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Warcraft Rumble Reviews

Warcraft Rumble Reviews

How Warcraft Arclight Rumble Could Prove the Haters Wrong

Blizzard Entertainment revealed its next major foray into mobile gaming with the announcement of Warcraft Arclight Rumble last week. This colorful title pulls in classic characters and locations from the Warcraft strategy games (as well as the MMO World of Warcraft) and shrinks them down to phone screens. The real-time strategy of the classic Warcraft games has been reimagined as faster-paced, more chaotic, tower defense-inspired gameplay that seems to share some similarities with
How Warcraft Arclight Rumble Could Prove the Haters Wrong
Warcraft Rumble
Warcraft Rumble

It looks so exciting! I have been waiting for this game to come!

I actually enjoyed this game and the graphics are amazing. To win, this game you must have good tactics on how to kill all the enemies and how you will manage your guns. As I level up in this game, it also gives me a new hero which is more exciting since I’m curious what abilities they have. I already recommended this game to my friends and they find it cute and fun!
It looks so exciting! I have been waiting for this game to come!
Warcraft Rumble
Warcraft Rumble

Warcraft's RTS legacy gets a fun makeover - Warcraft Rumble Video First Impressions

[Music credit: "Future Pop Summer" by The Structures ] Read more about Warcraft Rumble from Kef’s first impressions.
Warcraft's RTS legacy gets a fun makeover - Warcraft Rumble Video First Impressions
Warcraft Rumble
Warcraft Rumble

Warcraft Rumble News

Warcraft Rumble Regional testing is now live in the Philippines!
Warcraft Rumble | Season 3 is set to debut on January 21, 2024!
Warcraft Rumble to get a launch this November 3rd
Warcraft Rumble Gameplay Global Launch Android iOS

Thank God I found a game with good graphics that can be played on a potato phone.

Gameplay is auto when you place your units on a certain area on your base. It will attack the enemies according to the unit that you place there, you have to strategically use a unit in a different situation. Easy enough to understand. UI placement is kinda okay. Graphics are a bit toned down for potato phone users. If you like this kind of game, you should try it!
Thank God I found a game with good graphics that can be played on a potato phone.
Warcraft Rumble
Warcraft Rumble


遊戲名:Warcraft Rumble 平臺:Android      iOS 類型:RTS 雖然粉絲們不支持,但暴雪想進軍手游的心從來沒有停歇。在嘗試過移植、合作之後,暴雪本部終於推出了第一款自研原生手游Rumble。這款遊戲乍一看像是Clash Royale和moba的結合體,而在細節之處,還是能看出暴雪的設計功力依然健在。 Rumble裡不同職業的兵種一起行動能發揮出更大的力量,這可能是它宣傳時加入moba定位的原因 ✨Clash Royale,但更加複雜 暴雪選擇參考Clash Royale的形式做自己的手遊並不讓人驚訝,因為Clash Royale的玩法本就脫胎自魔獸爭霸(有說法來自魔獸爭霸的玩家mod),和暴雪的遊戲基因非常適配,做起來可謂駕輕就熟。 在Clash Royale兩座主堡四個箭塔兩條兵線的基礎上,Rumble加入了更多的兵線、路口、道岔、拱橋……形成了立體交錯的龐大地圖。箭塔也被拆分為了有攻擊力的塔和無攻擊力的召喚點,賦予其不同的戰略意義。Rumble還在地圖上增加了寶箱、金礦等資源點,需要玩家派出缺少戰鬥力的生產單位去採集。
Warcraft Rumble
Warcraft Rumble


