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Conquest of Empires 2
Conquest of Empires 2-Gaming Walkthrough: Famous City Struggle

Conquest of Empires 2-Gaming Walkthrough: Famous City Struggle

409 View2024-01-03
About the game basics of COE 2, you need to know:
1. Inner City 
2. World Map
3. Famous City Struggle
This article will describe the related knowledge of attacking famous cities and the basic knowledge of alliances.
Famous City Struggle:
After understanding the related knowledge of the world map, you need to know the two components of the core game world of COE 2: alliances and famous cities. The alliance will provide you with a large number of like-minded game partners and comrades, while the famous cities are the core pursuit of the game. More famous cities will give you more benefits to help you conquer the game world. About the famous city struggle, you need to know:
1. Basic knowledge of alliances
2. The function of alliance main buildings
3. Explanation of the famous city area
--Rules for troop movement
--How to quickly reach the battlefield
4. City development
5. Troop development
6. Actual combat guidance for famous city struggle
In addition, the occupation of famous cities can also give you server settlement rewards, and there are a lot of diamond rewards at each stage, so joining the alliance and attacking famous cities should be your core pursuit.
1. Basic Knowledge of Alliances:
In the game, the alliance is the basic unit composed of players, and all the core gameplay is carried out around the alliance. New players who have not joined the alliance, and players who are not willing to join the alliance (commonly known as free players) will not be able to participate in the battle for famous cities.
There is no level limit for creating an alliance, and it only needs silver to meet the system requirements. When a player creates or joins an alliance, the player's main City, Town, Village and other buildings will be labeled with the corresponding alliance.
The number of famous cities and the continents that can be occupied by different levels of alliances are different, and only when promoted to a higher level of alliance, can an alliance control a larger territory:
Alliance: famous cities on 2 continents at most
Small kingdom: famous cities on 3 continents at most
Kingdom: famous cities on 4 continents at most
Empire: No longer limited by the number of continents.
Famous cities in North America, South America and Oceania can only be attacked when the alliance level reaches kingdom, but any alliance can occupy them without the limit of continent number.
Upgrading to a higher level of alliance can increase membership limit and present territory limit BUFF rewards. At the same time, it can also bring in more officials.
The alliance needs to reach 20 levels to upgrade to a small kingdom. Therefore, in the early stages of the game, recruit as many players as possible. So you can quickly increase the alliance level to 20.
In addition, when the alliance level is upgraded to the small kingdom for the first time, the national store in the alliance will be opened. The items refreshed in the national store are directly related to the number of famous cities occupied by the alliance, so more famous cities, better rewards.
2. The Function of Alliance Main Buildings 
The alliance building will have more types with the advance of the server era and the leveling up of the alliance.
Here we mainly introduce three buildings that are often used in the early stage: production temple, alliance base, and alliance fort.
Alliance building construction generally requires 9 occupied idle grids. If the space is surrounded by other players' occupied territories, or near the edge of the City, it cannot be built. When building alliance buildings, players need to send soldiers to participate in the construction. The type of soldier determines the construction speed, and infantry soldiers build the fastest, followed by archers, and cavalry soldiers.
Production Temple
The production temple is the first building that players will encounter in peacetime. Its role is to increase the resource production of all players in the alliance. It is recommended to build it as early as possible in the early stage.
After the construction is completed, players can transport resources to the alliance building to start the upgrade. The higher the level of Alliance building, the more effects it will provide.
Alliance Base
After the completion of Alliance Base, all members of the Alliance can use the unoccupied cities in the province (except famous cities and garrison cities) and can enable peacetime status. When the Alliance Base is upgraded to level 2, the Alliance Base can enable war rally. When the war rally is enabled, all members of the Alliance can move to the unoccupied cities within the scope of the famous City through "Move City Now" without giving up their Cities and villages. After the completion of Alliance Building, they will directly obtain the vision within the scope of the famous City.
