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T3 Arena
Consider Mastering A “High Risk-High Reward” Hero in T3 Arena

Consider Mastering A “High Risk-High Reward” Hero in T3 Arena

3K View2024-03-07
T3 Arena has some amazing hero’s, from Kazama to Jabali, this games character design and character mechanics are super fun. From Cristina’s “Bouncy Grenade” to Shell’s “Cyber Weapon”, it’s no surprise that the playstyle opinions in this game has something for everyone. There’s one playstyle in particular that I want to cover, the “high risk - high reward” (HR-HR) hero.
What I define in this case as a HR-HR hero is any hero that is low hp (anything 5600 hp and under), manual fire, singular projectile/ strike, and has one shot potential. What makes these hero’s HR-HR is because with the decent catalog of hero’s that T3 has, plus auto-fire, manual fire/single projectile hero’s require more work and accuracy and in turn, are rewarded with one shot potential (for those that don’t know what that means, these hero’s can completely kill DPS/flank/support hero’s with a singular well placed headshot. Only in Vincent’s case, can a body shot be enough).
With mastering (or at least becoming proficient with) a HR-HR hero, you can drastically change the direction of a game. You can reduce fight times, redirect enemy traffic, demotivate flanking, and so much more. At the time of this posting there are currently four HR-HR hero’s (Lacia, Ossas, Hua Ling, and Vincent) and I’ll be covering each hero in small detail as to why you might want to consider mastering them.
OSSAS - The Fallen Hitman
Ossas is a robust hero with an awesome kit that hits all the right spots. He has cover/diversion, mobility, and one of the great game changing ultimates in the game.
PROS: no bulletdrop, the only true scoped sniper, and the best scanning ability in the sniper category
CONS: be mindful of blind sides, hard to handle close range fights,
ONE REASON TO PICK: His 2nd ult is fantastic and has tons of utility if used correctly. From quickly getting teammates back into the fight to getting back to spawn for a quick heal.
LACIA - The Shadow Ninja
Lacia has been a topic of controversy, being considered the “hero with no flaws”. With a fantastic kit and one of the most powerful ults in the game, Lacia might be the way to go.
PROS: the best mobility in the category, the only right hand peaking sniper, can somewhat handle close range fights
CONS: misplaced ult can leave her vulnerable, her scan is an active ability not a passive, the upfront cost
ONE REASON TO PICK: 3rd times a charm with this sniper. Because of her first active ability, this sniper can shoot a full charge shot 3 times in a very short amount of time. Making up for rocky aim.
HUA LING - The Master of Archery
Hua Ling, the first T3 battle pass hero. Her kit is versatile with movement, a movement stabilization bomb, and two very useful ults that aren’t too objective specific.
PROS: movement, invisibility, informative scan
CONS: projectile drop, having to lead shots, scan is a tad slow
ONE REASON TO PICK: Shoot and go, because of Hua’s movement and projectile type, shooting on the go is much easier for her than the other snipers on this list. You can have a really good “flow” with this sniper.
VINCENT - The Master Assassin
The original “pay to win” hero. When first released was considered to be ridiculously busted. Now that the community knows how to handle him, he is decently manageable, but still so useful.

PROS: instant death on contact, exciting play style, tank destroyer
CONS: the lowest hp in the game, can’t handle AOE damage, learning curve, the upfront cost
ONE REASON TO PICK: The guaranteed one shot on contact. Doesn’t matter if it’s a tank or not, if Vincent closes that gap, it’s over.
I hope you consider adding one of these hero’s into your T3 rotation, just to put the odds of winning just a little more in your favor.

hope this helps,
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posts with dedication on writing like this makes me enjoy reading it, it's not bland, informative, and enjoyable, it's also been a long time since I've played T3 arena and this makes me wanna play again.


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DR.TANKiᵖʰᵈ Author

Im so happy to hear that people enjoy my T3 content. Unfortunately I did write about the game anymore. It’s in a lame state (just meaning no activity, not that the game sucks), and there’s no definitive answer on its future at the moment. This actually might be a good time for a returning player to comeback and enjoy the game before it possibility gets decommissioned🤔


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I'm one crystal away from getting Lacia.I'm pretty excited to get her and use her over Hua Ling.


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DR.TANKiᵖʰᵈ Author

I would strongly consider waiting until we got confirmation on a next season/ knowing what are t3 arenas plans for continuation. I just dont want any player out here just throwing away money if i can help it😅


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Just reading this but I loveee it like all your other posts!! You have such a beautiful way of explaining things and phrasing them. I'm a FAN!


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DR.TANKiᵖʰᵈ Author

Hey, thanks a lot man! I really appreciate that, I always hope this stuff helps out somebody, or at least has a little bit of information they didn’t have☺️


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