連肝4天,我覺得這款長得很像《皇室戰爭》的魔獸手遊,有著比前者更豐富的玩法和更良心的養成系統,因為有PVE地下城,各種陣營的卡組都有機會上場,也讓養成線更長,但是因為每個棋子所需要的經驗都可以通過“肝”獲得,所以在PVP的玩法上,良心多了。 如果你是一個熱愛魔獸IP的玩家,那能重新體驗一波玩魔獸或者爐石時候的感覺,地圖細節、地下城設定、BOSS設計、UI、台詞、音效,都能看到暴雪對這個IP的刻畫。 如果你是一個佛系的人,那麼不要課金也可以玩得很愉快,龐大的PVE關卡能讓你享受到遊戲中拉滿的策略性。遊戲中的任務系統,是無限刷新任務的,只要足夠肝,可以直接把所有卡升滿級! 地圖是三維的,例如高地,橋上的遠程可以攻擊到低處的單位,讓戰局的自由度更高了。地圖樣式很多,玩法上揉合了很多元素,對戰過程要額外考慮資源獲取的戰略,跟CR相比,只能說除了核心戰鬥以外,增加了非常多可玩的內容。 我的建議是,不如自己試一試,那些無腦噴“不就是皇室戰爭”的人一定沒有好好玩一下這個遊戲。
Warcraft Rumble
Warcraft Rumble

Warcraft Rumble: Mobile Minis in Epic Battles Review

Warcraft Rumble delivers an exhilarating mobile action strategy. Command Warcraft Minis in epic battles, from a gripping campaign to intense PvP clashes. Unleash iconic heroes, collect 60+ units, and master moment-to-moment strategic warfare. Azeroth awaits your tactical brilliance!
Warcraft Rumble: Mobile Minis in Epic Battles Review
Warcraft Rumble
Warcraft Rumble

Warcraft Arclight: Yeah nah

Nobody asked for this. What I wanted was a Warcraft RTS, or World of Warcraft, or maybe the long fabled Overwatch mobile game. What the actual f**K Blizzard? A clash of clans clone / tower defence? Why? Its not as if Blizzard doesn't make good mobile games, they do. Diablo Immortal is gonna be sick, I know, I've played three CBT's of it. Plus Hearthstone is huge, real good. But then they release this?
Warcraft Arclight: Yeah nah
Warcraft Rumble
Warcraft Rumble

Warcraft’s RTS past reimagined in a fun, casual form - Warcraft Rumble Quick First Impressions

SHOULD I PLAY WARCRAFT RUMBLE? Play it if you’ve got fond memories of the classic real-time strategy Warcraft games and don’t mind that formula being simplified heavily for mobile platforms and superfast one-on-one matches. Warcraft Rumble splits the difference between the more casual-friendly, tongue-in-cheek fun of Hearthstone and the more intense real-time strategy that the franchise hasn’t seen since 2003’s
Warcraft’s RTS past reimagined in a fun, casual form - Warcraft Rumble Quick First Impressions
Warcraft Rumble
Warcraft Rumble

I'm really excited to try it. Looks fun!

This game looks really good and fun, and I liked that the graphics are smooth and colorful. Based on some gameplay videos that I watched, troops are easy to command. I noticed that the scenery where the battle takes place varies too. It's one of the reasons why the game was not boring. I hope that they will release this game very soon so I can try it.
I'm really excited to try it. Looks fun!
Warcraft Rumble
Warcraft Rumble

[GAMEPLAY] Warcraft Rumble

It has its promising 3D graphics and real-time gameplay. The game seems to draw inspiration from other popular mobile games like Clash Royale, incorporating similar mechanics and conventions. It is actually the reason why I tried it out! Expect to collect and deploy various leaders and minis from the Warcraft universe, each with their own unique abilities and strengths. Building a well-balanced deck of leaders and minis will be crucial for success in battles.
Warcraft Rumble
Warcraft Rumble

Warcraft Rumble GAMEPLAY

Another upcoming real-time strategy game for smartphones developed by Blizzard Entertainment!!! This game has been praised for its high production values and engaging action strategy gameplay. It adopts some conventions from the popular game "Clash Royale," but also draws inspiration from the original "WarCraft" series in terms of aesthetics and adherence to real-time strategy traditions. It also offers a variety of modes, including a single-player campaign with over 70 missions and PvP options. How cool is that?!
Warcraft Rumble
Warcraft Rumble


