美食的要求異常高。食物化靈的他,天生對美食就有常人難以企及的辨識能力,一道佳餚的好壞,他只需要聞到氣味,便能知道其製作的材料,以及工藝火候。能夠化用人們的情感,烹飪出他們記憶中菜餚的味道。 食神侍臣——赤焰 性格:性情清冷 角色介紹: 麻辣小龍蝦化靈而來,性情清冷,特別嗜辣,經常把紅辣椒當做飯後點心。與菜餚給人的印象不同,雖然穿着一身紅衣,但赤焰性情清冷,並沒有麻辣小龍蝦的火熱感。儘管沉默少言,赤焰內心還是十分溫柔,在凰都遇到陷入困難的鳳離時,引導鳳離集齊了製作記憶中菜餚的三樣材料。

Heaven Dust 2: Striking Similarity to the Original

In 2020, the video game "Heaven Dust" boldly posed the inquiry, "What would happen if "Resident Evil 1" were presented with a top-down camera perspective?" The resultant offering manifested as a proficient action-adventure, notably more accessible than its muse due to the perpetual visibility of zombies. Presently, the emergence of "Heaven Dust 2" initiates a subsequent query—"What if the "Heaven Dust" narrative unfolded within a more expansive mansion?" Consequently, this sequel lacks the endearing qualities found in its forerunner. "Heaven Dust 2" unfolds in the aftermath of its predecessor, with the protagonist, Steve, awakening from the cryo pod wherein he had been confined after an abduction by corporate operatives. He discovers himself within another mansion besieged by rampant zombies. Regrettably, those anticipating a setting akin to a city immersed in a zombocalypse reminiscent of "Resident Evil 2" will likely find themselves disillusioned by the sequel's thematic choice.
Heaven Dust 2
Heaven Dust 2

[Pocket Playfest!] RPGMaker Meets Resident Evil! Interesting Indie Horror! | Heaven Dust 2 Review!

For more information and to participate in the in-app event, gamers can download the TapTap app via the App Store, Play Store, or from the official website: Heaven’s Dust 2 is an isometric survival horror game that combines the puzzle-solving elements of Resident Evil with RPGMaker aesthetics. It certainly isn’t as scary as Resident Evil or Silent Hill but is much more approachable and digestible as a game.
[Pocket Playfest!] RPGMaker Meets Resident Evil! Interesting Indie Horror! | Heaven Dust 2 Review!
Heaven Dust 2
Heaven Dust 2

Unique Top-Down Souls-Like Indie Roque-Like RPG! | Devil Slayer-Raksasi Quick Review!

Devil Slayer: Raksasi is a top-down roguelike dungeon crawler with a learning curve. With over seven characters, each with their own moveset, a myriad of weapons, and perks, Devil Slayer Raksasi can feel quite overwhelming to jump into initially and unforgiving at the start—but that’s by design. Timing, precision, and awareness are going to be skills you must hone to overcome your enemies. Button mashing and bad habits are only going to frustrate you in the long run.
Unique Top-Down Souls-Like Indie Roque-Like RPG! | Devil Slayer-Raksasi Quick Review!
Devil Slayer - Raksasi
Devil Slayer - Raksasi

[Pocket Playfest] SLAYING DEVILs! Indie SOULSLIKE Indie Roguelike RPG | Devil Slayer Raksasi Review!

For more information and to participate in the in-app event, gamers can download the TapTap app via the App Store, Play Store, or from the official website: Taking place in a setting that can be best described as dark medieval East Asian fantasy, Devil Slayer: Raksasi throws players into the fray as one of seven deadly warriors (with plenty of additional warriors available through DLC), each with their own unique weapon, skills and playstyle.
[Pocket Playfest] SLAYING DEVILs! Indie SOULSLIKE Indie Roguelike RPG | Devil Slayer Raksasi Review!
Devil Slayer - Raksasi
Devil Slayer - Raksasi

Isometric Survival Indie Horror! Survive the Undead! | Heaven Dust 2 Quick Review!

Heaven’s Dust 2 is what happens when Resident Evil meets RPG Maker. Heaven’s Dust 2 is an isometric survival horror game with puzzle-solving elements that are a clear homage to the classic Resident Evil games. The premise is very similar too. The isometric camera angle helps illustrate and bring to life the environments you encounter but also deliver you important visual information at the same time. Because puzzle-solving is the primary way to progress in Heaven’s Dust 2, you will always be on the lookout for clues and objects of interest. But, at the same time, it can be annoying to deal with when trying to navigate the sprawling and convoluted map.
Isometric Survival Indie Horror! Survive the Undead! | Heaven Dust 2 Quick Review!
Heaven Dust 2
Heaven Dust 2

Heaven Dust 2 is the cutest version of Resident Evil 2 you can play

SHOULD I PLAY HEAVEN DUST 2? This one’s definitely worth checking out, especially if you’re interested in Resident Evil 2 but have been put off by the sheer amount of terror and gore. In fact, just imagine the chibi version of Resident Evil 2 and you’ve got a pretty accurate picture of Heaven Dust 2, which is about a guy who wakes up in a zombie-infested research facility and has to solve a bunch of bizarre puzzles to escape, all while avoiding being munched on by the walking dead.
Heaven Dust 2 is the cutest version of Resident Evil 2 you can play
Heaven Dust 2
Heaven Dust 2

[Pocket Playfest 2023 Winter Edition] Heaven Dust 2 Review

Heaven Dust 2 successfully builds upon the foundation laid by its predecessor, offering a thrilling survival horror experience reminiscent of classic Resident Evil games. The game impresses with its chibi-style graphics, engaging story, and well-optimized gameplay. The inclusion of various difficulty levels, playthrough unlocks, and exploration elements contributes to its replay value. The game doesn’t overstay its welcome, and its a nice affordable game to pass the time, beatable in a single sitting.
[Pocket Playfest 2023 Winter Edition] Heaven Dust 2 Review
Heaven Dust 2
Heaven Dust 2

Hunter X: Code Name T - Hype Impression/Metroid-Vania/Steam PC 4K Gameplay

Watch More Reviews On My YT Channel HunterX: code name T is an action adventure with fast and stylish combat. Perfect your own fighting style using various weapon actions and magic, and explore an ever-greater world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join the Legends Discord= https://discord.gg/FqmFNXu Follow me on Twitch= https://www.twitch.tv/scionstorm
Hunter X: Code Name T - Hype Impression/Metroid-Vania/Steam PC 4K Gameplay
HunterX: code name T
HunterX: code name T

this fills the void in every resident evil fan.

One of the best indie games with an old-school Horror vibe yet still modern and very accessible
Heaven Dust 2
Heaven Dust 2

Look at this Catfish ! 2024 Same shit !!! 😮

How many people thaught this shit is gonna be good after catfishing us . When you see pictures and images , you'll think 《THIS IS BEAUTIFUL WHY CAN'T I GIVE IT A TRY 》 That's your firsr error because pictures in game are not the same as what they told you . It's so shit that actually I don't know which kind of human can possibly download this kind of shit.😬
Devil Slayer - Raksasi
Devil Slayer - Raksasi
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