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How To Become A Pro At ANY Game You Play📘✏️🎮

How To Become A Pro At ANY Game You Play📘✏️🎮

945 View2024-05-02
1---> What Genre is the game you are going to play?
Now, you may be wondering how that will help and let me tell you it DOES help a lot.
so tell me when you first enter a new game that let's say is a fps shooter game what comes to your mind first? Some people would think about visuals others would think about gameplay, some would think about Making friends, But here in 'How to Become A Pro In ANY Game 101' We only think about How to be a Pro and dominate Everyone!
After you enter that FPS-shooter game you will find patterns that help you become better instantly, isn't it a FPS-Shooter game? Then it will have a lot of similar stuff to other FPS-Shooters, for example, most FPS-Shooters have sensitivity settings, you adjust that to have more precise and accurate aim. Let's say it's a gacha game, then you will try to find the best method to summon for 'X' and that logic applies to All of the genres, and So the First Tip I would give you is to Find Patterns among different games with the same genre.
2---> Discord...Youtube...X/Twitter.
"Ezz what are you talking about?!?" Hear me out, ANY Game you enter will always have a discord or even content creators who do content on it, and among these platforms there is always people who know the meta, or even if there is no meta they will give you tips on how to improve your skills, so make sure to check their discord server or even check meta/tips on YouTube or just Follow What's new on X/Twitter, as even roblox games got discord server and content creators, and trust me don't ever ask for tips on the in game global chat they are not as good as outside sources. There is also other platforms like twitch, Google websites, forums, but the main ones that are 100% gonna help you are discord, X/Twitter and YouTube.
3---> Optimise Your Device controls.
We can't really change reality and the sad truth is you can Pay to win in skill based games but don't get it wrong you will still need skill even if you pay, cause look above and tell me with all the honest you have that these won't give someone a advantage, for example if you play on a ps4 controller in fortnite and you play normally without claw grip then you will at some point be at your skill limit, your editing speed won't reach its full potential, your overall movement will not reach its full potential, and maybe even your aim, but when you buy back triggers you will breakthrough this limit and reach a higher skill ceiling, look at all the pros they either use triggers or play with a grip (claw, octopus, etc.) AND that applies to phone triggers and keyboard and mouse extra controls. And unfortunately that's just unfair but its reality, but as we know not all skill based games require those things for example geometry dash, you literally just click or any game with low required control buttons. If you guys want me to get into details I will be happy to make a post covering this topic.
4---> Focus On the Game You Are Playing.
I think this is really obvious but many people ignore it, games that requires skill or grinding are gonna take some times for you to get good at, rocket league, rhythm games, gacha games, you will need to put time BUT that doesn't mean you play 24/7 but just have a consistent schedule, for example make a free time for whatever game you want to get good at and free about 1- 4 hours a day for it, and just keep playing and rack up those hours, remember to stay hydrated and let the sun touch your skin from time to time lol. You should also not play mindlessly, you should think "what can make me better?" Sometimes the answer is just a Lil warmup before playing ranked, or just getting into the shooting range and practice your aim, etc. In conclusion be consistent and optimise your learning skill. And Try your best to focus on 1 game only at a time so you don't feel overwhelmed.
5---> Your mentality.
A LOT of people try to improve but just has a bad and unorganised mentality as they block their growth.
There is many things you should keep in your mind and really think about them.
1- Don't hop on Any Game(competitively) if you have irl worries for example, exams, family problems, money issues, and trust me don't say "I do that but it doesn't worry me" it does, it subconsciously does, when you are worried and try to do something you won't be 100% focused, a good example for that is a man he came back from work he does his daily stuff, and at 7 at night he hops on his fav game and start playing without having to worry about anything.
2- STOP raging, Stop getting mad, the truth is the feeling of being angry is normal and is in every human, we can't make it disappear but we can control it, let me show you an example, a person I know who plays fifa always and when I say always I am not joking, he always raged when he lost or when his opponent celebrates the goal or when his opponent wastes time when winning, he once asked me "why do I always lose?" I didn't want to tell him its because he always rages so I just told him that I don't know, he had a amazing team he had many experience in the game, while the reason he lost may be partially because he simply sucked at a aspect a percentage of why he lost can be also caused by his rage and feeling of angry, when we are angry we tend to be impulsive and not think of our actions and that results in loss as our opponent is calm he thinks, and he acts, and he wins while we try our best but still fail and that's because we are angry, so calm down, there is nothing to rage about, breathe slowly, meditation can help too.