The biggest role of Alliance Base is, when it is necessary to explore or attack famous cities, building Alliance Base can help users greatly save the energy and time required to pave the way. When players arrive at the edge of a new famous City and need to save energy and gain vision, they can try to build Alliance Base to quickly unlock the vision and passage rights.
Alliance Fort
Alliance Fort is the most commonly used Alliance building in the early stage. The durability of famous cities and other outdoor buildings will continue to recover over time, and sending a large number of troops can effectively shorten the attack time. While the main City can only send out 5 troops at a time, the Alliance Fort becomes the best choice for users to increase their troops and send them out at the same time.
The characteristics of the Alliance Fortress:
1. Short construction time. In the early stage, it only takes about 45 minutes for 5 troops including infantry to build an Alliance Fort.
2. Large capacity. A level 1 Alliance Fortress can hold 10 troops.
3. Collective dispatch. When it is upgraded to a level 2 Alliance Fort, you can use the military order (in the Alliance) to use the collective dispatch function. No matter whether the troops in the fort belong to you or not. As long as you have the operation authorization, you can use the collective dispatch function.
4. Resource specificity. The Alliance Fortress itself does not produce resources, so when the troops in the Alliance Fort need supplies, supplies need to be transported to the Alliance Fort by other troops in advance. Each time they transport supplies, it will increase the player's contribution in the Alliance.
5. No consumption. Reservists, grain, timber, iron ore and stone in the Alliance Fortress will not have any additional consumption except for being consumed in reinforcing/upgrading.
6. The marching state has no effect on the player's main City. The troops in the Alliance Fortress, like those in the Cities, do not affect the movement of the Alliance. As we all know, when the main City has troops in the state of being mobilized, the main City will not be able to move and make other operations. The state of the troops in the Alliance fortress will not affect the main City.
In summary, the Alliance fort can not only help users attack famous cities, but also be used for temporary storage of materials. In the early stage, the number of Alliance fortes can be built is very large, enough for users to attack famous cities.
However, the biggest disadvantage of the Alliance fort is also obvious. Because it will not produce mission materials, so it is strongly recommended that when attacking famous cities, only send troops for eliminating durability into it. The main force of the player follows the main City. The siege troops should try to avoid attacking the defenders, so that the siege troops can attack famous cities without consuming troops.
3. Explanation of Famous City Areas
The world area in the game is divided into: the Novice Protection Area and the Alliance Capture Area. In addition, each famous City also has its own area. The City state within the famous City area will change with the occupation state of the famous City. All the cities within the famous City area will be labeled as the famous City, as shown below: (the gray boundary line in the figure is the scope of the famous City area)
When an alliance base is built in a famous City or the famous City is occupied by the alliance, all members of the alliance will gain the vision of the famous City area. And the alliance members who occupy the famous City can move the City immediately and march freely within the scope of the famous City.
Rules for Troop Marching:
Novice Protection Area:
There are no specific restrictions, and users can use any City to march.
Alliance Capture Area:
The area cannot use any unoccupied City to march, but only through the occupied villages. In addition to the villages occupied by themselves, they can also march through the villages of other players in their own alliance.
Note: If the troops have been sent to the area to march, and at this time, one of the originally occupied villages is occupied/abandoned by other alliances on the original route, the troops will have to turn back because of the loss of the route when they pass through the City, which is particularly important in PVP.
Some Special Rules:
1. Within the scope of the famous City occupied by themselves, players can freely borrow roads.
2. Within the scope of the unoccupied famous City where the alliance base has been built, they can freely borrow roads.
3. Rivers and oceans can only be traveled after the corresponding docks are occupied. The docks of the destination and the starting point must be under the control of the player, otherwise the troops will turn back when they encounter the dock occupied by the other side when traveling on the ocean. And generally speaking, after occupying the dock, the mist of the City where the dock is located will be unlocked.
4. If the troops are already in the state of departure, and you want to forcefully cancel the departure, you can find the troops in the troop settings interface and use the disband unit function. This function needs to cost some diamonds.
