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T3 Arena Guides

T3 Arena Guides

Consider Mastering A “High Risk-High Reward” Hero in T3 Arena

T3 Arena has some amazing hero’s, from Kazama to Jabali, this games character design and character mechanics are super fun. From Cristina’s “Bouncy Grenade” to Shell’s “Cyber Weapon”, it’s no surprise that the playstyle opinions in this game has something for everyone. There’s one playstyle in particular that I want to cover, the “high risk - high reward” (HR-HR) hero. What I define in this case as a HR-HR hero is any hero that is low hp (anything 5600 hp and under), manual fire, singular projectile/ strike, and has one shot potential. What makes these hero’s HR-HR is because with the decent catalog of hero’s that T3 has, plus auto-fire, manual fire/single projectile hero’s require more work and accuracy and in turn, are rewarded with one shot potential (for those that don’t know what that means, these hero’s can completely kill DPS/flank/support hero’s with a singular well placed headshot. Only in Vincent’s case, can a body shot be enough).
Consider Mastering A “High Risk-High Reward” Hero in T3 Arena
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

Using Daimon for the First time in T3 Arena - SS4 Gameplay

Daimon was T3 Arena SS3 New hero and let me say She is a great hero. Enjoy some gameplay with Daimon in Super Season 4. Daimon is one of the best heroes that I have seen in T3 Arena and know that she will dominate in Super Season 4. Surprise! https://bit.ly/3F9Drkp DISCORD: https://discord.gg/zKe8fkkR8Y Follow me on Social Media! Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/imzeekg Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imzeekg
Using Daimon for the First time in T3 Arena - SS4 Gameplay
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

How to properly play JOHNNY JET

#RESPAWNRecruits #T3arena just going through my favorites I hope these guides are helping you on your journey as well! who would you like to see next? Do you want in-game play? Let me know
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

T3 Arena News

Patch Notes - 1st March, 2023
T3 Arena Is Now Available on iOS and Android
LIVE NOW - TapTap All-Stars Tournament
Announcement - 13th March, 2024

The Ultimate "How-to" for GLORIA

Hey guys! I have noticed that a lot of new and returning players are having a hard time mastering this very versatile hero. Gloria in most cases can be very oppressive in battle if utilized correctly and effectively. Here I will be breaking down all of her quirks and abilities, some tips and tricks, and give you the information needed to squeeze as many kills from this hero as possible. I'll be covering basic information, but also more advanced technics so you can get a better understanding of gloria in a more "big picture" sense of the hero. I personally love Gloria and think she is by far one of the best, but also one of the most misused heroes in game.
The Ultimate "How-to" for GLORIA
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

Beginner tips for Ossas🔫

Tip number 1: always release ur shadow before damaging other people. Tip number 2: don’t always focus on damaging the enemy 100% Cz the other player might damage u while ur zooming in. Tip number 3: when ur passive has charged, don’t always use the teleporting thingy on urself  instead use it on ur teammates and sometimes use ir on urself but not 2 much. There u go, these are my top 3 Ossas tips, hope it helps👍
Beginner tips for Ossas🔫
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

Fades 2nd Ult isn't Broken...Let Me Explain

Fades 2nd ult (Naval Bombardment) has been the topic of debate for quite some time now. The ult for most players has been labeled with "OP" status, ever since its introduction in the T3 Arena's official season update video late last year (Dec 22. 2023). As a tank main(more importantly a Fade main), I think its about time someone addressed how to handle Fades 2nd ult. Naval Bombardment is a large area, continuous tracking fire, high damage, control ultimate. The ultimate last for 7 seconds, and is engaged the moment a player steps into its AOE (doesn't matter if you leave the AOE and come back, if the ult is still active you will still receive damage). What the ult does is, it tracks each individual enemy player in its AOE and tracks them with their own individual series of aerial projectiles. The most optimal time for this ult to be utilized is when there is a decent amount of enemy players grouped up. By having the enemy team grouped up, you have also managed to layer the aerial projectiles to not just hit their designated target, but the individuals next to that target, for
Fades 2nd Ult isn't Broken...Let Me Explain
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

3 Round Masters Ranked Game: FADE: 004 [T3 Arena]

Hey guys, this is one of my recent ranked matches with a friend of mine (ft.AJB) doing a duos masters ranked game. We did pretty well here, had some hiccups here and there, but overall a decent match. If you look closely we had a slight miscommunication (where we ended up having three healers😅). Hope you enjoy the gameplay! AREAS OF IMPROVEMENT- Cannonball Placement - I still on occasion will miss what I think is a simple cannonball shot. It happens less and less, but sometimes it’s clear that it was a bad shot.
3 Round Masters Ranked Game: FADE: 004 [T3 Arena]
T3 Arena
T3 Arena


Here is why u should main Kazi (my second main😜) 👍 Pros:  His second active makes him one of the fastest heroes in the game. You could hit two three shots, reposition, and shoot again or you could do some aerobatics if you r a daredevil like myself, hehe. His first active, hover, allows you to taunt your enemy. Especially those enemies that have a hard time looking above *cough* . . Jabali . *cough* or you can use it to get I to some tight spots to catch your enemies off guard. 
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

Invitation: Become an Official Arena Creator (Game Guides)

Dear arena players, We are always scouting for new comers to join our creators family. If you are positive and passionate about creating contents, particularly game guides, share your shot! Submission Guides👇 [ Eligibility ] 1. Passionate about T3 Arena 2. At least 18 years old 3. Able to communicate in English [ Dates ] 1. Submission Period: 06/05/2022 - 13/05/2022 2. Review Period: The evaluation process begins as soon as we receive your application
Invitation: Become an Official Arena Creator (Game Guides)
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

