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PUBG Mobile Reviews

PUBG Mobile Reviews

PUBG Mobile’s fifth anniversary update adds cool new modes, I just wish I could play them faster

PUBG Mobile might be the most popular battle royale game on mobile devices. Originally released in 2018, the game has generated billions of dollars in revenue and garnered over a billion downloads. I mean, who wouldn’t be seduced by parachuting from thousands of feet in the air onto a remote island to compete in a last-man-standing deathmatch against hundreds of players? Well... In a word...me. To be clear, I LOVE battle royales. If you doubt my sincerity, read
PUBG Mobile’s fifth anniversary update adds  cool new modes, I just wish I could play them faster
PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile

pubg kr

Play and won the game
pubg kr
PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile

Device metter realme c21-y soo smooth game , i love it , world's best game is pubg

PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile

Its better then Global

I mean..If u ask me hahahh Its better For 2 things U get easier skins And 2nd Its better (i guess) optimized, at least for my phone (6/128) Less lags, fps drops..
PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile

'PUBG Mobile' review

I love this game because its my life's first game I played and playing it love it 5 star game I dont have luck in it but I am happy thanks .
PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile KR version Review

I am playing this game from 4 Years, And I'm really missing those golden days. These days are really golden Old lobby, fun, no collection, fair gameplay, fun with friends, no craze of gun skins and costumes really miss it and also missing the old Graphics. ❤️❤️❤️
PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile

'PUBG Mobile' review

Best game in the world
PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile Guides

if You Are Not Showing 3.2 Update.. follow Me And Msg...
Use solo VPN and clear play store data
If your friend is offline than you can bring him to safe zone through Magnet gun.

Please give update for pubg in taptap and game is very super

PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile Teases Dragon Ball Super Anime Collaboration for Next Year .

              The Saiyans take on another metaverse.Not content with crossing over with just one massive video game franchise, Goku, Gohan and friends are headed to PUBG Mobile, the battle royale social game announced today on its Twitter account. Details of the Dragon Ball Super collaboration are scarcer than the Dragon Balls after Shenton has been called, but the two massive franchises will be coming together at some point in 2023
PUBG Mobile Teases Dragon Ball Super Anime Collaboration for Next Year .
PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile


The Mobile version of PUBG has pretty much all the features of its PC counterpart, with a few exceptions. The game only offers PUBG’s original map, Erangel — an abandoned, vaguely Eastern European 8km x 8km island. Everything from the PC version of this map — from the abandoned military base to the burned out nuclear power plant — has made it to the Mobile version of the game.
PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile News

update 3.2Why the he*k is pubg kr not giving the update 3.2.Waiting for the update since morning
Finally we got 3.2 KR version update ✔️
Massive Sensational Collab! PUBG MOBILE x Dragon Ball Super Starts July 13, 2023!
Kr update (nuh uh)


Hello PUBG, New Update is better then last update. Now I would like you to make suggestion for Character, if u don't mind please make a character for Rambo. I really like him.🥰
PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile

All in one

There is everything in pubg mobile an pubg mobile KR  As a online battle ground player wants to play in a game. i liked it
PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile

I like this game

Hello There 😄
PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile

I heat love all of them but I like game pubg mobile 👿⛔️

I heat love all of them but I like game pubg mobile 👿⛔️
PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile


the best game till today... i have played all kind of mobile games ... From Java to iOS But this game is totally blast....it has the best graphics out there best mechanism best controls. Everyday i spend atleast two hours playing this game....
PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile

'PUBG Mobile' review

I don't think the gameplay is better than the global one, but I think the graphics and movement are better than the global one
PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile
iconView desktop site

TapTap looks better

on the app love-tato

Open with TapTap