5. If the troops are already in the state of return, select the troops and click immediate return to immediately return the troops to the City of departure. This function needs to cost some diamonds.
How to Arrive at the Battlefield Quickly:
The game world map of COE 2 is very large, and it often takes a lot of time to travel between different famous cities. How can you arrive at the battlefield/destination quickly? In the game, a very convenient way is provided for the player: to move the main City.
There are three ways to move the main City:
1) set the Villages as the main City,
2) move the City now function,
3) event City transfer.
In the early and middle stage of the game, you will use above three ways to migrate the main City, and the most frequently used one is to set the Village as the main City.
1) Set the Village as the Main City.
In the game, the player's City units are divided into three types: main City, Town, and Village. Among them, as long as the Town and Village are under the control of the player, the user can set it as the main City at any time, and move the main City to the coordinate of the Town, and Village. The only difference is that if the Town is set as the main City, the building units being built in the Town will be suspended, and the reserve resources will be temporarily frozen. When the main City moves away from the coordinate, the player can set the coordinate City as the Town again to continue using the resources in the Town. There is a certain cooling time for setting the main City, generally 1 hour in the novice server.
2) Move the City Now Function
Compared with the previous method of main City migration, the conditions are stricter, but it is very convenient to use. In the game, as long as the function button of move the City now appears, the function can be used to migrate the main City to the corresponding target point. The general conditions are as follows:
1. In the novice protection zone, you can migrate your main City to any unoccupied City at any time.
2. Within the occupied famous City, you can migrate your main City to any unoccupied City at any time.
3. When you have built a level 2 alliance base within the unoccupied famous City and turned on the "assembly" function, alliance members can migrate their main City to any unoccupied City within the famous City at any time.
Note: Move the City now is convenient to use, but the cooling time is very long, generally 4 hours.
3) Event City Transfer
When the server enters the Castle Age, the game will first time open the relic battlefield with event city transfer function. The lord ≥ lv.30 can participate. There are a large number of resources and unlimited springs in the relic battlefield for players to visit and explore. Event city transfer can be used twice a day, corresponding to the opening time of the legacy battlefield: 12:30-20:00 and 20:30-12:00. Each time you enter the relic battlefield, you can continue to explore for 30 minutes. After staying in the battlefield for 30 minutes, you will not be able to send troops to the battle.
4. Town Development
Town is one of the most important urban units for users. In the ordinary novice server, the Town in the protection area will not be attacked by other users. Therefore, it is a good choice to set up the Town within the scope of the novice protection area. The garrison cities around the famous cities have natural castle levels, so the occupation can save the time and resources to raise castle levels, which is also a good choice to set up the Town.
The buildings in the Town are different from those in the main City. The resource territories and market in the main City are not available in the town. In addition, the functions of the buildings are also different. This can be viewed in detail in the corresponding building instructions when building.
About the configuration of the Town, due to the user's raising level in the early stage, and attacking the famous City, a lot of resources and reservists will be consumed. Therefore, it is recommended to build at least 3-4 towns in the early stage. The main building upgrade order is, 3 reinforcement barracks first, and then various processing plants. It is recommended that these towns are set up as close as possible, so as to facilitate the main City to come back to get resources.
About the building upgrade order of the Town:
For the garrison Town responsible for the producing reservists, the upgrade order is 3 reinforcement barracks > warehouse > tax office > pub > various processing plants. The Command Hall and the Drill Ground, depend on different needs, could be upgraded to level 3.
For ordinary towns not responsible for that, the order is to upgrade warehouse > tax office > tavern > various processing plants > 3 reinforcement barracks.
5. Troop Development
In the game, infantry provides the highest siege value, followed by archer, and the worst is cavalry. Some troops have additional siege value bonuses, such as mercenary pikeman, mercenary swordsman, catapult, assassin and other troops.
It is recommended that players focus on developing three main forces responsible for clearing defenders and several siege units responsible for city durability in the early stage.
