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Armor Attack Alpha test Gameplay (Android, iOS, PC)

Armor Attack Alpha test Gameplay (Android, iOS, PC)

2K View2024-03-07
➡️Armor Attack coming soon for both  Android & iOS devices and for PC as well
➡️ Official Website Link to join Pre Alpha test:
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➡️About this Game
Join an all-out mech vehicle warfare, customizing and taking control of
battle technologies
Create your dream team by playing with friends across devices. No need to pick and choose anymore!
Every map has its own game-changing mechanic. Be it an ever-changing map layout, a strategically important vantage point or a huge AI-controlled boss - each one has the potential to turn the tides of war.
Explore three different playing styles and battle technology designs: defense, damage and exploiting the battlefield. You’ll soon discover the stories behind them which have created the world of Armor Attack.
Genres: Action
Platform: Android, iOS, PC
Publisher: KEK Entertainment
Release Date:
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Amar Sadam
Amar Sadam

plss online or offline


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it's an online game


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MP443 G
MP443 G

looks like BOT


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game still in alpha test sir


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