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Bulbasaur: From the Pokémon Anime to My Battles!

Bulbasaur: From the Pokémon Anime to My Battles!

3K View2023-06-26
Have you ever heard Bulbasaur sing its soothing Bulba-by melody? Well, in the anime, Bulbasaur uses its vines to pick up Togepi, gently rocking it back and forth through the air while singing a "Bulba-by."
In fact, there are four other special Bulbasaur i want to talk about today! Take a seat and get ready for a delightful Bulbasaur adventure!
🌿 Ash's Bulbasaur:
Ash Ketchum encountered Bulbasaur in the Hidden Village, marking the species' physical debut. After a battle, Bulbasaur was caught. And it remained in Ash's party for most of his journey.
🌸 May's Bulbasaur/Venusaur:
During her adventures in the Hoenn region, May caught her very own Bulbasaur in Grass Hysteria! May's Bulbasaur has little heart spots on her head while Ash's does not, and has since been confirmed female via gender differences after her evolution into Venusaur.
🌺 Shauna's Bulbasaur/Ivysaur:
Shauna's starter Pokémon is a Bulbasaur she received from Professor Sycamore. In Tag Team Battle Inspiration!, Bulbasaur was revealed to have evolved into Ivysaur.
🌿 My Own Special Bulbasaur:
Now, let me introduce you to my own beloved Bulbasaur. While its appearance may not stand out, its  loyalty and battle prowess have made it an indispensable member of my team.
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