遊戲名:Warcraft Rumble 平臺:Android      iOS 類型:RTS 聽說魔獸出同世界觀的手遊了 出於好奇嘗試了一下 竟然……還不錯? 遊戲玩法類似於Clash Royale的moba版 玩家在上中下三路上召喚單位推塔 推掉敵方大本營就算勝利 如果被敵人推掉了自家大本營就Game Over 地圖設計的很有意思👍 可以開寶箱可以挖礦 有拱橋和門洞提供豐富的地形 還有岔路機關可以改變路線 玩家能召喚的單位也很特別……特別有梗! 比如召喚一窩雞,用雞的汪洋大海淹沒敵人 或者召喚禿鷲,幹掉一個敵人就變兩隻 再幹掉一個變三隻……無窮無盡…… 召喚龍蛋,沒有攻擊力 但敵人踩到就變成噴火的巨龍🐲 玩起來還是要稍微動下腦筋 比較講究召喚單位的時機 比純粹拼練度的遊戲要有趣多了😆 不過遊戲吸引我主要還是玩家之間的氛圍 玩的人不算少 我隨便加了個剛建好的陌生公會 前腳進去後腳就滿員了 大家平時就在公會裡聊天,討論遊戲 因為是新出的遊戲也沒什麼攻略 都在瞎玩哈哈哈哈哈🤣🤣🤣 做日常活動和pvp都會獲得公會積分 全公會積分加起來用於解鎖獎勵 我們公會還挺佛系的,pvp玩的人不太多 平時就是上線,清日常 快解鎖獎勵的時候就特別有動力肝任務💪 相對來講是更重視玩家間的合作而不是對抗的遊戲 快點拉上當年一起玩魔獸的好友並肩作戰吧~
Warcraft Rumble
Warcraft Rumble


👉🏻一款動作類策略手機遊戲。 🪄動視暴雪旗下最新的手機遊戲,故事背景設定在魔獸系列的宇宙,融合了動作和策略元素,玩法上跟《部落衝突:皇室戰爭》類似,遊戲目的是摧毀敵方的主堡。 ‼️喜歡魔獸、策略的,🉑️下載體驗啦 - 🎮遊戲名:魔獸兵團 🕹️平臺:iOS/Android ✅策略|戰術|PVP|風格化 🪄 💡 利用不斷增加的資源點數有策略地在地圖上排兵布陣。 🌀 各個兵種都有不同的特性,合理搭配組合使戰力最大化。 ⚠️ 註意屬性相剋,遠程剋飛行、飛行剋近戰、近戰剋遠程。 💗 收錄超過60名來自魔獸爭霸及魔獸世界的角色。 🌟 軍團的領袖擁有特殊能力,可影響牌組的玩法。 ⭕️ 除單人遊戲戰役外,還有合作模式、PVP模式、公會及大型副本等。
Warcraft Rumble
Warcraft Rumble

Warcraft Arclight Rumble : Early Access Impressions

My HONKAI STAR RAIL Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@HSR3000 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/c/fg3000/join EMAIL ► [email protected] Warcraft Arclight Rumble is a mobile action strategy game where collectible Warcraft Minis come to life to clash in epic melee battles. Whether you choose to play in the massive single player campaign or compete head-to-head in epic PvP battles, prepare to experience the true meaning of joyful chaos!
Warcraft Arclight Rumble : Early Access Impressions
Warcraft Rumble
Warcraft Rumble

Warcraft Rumble GAMEPLAY

I'm surprised that this game offers a variety of modes, including a single-player campaign with over 70 missions and PvP options. It is described by my friends as free-to-play friendly, striking a balance between in-game unlockables and microtransactions. I think I'm being left behind with this game since I've seen others at a higher level already, or is this game really easy to play?
Warcraft Rumble
Warcraft Rumble
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