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Pokémon GO News

Pokémon GO News

TOP 11 Best FREE Pokémon Games For Android & iOS [Online/Offline]

✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ Timestamps ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ 1:03 Pokémon Trading Card Game https://www.taptap.io/app/224084 1:48 Pokémon Quest https://www.taptap.io/app/130841 2:18 Poke Fight 2:42 Pokémon: Magikarp Jump https://www.taptap.io/app/49693 3:14 Trainer of Monster 3:38 Monster Storm 2 4:07 Pokémon Café ReMix https://www.taptap.io/app/193288 4:35 Pokémon Unite https://www.taptap.io/app/205298 5:02 Pokémon Masters EX
TOP 11 Best FREE Pokémon Games For Android & iOS [Online/Offline]
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

Gotta Catch Em' All - My All Time Favorite Pokémon Games

If you’re a nineties kid like me, then at one point or another, Pokémon ruled your life. Seriously, Saturday mornings were all about Ash, Misty, and Brock. That utter devotion to catching all 151 original Pokémon (yes, I know there are over 905 now) fueled schoolyard beef and inspired Shakespearian dramas. Lines were drawn in blood over whether you owned a blue or red version of the popular Pokémon
Gotta Catch Em' All - My All Time Favorite Pokémon Games
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

Pokemon World Championship 2023: How to watch, dates, games, location(2️⃣)

While Worlds 2023 is an in-person event, it will be live-streamed for players who are not able to make the trip out to Japan. The main hub of the World Championship is on the official Pokemon Twitch channel, which can be found below. The main Pokemon channel usually focuses on VGC and TCG competitions, while other games can be found on their respective channels. Trainers can follow these links to see the Pokemon Unite and Pokemon Go 2023 World Championships live.
Pokemon World Championship 2023: How to watch, dates, games, location(2️⃣)
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO Reviews

Pokemon go is a game in that you try to find pokemons and you collect as many as possible! 📱
Addictive but glitchy sometimes
This is Pokémon GO,so fun

Pokemon News--The Master Ball is Coming!

The Master Ball: The best Poké Ball with the ultimate level of performance. With it, you will catch any wild Pokémon without fail. Available through June 1, 2023, via free Special Research. Play now to earn yours! Follow me to get the latest Pokémon news and let's discuss Pokémon together. Your likes, bookmarks, and shares is really important for me!
Pokemon News--The Master Ball is Coming!
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

Pokémon Evolution--Fokko

Pokemon Fokko is a cute fox-like Pokemon and one of the new species in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Fokko's evolution line includes Thwackey and Rillaboom, both of which are powerful grass-type Pokemon. Among the evolved forms of "Fokko", which is your favorite Pokémon? Leave your comment pls~ Recently, I have found a funny game. It has beautiful graphics and exciting gameplay. If you are a Pokemon fan, then it is definitely a game you don't want to miss! Check my post~
Pokémon Evolution--Fokko
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

陸臺兩岸紙扎遊戲機大PK 這一波是台灣贏很大!

在清明時節,祭燒一些逝者心愛的物品,或者是生者認為可以讓逝者過得更好的東西,歷來都是我們中華民族的喪葬傳統。隨著科技的發展,紙紮行業自然也要與時俱進。光是吃飽喝足,有吃有穿不行,還得擁有娛樂生活和享受科技高速發展的成果 比如包含蘋果表、iPhone、iPad為一體的數碼n件套,考慮到地府可能也會存在網絡問題,還貼心附送了數據線和路由器。 喜歡玩攝影的玩家,也有數碼相機+攝像機大禮包,甚至連手機上都預裝好了傳說對決和PUBG,方便拿到手就可以大吉大利,今晚吃雞。 但經過在淘寶的一番激情沖浪之後,我非常遺憾地發現,這類紙紮店的服務對象多數都是中年人。完全不了解我們遊戲玩家的喜好。不光在數碼套盒裏還有iPod這種老古董,對遊戲方面的了解更加落後。用「紙紮+遊戲機」之類的關鍵詞去搜,大概率會搜到這樣的東西。 和低齡兒童玩具混在一起的遊戲機,就算是真的估計也是幾十塊錢的垃圾貨,8歲以後我就不玩了。 和奧特曼混在一起的Wii,現在誰還玩Wii啊……
陸臺兩岸紙扎遊戲機大PK   這一波是台灣贏很大!
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

Pokemon News--ShadowRaids to Pokémon GO!

ShinyShadowMewtwo debuts in Pokémon GO Follow me to learn more about Pokémon news and interesting stories. Let's discuss Pokémon together. Your likes, bookmarks, and shares are especially valuable to me.
Pokemon News--ShadowRaids to Pokémon GO!
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

Pokemon Go players propose alternative to “annoying” Gym coin limit

Pokemon Go players have grown frustrated by the daily Pokecoin limit imposed on gyms and have proposed what they consider to be better alternatives for trainers to benefit from. Pokecoins are an extremely important part of Pokemon Go’s economy and progression. They are used to purchase most rewards in Niantic’s AR game including more box space, item storage capacity, consumable items, and even the ability to switch teams.
Pokemon Go players propose alternative to “annoying” Gym coin limit
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

Pokemon News--Shadow Mewtwo returns to Pokémon GO in ShadowRaids!