Common formations: Knife Rest Array, Blunt Yoke Array, Spear Formation, Wolf Formation
Recommended hero combinations for early stage of Knife Rest Array: (mainly used for Spear Formation)
Main Troop:
four stars: Byzantine Empress,
five stars: The White Queen
Rightward Rear:
four stars: Legendary Archer,
five stars: The Great Empress
four stars: heroes using shield soldiers are all available,
five stars: heroes using shield soldiers are all available
Recommended hero combinations for early stage of Blunt Yoke Array: (mainly used for Wolf Formation)
Main Troop: four stars: The Protector
Other four positions: it is recommended to use pikeman, or other troops against cavalry.
Recommended hero combinations for early stage of Spear Formation: (mainly used for Wolf Formation, Empty City Strategy)
Main Troop:
four-star: Strategic Pioneer,
five-star: Model Monarch
Leftward and rightward forward:
four-star: Knights Templar, or other four-star cavalry,
five-star: Huo Qubing, Model Monarch
Leftward and rightward wing:
four-star: Knight of the Lake
five-star: Mysterious Queen, Daimyo of Sengoku Period (using warrior)
Recommended hero combinations for early stage of Wolf Formation: (mainly used for Knife Rest Array)
Main Troop:
four-star: all four-star heroes with Wolf Formation are available,
five-star: King of Kings (using Forest Mahout)
Siege team has no specific formation recommendation. Because the general formation will reduce the movement speed, it is recommended to use the general formation less.
For a 5-infantry team, it is recommended to use the Macedonian Array.
6. Combat Guide for Famous City Struggle
The difficulty of attacking famous cities is different for different numbers of players. Therefore, it is very important to choose a proper target. In the ordinary novice server, there is a concept of novice protection area. Some famous cities in the novice protection area can only be attacked by players who choose this camp. For example:
When you are in the wartime, it is recommended to choose a level 15 famous City as the preferred attack target. If you decide to attack this famous City, you need to understand that a normal process of famous City conquest is divided into the following steps:
1) Choose a proper target, mainly considering the durability and defender strength of the target.
2) Clear a route. Since most famous cities are located in the Alliance Capture Area, you need to clear a route to the famous City for yourself or your alliances to march.
3) Choose to attack and occupy a garrison City. Generally, garrison cities have the same strength as famous cities and have a 14,000 durability. Clear the defenders, and then dispatch your siege team to decrease its durability to 0.
4) After occupying the garrison city, build an alliance fort in a reasonable location near the garrison city. Wait for the completion of construction, and send your siege troops to the alliance fort after recovering their constitution.
5) Move your city to a place not too far away from the famous city, because the city's guard will refresh after 6 hours of your first attack, so you need to make sure your troops are close enough to occupy the city.
6) When the city guards are all cleared, send your siege team to attack the city and destroy the durability of the city. It should be noted that the durability of the famous city will slowly recover over time, and the recovery rate is relatively fast. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the troops are enough to eliminate the durability, and then start to carry out the siege attack.
1) About the springs around the famous city, it is best not to visit before attacking the city, so as to ensure that your troops can visit them if their constitution is not enough.
2) Daily Treasure can be refreshed around the main city, in case the siege forces’ constitution is not enough to eliminate all the durability.
3) Use mercenary pikeman, mercenary swordsman, and catapults to provide a lot of siege value.
4) Destroy the defenders and eliminate the durability are two stages, after clearing the defenders, you can wait for other players to eliminate the durability, so try not to start alone, because the durability of the famous city will continue to recover.
5) Before each fight, call other players together. It can effectively improve the success rate of occupying the city.
6) Before each attack, calculate the siege value of all your troops. Generally, the total siege value should be greater than 20% of the durability of the city, which can ensure the success rate.
7) The main city/starting point of soldiers should be the close to the famous city. The closer the distance, the shorter the march time, the less durable the city recovery.
8) Attacking the city can obtain conquest points and a large number of merit points, which will affect the player's title. So participating in the famous city attack earlier is better for the player.

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