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Defense Derby Reviews

Defense Derby Reviews

[Review roundup] From soft launch to official launch: Is Defense Derby worth your time?

Defense Derby, the unprecedented PvP Tower Defense game, is officially available now for both Android and iOS players! Dive into intense 4-player PvP battles, where strategy, mind games, and powerful synergies collide. Witness the birth of a groundbreaking genre, "Betting Royale," as you scout for units and launch thrilling battles through bidding! ⚔️Official launch 🆚 Soft launch. What's new? 🔥Quest mode added
[Review roundup] From soft launch to official launch: Is Defense Derby worth your time?
Defense Derby
Defense Derby

Is Defense Derby the Game Changer We Needed in Tower Defense Games?

Experience the appeal of Defense Derby in my latest play-through. This isn't your usual gacha-heavy tower defense, it offers a unique blend of strategy and quick decision-making with its innovative unit-bidding system.
Is Defense Derby the Game Changer We Needed in Tower Defense Games?
Defense Derby
Defense Derby


Engage in ultimate Betting Royale and shake up the battlefield in Defense Derby! This unprecedented PvP Tower Defense game puts your strategic abilities to the test. Experience a thrilling 4-player PvP Derby Mode where the battle continues until one player remains. Employ a unique Unit Scouting System using Derby Chips and discover a captivating 3X3 BINGO deployment strategy. Participate in Guardian's Journey System and rise through global ranks, unlocking exclusive rewards. Take on various PvE Modes, challenging your defense limits in Blitz Mode, Dungeon encounters, Castle defenses in Idle Mode, and friendly duels in Friendly Derby Mode. Are you ready for the Defense Derby challenge?
Defense Derby
Defense Derby

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A PvP tower defense with real-time auction mechanics | Review - Defense Derby

Defense Derby is a mobile multiplayer tower defense game that brings unique mechanics with its gameplay. With a captivating combination of hero collection and a unique bidding system, this title offers an addictive and strategic experience. 🟩Pros +Unique bidding mechanics +Strategic tower defense gameplay +Asynchronous tower defense PvP mechanics 🟥Cons -In-App purchases can change the balance of PvP
A PvP tower defense with real-time auction mechanics | Review - Defense Derby
Defense Derby
Defense Derby

用塔防玩PVP豎屏放置 體驗拍賣行的緊張刺激

把一款輕度塔防玩法的放置遊戲做成PvP模式,有點新穎,而PvP也是這款遊戲的核心的玩法,4個人用暗拍競價的方式選取各個戰鬥單位,通過競速,去淘汰對手獲得勝利。 3X3戰鬥部署策略,在較少的戰鬥區域通過陣營、站位的影響,發揮不同的戰鬥效果 放置獲得角色升級經驗和資源,解放雙手 戰鬥過程可以實時更換角色位置,策略性拉滿 更公平的對戰,競拍獲得角色,每個玩家競拍獲得的角色強度都一樣。 先來看看PvP戰鬥的方式吧,有一種玩爐石酒館戰棋的感覺,每一輪戰鬥選擇不同的單位,並且需要競價才能獲得。並且,所有進入競價池的卡,都來源於4位玩家編隊的卡組。 我認為這個PvP玩法中,競價才是核心。競價就是心理博弈,要計算對手花了多少錢,去判斷他到底能出多少錢。因為如果出價相同,都是最高,那麽可以共同獲得這個角色。不過,遊戲中我們是可以看到對手的余額的,所以,千萬別浪費錢! 3x3的格子中,不管是連成一條線,還是陣營之間彼此挨著,都有特定的加成,所以在佈陣中是需要一些策略的。遊戲的PvE系統相對簡單和弱化,闖關部分就是單純的數值檢測器,推不了幾關就會打不過。因為等級不高也沒有課金,所以推圖推得比較慢,可以全程享受PVP的玩法啦~
用塔防玩PVP豎屏放置 體驗拍賣行的緊張刺激
Defense Derby
Defense Derby