3- Don't go on a game thinking "I want to win" rather think "I want to improve", and if you lose don't think "I suck I am quiting!!" Rather think "I will learn from my mistakes that caused me to lose" and from personal experience it definitely helps.
4- if you are sad also don't hop on Any Game cause it can affect your gameplay or your enjoyment, make sure to be in a neutral or a happy state as it will allow you to have fun while playing/improving and will tend to make you play better or have a better experience.
6---> Grab a Gaming Buddy/Friend!
Frankly, Let me tell you a Gaming Buddy is definitely a good thing, your gaming friend will act as a ladder and your support. If both of you start a game both of you are new then that's perfect, you guys can share stuff like mechanics, ideas, tips, and can even challenge each other in that game! Since your skill will be close to each other that means you can help the other improve, it's just like goku he meets stronger opponent's and they make him stronger, you guys could even play duos or grind together and be the best. But if you are a solo that's a no problem! You can still challenge random players who are close to you in terms of skill.
7---> The Basics.
The Basics, One of the most important things in any game if not the most. The Basics are like learning how to walk so you can proceed to run, many people in games fail this stage, they just right into advanced stuff "my aim sucks"..."I keep dying"...."I can't master this mechanic"...its because you didn't master the basics, a game like fortnite how are you gonna do this mechanic if you didn't master building, how are you gonna edit fast if you didn't master your aim placement?, or even call of duty they go right into movement slide canceling but forget to master their aim and vice versa, or a game like smash bros or brawlhalla how are you gonna do this very advanced combo if you don't know how to make a simple combo, or even study the hitboxes, or master your movement, that's why you gotta master the game Basics.
8---> Stop Exploring Every feature.
Just look at that and tell me that you know your objective because for me I would enter everything just to know how the game works and tbh that's just a bad thing to do (most of the time) there is this technique that I use and its actually used by programmer which is debugging, I know that's a programming thing but hear me out, once you enter any game I want you do enter the main thing this game offers, just hit play, if it's a racing games just enter a race, if it's a shooter just go shoot, etc. You get the point, and Once You See That there is a problem or a obstacle you are facing try to fix it..."my sensitivity settings are too high" find your good sensitivity, "my character auto jumps" turn off auto jumping, "I don't have enough of this material" go get the required amount, its very similar to fixing programming bugs, and trust me it's a good process that makes your objective clear and doesn't just make you feel lost.
9---> What is the most important things in that game?
I think you already get the point, if you don't let me explain, what's the most important thing in genshin impact or any other similar game? You're right it's the currency you use to literally get most things, what about dark souls? What's something important? Yes.....dodging, or maybe a fps shooter? You're right your Aim, and that's basically it find the most important thing that can let you access everything and Help you pass anything in the game, something as simple as dodging can help you defeat a lot of bosses or even make it possible for you to defeat someone without the required equipment, and that logic can apply to many games, it's like "I mastered how to throw this ball into the basket so now i don't have to go and put it in myself" you get the point.
And now for the last and most important tip.
10---> don't take it too seriously.
Yes you read it right, don't be too serious.
Being too serious will destroy many things I your life.
1- your friends won't like you if you are too serious, it's ok to be serious if you are in a tournament but don't be too serious and don't shout or scold your teammates it will bring them down, or even your friends don't be too serious when just chilling, make jokes, relax, or you will stress everybody around you.
2- when serious there will be no fun. Don't take the fun aspect away or you could lose passion and motivation to continue, if all you think about is "I want to win" and don't consider having fun then you will at some point give up since there is no meaning in playing other than money and even if there is money you won't play good since not having fun can make you bored and when you are bored trust me you won't play well.
Well, in conclusion look for outside sources for meta and other necessary information, have a good mentality, know what's important for your time and what's not, have a schedule, play with others or 1 friend, have fun and don't be too serious and focus on grinding and try to focus on 1 game at a time.
I hope this helps people to be pros at any game, and it will be appreciated if you follow and like❤️💯🔥🗣
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Ezz Author

thanks so much! I really appreciate your attention to my post 🙏💯


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i aint readin allat


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Ezz Author

that's ok long text is scary but once you start reading it's easy and fast


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u deserve way more followers than this


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Ezz Author

thanks so much 🙏


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