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Death's Door Reviews

Death's Door Reviews

I Can't Believe How Good Death's Door Feels on Mobile!

Exploring the seamless transition of a beloved console game to mobile !
Death's Door
Death's Door

Death's Door: An IMPRESSIVE and ATMOSPHERIC Isometric Action RPG!

Overall I'd say that Deaths Door was a fantastic game, that I thoroughly enjoyed. While I don't usually warm up to souls-like games too often, I did find this one to be a lot of fun. The inclusion of different difficulty levels is probably the main reason I enjoyed this, as I was able to put the game to easy mode in order to not go crazy from all the hectic boss fights. I decided to give this game a 9/10 because they cater to all difficulty levels and is just an overall fantastic game for me to enjoy. The jokes were good too.
Death's Door: An IMPRESSIVE and ATMOSPHERIC Isometric Action RPG!
Death's Door
Death's Door

Death Door Is A Challenging Yet Addicting Experience!

Death's Door, the charming 2D action-adventure game released in 2021, is still worth playing in 2023. Here's why: At its core, Death's Door is a top-down action-adventure game with a focus on exploration, combat, and puzzle solving. This classic formula has been around for decades, and Death's Door executes it perfectly with tight controls, responsive combat, and clever puzzles.  Death's Door takes place in a quirky world where crows work as reapers, collecting souls and keeping the balance of life and death. This unique setting is further enhanced by the game's charming art style, which blends pixel art with hand-drawn elements.
Death Door Is A Challenging Yet Addicting Experience!
Death's Door
Death's Door

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Death's door gameplay

The game provides a fulfilling progression system and fosters a sense of exploration, which enhances the overall depth of the experience. I highly value the distinctive identity that Death's Door establishes, rather than perceiving it as a mere amalgamation of various influences. It also offers an engaging and enjoyable adventure, particularly appealing especially since I love action-oriented gameplay and immersive storytelling.
Death's Door
Death's Door

Death's Door _ GAMEPLAY

Developed by Acid Nerve, has received positive reviews from players and critics alike. The game is often praised for its polished gameplay mechanics, engaging combat, and tight controls. It is frequently compared to beloved franchises like Zelda, Metroid, and Dark Souls, and it successfully delivers an experience worthy of such mentions.
Death's Door
Death's Door


烏鴉,長久以來便是死神的代言人,它預告死亡,它收割靈魂,在《死亡之門》這款遊戲中,玩家所扮演的小烏鴉便陷身於每日打卡上班收割靈魂的單調無聊日子中。 然而某一天,盜走靈魂的小偷打破了小烏鴉平靜的日常,為了奪回今日的工作份額,追逐小偷的小烏鴉,踏上了那片死亡也不曾涉足的領域,傳說中的「死亡之門」也靜靜坐落於此。 隨著遊戲流程的推進,小烏鴉將前往前往荒涼孤寂的墓地、古老神秘的廢墟、陰森恐怖的洋館擊敗強大的首領BOSS,收割打開死亡之門所需要三個獨特的強大靈魂。 《死亡之門》的玩法內核十分簡潔,攻擊、翻滾配合遠程的魔法進行作戰,近戰可以為魔法充能,而閃避擁則有無敵幀。 遊戲內並未對翻滾采取精力損耗的限製,所以在不貪刀的前提下本作的戰鬥難度並不算高。 精簡的成長系統配合紮實的戰鬥系統在本作小巧的體量下也不顯得過於臃腫,選擇魔法、近戰一項強化便可輕松通關,並且遊戲中的收集項也能夠剛好將能力強化至滿級。
Death's Door
Death's Door

An amazing action-adventure game

Death’s Door is an amazing action-adventure game where we play as a soul-reaping crow that must travel through a mysterious world, fight enemies with melee and ranged weapons, and solve interesting puzzles. Read my full review:
Death's Door
Death's Door

Unveiling the Mysteries of "Death's Door": A Captivating Adventure

Step into a world where life and death intertwine in "Death's Door," an action-adventure game that has been captivating players with its unique art style and immersive storyline. Embark on a mysterious journey through various realms, facing formidable enemies and unearthing secrets along the way. This game might just be the perfect fit for your adventurous spirit. Immerse Yourself in a World of Discovery:
Unveiling the Mysteries of "Death's Door": A Captivating Adventure
Death's Door
Death's Door

The game presents a compelling story

I love its tight and responsive gameplay mechanics. Combat encounters are challenging yet fair, requiring strategic thinking and skillful execution to overcome enemies and bosses. The game's progression system, offering upgrades and new abilities, adds depth and a sense of growth to the gameplay experience.
The game presents a compelling story
Death's Door
Death's Door

Death's Door: Still Worth Reaping in 2023?