Derby這個遊戲真的給了我很大的驚喜。2023年了,幾乎所有市面上的自走棋都不再適合新玩家入坑,新玩家面對浩如煙海的棋子基本都無從下手。但是Derby不僅對自走棋玩法做出了很大的改動,還給出了清晰的學習曲線,一下子打開了自走棋推新難的局面。 ✨易上手又重策略的自走棋玩法 自走棋的主要玩點包括組陣型和局內發育,二者都需要玩家對棋子有足夠的瞭解才能做到,這恰恰是自走棋最難上手的地方——新玩家沒有能力去記憶和分析龐大的棋子庫。而Derby把這套玩法拆解簡化了。 同種族同職業三個單位湊一排,就能獲得buff加成 玩家在上手階段不需要瞭解每個棋子,只要知道同種族挨在一起有buff、同職業組成直線有buff,就足夠完成組陣型的環節了。局內發育也不用去觀察每個玩家的陣容、計算剩餘的棋子量或者權衡升級和購買棋子的時機,玩家只管判斷,這是同種族、同職業的棋子,有buff加成,出高價買下即可。 上場作戰的棋子要通過競拍獲得
Defense Derby
Defense Derby

Tower Defense and playing mind games in multiplayer PvP | First Impressions - Defense Derby

Defense Derby is a simple game to play, monsters attack your square castle, and you have to place a variety of heroes on top of it to effectively survive the waves of enemies marching around and towards your castle gate. There are two main gameplay modes in Defense Derby, one is a singleplayer “Blitz” mode where you clear increasingly difficult stages with the use of your predetermined Unit and Hero lineup. While the “Derby” game mode is the multiplayer component and is the main star of the game.
Tower Defense and playing mind games in multiplayer PvP | First Impressions - Defense Derby
Defense Derby
Defense Derby

A unique mind bending tower defense game | Full Review - Defense Derby

Defense Derby is a mobile multiplayer tower defense game featuring hero collection and a unique mind bending multiplayer format. It is currently in a beta test until May 11. Defense Derby is a simple game to play, monsters attack your square castle, and you have to place a variety of heroes on top of it to effectively survive the waves of enemies marching around and towards your castle gate. The game features a mixed variety of heroes and units to use and place on top of the castle to do some wave defense. These units are your typical mages, archers, swordsman, rifleman, wizards, etc. that you’ll see in the fantasy genre, with everyone having their own unique attributes, attack ranges, and attack type. While heroes on the other hand serve as the leader of these units, they feature abilities that you can actively use in battle.
A unique mind bending tower defense game | Full Review - Defense Derby
Defense Derby
Defense Derby

Talk about a new variety of tower defense games, right?

Unleash Your Strategic Prowess in the Ultimate PvP Tower Defense Experience! Discover the thrill of 4-player PvP battles, recruit essential units with Derby Chips, and strategically deploy them using the captivating 3X3 BINGO strategy. Rise through the ranks, unlock exclusive rewards, and conquer various PvE modes. Experience this unprecedented gameplay now!
Talk about a new variety of tower defense games, right?
Defense Derby
Defense Derby

Defense Derby (Early Access) First Impressions

MY OVERALL SCORE 7/10 A new genre of tower defense awaits! Enjoy an epic battle of wits in this multiplayer PvP tower defense! Constantly make adjustments to your strategy for the best defense! ★ Unit Scouting: An Epic Battle of Wits | DefenseDerby Use your acquired 'Derby Chips' to recruit the best units for your team! Offering more than you can afford can put you at a disadvantage in later rounds.
Defense Derby (Early Access) First Impressions
Defense Derby
Defense Derby

Defense Derby Android / iOS - First Impression Gameplay Review

Global Launch Defense Derby for Android or iOS (August 3rd 2023)
Defense Derby Android / iOS - First Impression Gameplay Review
Defense Derby
Defense Derby

Defense Derby Has Exciting PVP Gameplay!