Face the challenge, and, if you’re lucky, you might even encounter a Shiny Shadow Mewtwo!
Pokemon News--Shadow Mewtwo returns to Pokémon GO in ShadowRaids!
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

傷害加倍!《Pokemon GO》推出小隊合作模式

Niantic宣佈,《Pokemon GO》全新小隊合作功能現已上線。玩家可與最多4名訓練家好友使用小隊合作模式一同冒險,甚至可以直接在遊戲內地圖中看見好友的訓練家虛擬角色。 需要注意的是,參與小隊合作模式的玩家,訓練家等級須在15級以上。 組隊之後,玩家小隊可選擇參加不同的小隊挑戰,如轉寶可補給站的轉盤、參加團體戰到捕捉寶可夢等。完成挑戰即可獲得遊戲內獎勵。 若和小隊一起參與團體戰,即可解鎖新加碼內容:小隊之力。小隊之力可使你下一次的特殊招式傷害加倍,只要使出一般招式就能累積。小隊人越多,小隊之力就累積得越快。
傷害加倍!《Pokemon GO》推出小隊合作模式
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

Pokemon World Championship 2023: How to watch, dates, games, location

he Pokemon World Championship 2023 is on the horizon, with talented trainers from all around the world set to compete in different Pokemon games. Here’s everything fans need to know about the event. Each year, fans of the competitive Pokemon scene look forward to the Pokemon World Championship event, where players from around the world compete for the top spot. Last year’s World Championship event took place in person at the ExCel London convention center, where five champions took home anywhere from $10,000 to 25,000 in prize money.
Pokemon World Championship 2023: How to watch, dates, games, location
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

🎉Pokemon Go 7th Anniversary Party Event is coming!🎊

The world of Pokémon Go is always filled with various interesting events, and this time it's the upcoming 7th Party event!🎈 The 7th Anniversary Party event, as reported on the Pokemon Go blog, will commence on Thursday, July 6, 2023, at 10:00 AM local time and conclude on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at 8:00 PM local time. Pay attention!🗓 Join the 7th Anniversary Party event and enjoy enhanced rewards, shiny Gimmighoul coins, daily appearances of different Pokémon to celebrate with us, and Masterwork Research is back! 
🎉Pokemon Go 7th Anniversary Party Event is coming!🎊
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

Pokemon GO

Niantic has announced that an update to Mega Evolution in Pokémon GO is now live in Australia and New Zealand and will be available globally soon. Learn more by reading their developer diary below. Developer Diary: https://pokemongolive.com/post/mega-evolution-2022-update-soft/
Pokemon GO
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

🎇Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour schedule for July 2023🧩

Niantic has revealed the Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour schedule for July 2023. With Wailmer, Rhyhorn, and Yungoos all making boosted appearances, there’s plenty to look forward to. Here are some answers to Spotlight Hour schedule common questions that may help you: 🕹1. Can Wailmer be Shiny in Pokemon Go? The good news is that Shiny Wailmer is available to encounter in Pokemon Go, which means you can also get Shiny Wailord when you evolve it with 400 Candy.
🎇Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour schedule for July 2023🧩
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

Pokemon News--ShadowRaids, RisingHeroes

Are there friends in your group who will help you save Shadow Quilava or Shadow Croconaw? Share this post to help you gather a crew. Follow me to learn more about Pokémon news and interesting stories. Let's discuss Pokémon together. Your likes, bookmarks, and shares are especially valuable to me.
Pokemon News--ShadowRaids, RisingHeroes
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

Pokemon GO Announces Spring Into Spring Event

Pokemon GO celebrates the arrival of spring with a new event, which will allow players to capture the stunning forms of some Pokemon. Celebrating the start of spring, Pokemon GO has announced the Spring Into Spring event. Pokemon GO is wrapping up a very busy month for players. Niantic's game is gearing up for a new wave of events in April, where one of these events will be a chance to capture some of Pokemon's adorable forms. The Pokemon GO season started on March 10 and is full of events and unusual situations experienced by players.
Pokemon GO Announces Spring Into Spring Event
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

Pokemon Fan Makes Incredible Woodwork of Ninetails

Pokemon Fan Makes Incredible Woodwork of Ninetails In an impressive display of craftsmanship, a Pokemon enthusiast shares a detailed wooden carving of their legendary Fire-type Pokemon, Ninetails. A talented Pokemon fan recently created a buzz in the online community by sharing an impressive wooden carving of Ninetales, one of the series' most recognizable creatures. The engraving has an amazing level of detail and precision, bringing Fire-type Pokemon to life in a completely different way.For many fans of the Pokemon series,
Pokemon Fan Makes Incredible Woodwork of Ninetails
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

Ed Sheeran Is Going to Perform in Pokémon GO

The Grammy Award-winning singer Ed Sheeran is about to make his debut in Pokémon GO! From November 22 to November 30, you will get to see an Ed Sheeran special performance through Pokémon GO. The performance will feature songs from Ed’s new album = (Equals), as well as some of his past work  including: • Perfect • Bad Habits • Overpass Graffiti • Thinking Out Loud • First Time • Shivers New items like a "=
Ed Sheeran Is Going to Perform in Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour schedule for July 2023😎😎😎

Niantic has recently unveiled the schedule for the Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour in July 2023, and it's definitely something to get excited about. This time around, Yungoos will be taking center stage with boosted appearances, promising an abundance of thrilling encounters. The Spotlight Hour has become a beloved weekly event in the Pokemon Go community, hosted by Niantic. Each week, a different Pokemon gets its moment in the spotlight, boasting significantly increased spawn rates and an enticing double bonus.
Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour schedule for July 2023😎😎😎
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO
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