War Legends (gameplay moderate) part #4
In this gameplay is for Campaign mode which I, Human clan have to defend my base from Enemies Attack for "20 Waves". Here is the best strategy to defend our "Home Land". We need to build all buildings, especially: 1 Castle Lvl III, Bow Tower, Beam Tower, and Cannon Tower. I need all 15 troops including: 4 Helicopters, 5 Medics, 5 Arrow Elfs, at least 1 heroes melee, and the rest is Swordman or Horseman or Dwarf Hammer should put this war to our Victory. 😀 Please, Like for more incoming videos.. 🥰 Thank you very much... 🙏👍⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🥰
Vivi Vivi7782023-11-06
Wow, crafty use of game mechanics. Human clan represent! You're seriously getting me hooked on War Legends.