Defense Derby has just launched it's early access in select countries. The gameplay consists of tower defense but specializes in fun PVP. The PVP game mode puts 4 players against each other with a exciting twist. Aside from the typical idea of just putting heroes on a map to defend a lane, the PVP features a currency system called derby coins. Before the round begins all players will see a random character card shown. The players will then wager any amount they desire to try and win that character card. The highest bigger wins the character and can deploy them to protect their castle. You never know how much your opponents are wagering until the end. The strategy involved makes the PVP mode loads of fun and adds way more depth to the game.
Defense Derby Has Exciting PVP Gameplay!
Defense Derby
Defense Derby

Something to change Tower Defense Genre!? - Defense Derby Review

Summary: Defense Derby, the ultimate Betting Royale, is here to shake up the battlefield! Unleash your strategic prowess in an unprecedented PvP Tower Defense experience unlike anything you've encountered before Verdict: Defense Derby does something unique with its betting system in PvP matches that only a few, or if any, other tower defense games have ever attempted! If you want a very fun Tower Defense, check out this game!
Something to change Tower Defense Genre!? - Defense Derby Review
Defense Derby
Defense Derby

A new type of Tower Defense!? - Defense Derby Review

This is a different type of tower defense game I have experienced in a while because this one does another mechanic that I haven't seen used in tower defense games before! Today we are looking at " Defense Derby." Summary: Defense Derby, the ultimate Betting Royale, is here to shake up the battlefield! Unleash your strategic prowess in an unprecedented PvP Tower Defense experience unlike anything you've encountered before.
A new type of Tower Defense!? - Defense Derby Review
Defense Derby
Defense Derby


Learn everything you need to know about Defense Derby in 30 secs. This video review of Mobile/ PC/ Console Game will show you some gameplay and help you to decide if you should invest your time into this game, we will discuss game mechanics, combat, progression, mechanics and f2p or p2w aspect of the game made in 2023. ❤️ HELP ME REACH 10 000 FOLLOWERS 🔔 FOLLOW FOR MORE GAME REVIEWS 🌲 LINKTREE (ALL THE LINKS):
Defense Derby
Defense Derby


遊戲名:Defense Derby 平臺:Android       iOS 類型:自走棋 塔防 這遊戲玩起來感覺是自走棋和random dice的結合體 它的戰鬥模式類似於random dice 四個人一組PVP 每個玩家要在自己的格子裡佈置炮塔 消滅回字路線上前進的怪物 不要讓它們抵達終點攻擊城堡 率先消滅怪物的玩家會給對手的怪物上buff 讓它們移動更快、更難對付 數輪下來堅守最久的玩家取得勝利 經濟和發育比較類似於自走棋 打一波怪買一次炮塔 同名可以升星,同職業可以組成陣型獲得加成 但在買單位上,遊戲改成了競拍模式 四個玩家中出價最高的獲得單位 拉大了玩家之間的實力差距 同時也讓弱勢玩家在後期有翻盤的機會 目前玩下來感覺是典型的移動端輕度rts 在練度差不多的情況下 主要考驗時機的把握 根據未來幾輪的怪物特點判斷 什麼時候放技能加速一波 什麼時候多砸錢產生幾回合的短暫優勢 就可以把猝不及防的對手送走 玩起來還是很有策略感的 比起自走棋,遊戲的節奏還是更像random dice 優點和缺點都像 但要比同類遊戲創新的力度更大一些 感覺很有潛力,值得玩一波!
Defense Derby
Defense Derby

Defend your castle using the power of… bidding? | First Impressions - Defense Derby

Defense Derby revolves around defending your square castle from waves of relentless monsters. Strategic placement of heroes atop the castle is crucial for survival. The game offers a diverse range of units inspired by the fantasy genre, including mages, archers, swordsmen, riflemen, and wizards. Each unit possesses unique attributes, attack ranges, and attack types, allowing players to develop diverse tactical approaches.
Defend your castle using the power of… bidding? | First Impressions - Defense Derby
Defense Derby
Defense Derby

Castle Burn

Those are the same characters of Castle Burn, a game lime Clash Royale
Defense Derby
Defense Derby
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