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Farlight 84
Maychelle is unstoppable!

Maychelle is unstoppable!

1K View2023-11-16
Hello everyone, It's Queen Jay.
Back again with a brand new video.
🎮 Gameplay:

I decided to create upload a video of a recent battle royale match where I played as Maychelle and I got 16 eliminations and 2K damage on the duos mode.
Check out my recent series of farlight 84 videos!
I hope you all enjoy this video!
Don't forget to leave a like, comment and subscribe for cool gaming content every Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.
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#UnstoppableGamer #GamingChampion
What do I use to edit my videos?
VSDC free video editor and CapCut (Mobile)
How do I did I make my video thumbnail?
I created the thumbnail using PicsArt and Snapseed to edit the photo.
What did I use to record my gameplay?
How did I edit this video? VSDC free editor.
Follow me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theequeenjay
Social media:
Website: https://queenjay181.wixsite.com/website
Instagram: theequeenjay
Twitter: @TheeQueenJay1
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