The Ultimate "How to Play" for FADE [T3 Arena]

"To be a great Fade, you must think about probability and likelihoods - A Fade Main FADE the cosmic space pirate is by far one of the best (if not the best) vanguard in T3 Arena. From the pinning mechanic to the greatest ultimate in the game, now is the time to learn this powerful and super fun hero. Here are my thoughts and tips to become the best Fade you can be. QUICK SETTINGS TIP: Manual fire is a must
The Ultimate "How to Play" for FADE [T3 Arena]
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

Tank Practice: RUBY: 001 [T3 Arena]

Here is some of my Ruby gameplay. I’ve been trying to incorporate Ruby more and more into my tank rotation. I’m pretty certain I’m going to be maining Fade, Ruby, and Tigris at this point. My Ruby understanding is pretty solid. There are a few things I’ve noticed with my gameplay that need some improvement. But also I need to fully max out Ruby as well to get full potential of the hero. AREAS OF IMPROVEMENT:
Tank Practice: RUBY: 001 [T3 Arena]
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

Tank Practice: FADE: 001 [T3 Arena]

I’m on a mission to master all Vanguard hero’s, and my current mission is to get Fade fully understood. I’ve noticed some problem areas that I know that I can definitely improve on. This gameplay footage is me just trying to be more transparent about my starting point and give myself some new eyes to tell me where I can and should improve. THINGS IVE NOTICED THAT I CAN IMPROVE: -Charge cancellation
Tank Practice: FADE: 001 [T3 Arena]
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

TOP 5 HERO PICKS For Team Deathmatch (TDM) - T3 Arena

TDM is the most popular game mode in T3 Arena at the moment and does guide you some guidance I sat down with Rodeo to have a chat about the 5 TOP HEROES you could possibly pick for Team Deathmatch. TOP 5 Heroes for Crystal Assault: MY SETUP 🎙️ Microphone: BEACN Mic 📷 Facecam: Razer Kiyo Pro 🎧 Earbuds: Huawei FreeBuds 4i 🎧 Headphones: Razer Kraken V3 👍 Finger Sleeves: NAMIS Finger Sleeve 🪑 Chair: Razer Tarok Essentials
TOP 5 HERO PICKS For Team Deathmatch (TDM) - T3 Arena
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

🦹🏿‍♀️T3 Arena Hero Concept🤔

Found a pic of Fan Art on the internet and decided to give it some life      🦸🏿‍♀️Petra      Hero Category➡⚡Flank      Level 10 Max HP➡5600     (No Shield generated from abilities) 🔫Weapon➡☣Hyper Gloves🧤(1 round burst, 1.5 sec between blast's)--With both hands🙌🏿 Petra simultaneously shoots out energy projectiles💥💥(No distance limit) Ammo Capacity--♾️(No reload) Damage Per Hit--336 1st Active Ability🧬➡🧲Magnet Fist's👊🏿--When activated(Last only 5 sec's)and using both fist, Petra gloves magnetizes and enemies within range(Only in your crosshairs and a distance of 10 meters)are instantly pulled directly in front of Petra and held for 2 sec's, temporarily disabling all abilities
🦹🏿‍♀️T3 Arena Hero Concept🤔
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

You Asked Me A Question “How to Handle Kazama”🤔 [T3 Arena]

Got a question about how to deal with Kazama and didn’t have enough space to fit the answer into a comment, so instead I’m writing this post😅 Kazama is a fantastic hero, and truly one of the the most fun hero’s in the game (imo). He is classified as a flank hero. Here are his stats. Max Health - 5600hp (1400hp of that is over-shield) Vertical Flight Performing Ability (PA) - 4sec Vertical Flight Cool Down (CD) - 5 Sec
You Asked Me A Question “How to Handle Kazama”🤔 [T3 Arena]
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

Why Diggy Is The WORST Flanker & How To Fix Her - T3 Arena

YouTube: Channel: @ShadyFoxGaming Diggy's character design is AMAZING and so is her concept but compared to other flankers in the game she is pretty much behind, therefore, it's not surprising that the players pick Aleta, Shell, and Yaa over Diggy. In this video, I'll explain why she is not in the meta and what I'd change to make her viable. MY SETUP 🎙️ Microphone: BEACN Mic 📷 Facecam: Razer Kiyo Pro
Why Diggy Is The WORST Flanker & How To Fix Her - T3 Arena
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

T3 Arena Reviews

I've Fallen Back in Love with T3 Arena, and It's All Thanks to Sindri
T3 Arena Review: Never Stop Fighting
T3 Arena is FUN AGAIN  - T3 Battle Royale Gameplay

Hero Road - Rebel Guitarist!

Perfect for the introduction of Hero Road, I received the 1490 Star Coins through the subscription to buy this masterful skin! Now it's time to learn Skalli and unlock the "Rebel Guitarist" title!
Hero Road - Rebel Guitarist!
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

How do you br servay.

I thought it would be fun & interesting to see how and what other in br play .And maybe it will help somebody body. Battle Royals mode: S ( ❌️)  D ( ❌️) Hero: ONO Ultimate Skill: Battle Field  Revival Pick up Ability: #1 Life still/Speed boost Pick up Ability: #2 Pie bot Pick up Skill: Healing Aray/Reflect shield ONO bad news you. Strategies: Search around for  and Skills and abilities they're pretty easy to find
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T3 Arena
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