Death's Door, the charming 2D action-adventure game released in 2021, is still worth playing in 2023. At its core, Death's Door is a top-down action-adventure game with a focus on exploration, combat, and puzzle solving. This classic formula has been around for decades, and Death's Door executes it perfectly with tight controls, responsive combat, and clever puzzles. follow me on youtube:
Death's Door: Still Worth Reaping in 2023?
Death's Door
Death's Door

Deaths Door - An EPIC Action RPG With SOULS-LIKE Elements

🎮 Game: Deaths Door 🍭 Platform: PC (Steam/Epic) | Nintendo Switch | PlayStation 4/5 | XBOX X/S/One | ✨ Genre: Action RPG | Hack & Slash | Souls-Like | Isometric | Single Player | ⚔️Death's Door is a super awesome action RPG game with Souls Like boss fight encounters that had me on the edge of my seat on numerous occasions. While not as hardcore as a souls like experience, the boss fights definitely do give off that vibe.
Deaths Door - An EPIC Action RPG With SOULS-LIKE Elements
Death's Door
Death's Door

[Gameplay] Death's Door

The presentation of Death's Door is also highly regarded, with its visually captivating art style and immersive audio design. The game offers a satisfying progression system and encourages exploration, adding depth to the overall experience.
Death's Door
Death's Door

《 死亡之門 》:克製的畫風與步步遞進的解密

《死亡之門》的初見我想是頗為驚艷的,倘若你曾遊玩過《紀念碑谷》、《奧日與黑暗森林》等頗具獨特氣質的獨立,想必也會被本作吸引。 行使死神司職的小烏鴉如往常一般,前往「收割委員會」開啟日復一日的收割生活,收割委員會的采用了默片一般的黑白色設計,與其所代表的死亡倒也蠻搭調。 《死亡之門》的美術設計,以克製來形容我想十分恰當。 本作采用了卡通畫風的建模,但棱角分明幹凈利落的風格使其更為趨向於真實,多采用冷調的場景構建也使得本作有著獨特的清冷、憂郁的氣質。 在初見《死亡之門》時,屬實會令人一眼幻視2D塞爾達傳說,但本作的開放性大多存在著較為線性的引導。 在前往一個新區域時,會先進入一個半開放式的區域,其中藏匿著本作堪稱巨量的收集要素,而有些道路則融入了類銀河城的鎖鑰設計,在攻關流程進入一定階段時,可以通過獲得的新能力回頭探索這部分內容,這一設計使得該區域的探索營造了一種「表面開放,實則線性」的遊玩體驗,在道中解鎖的捷徑也更為方便回頭收集查漏補缺。
《 死亡之門 》:克製的畫風與步步遞進的解密
Death's Door
Death's Door


遊戲名:Death‘s Door 平臺:Android    iOS 類型:Zelda-like Soul-like   週末玩了下剛登陸手機端的Death‘s Door。之前有過玩Tunic的經驗,感覺上手這款遊戲還是相對容易的。玩家要在看似開放實則線性的地圖裡四處探索,消滅怪物,破解謎題獲得道具和藏品,擊敗鎮守各方的BOSS通關劇情。 相對來講,Death‘s Door對手殘玩家還是比較友好的。翻滾過程無敵且冷卻時間很短,玩家只需要觀察清楚敵人的行動規律,及時閃避,大不了就是打得慢一點,但最終都是能打過去的。遊戲裡沒有地圖,但各種岔路捷徑只是方便玩家死後重返最新進度點,沿著有怪可打的方向走就不用擔心自己會錯過什麼。 遊戲裡比較有特色的是超級巨大的BOSS,主角小烏鴉站在BOSS面前仿佛可以被一腳踩死🤣壓迫感實在太足了!遊戲視角好像是不能變的,所以要注意別被BOSS擋住視線,不然就會變成憑感覺盲打了😅
Death's Door
Death's Door
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