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T3 Arena Reviews

T3 Arena Reviews

I've Fallen Back in Love with T3 Arena, and It's All Thanks to Sindri

When I reviewed T3 Arena back shortly after its launch in May, I mentioned that despite some misgivings related to its monetization and issues with bots, I expected to keep playing the game. But as often happens, I ended up getting distracted by other stuff. One thing led to another, and before I realized it, I hadn't logged in to T3 Arena in months. I decided to fix that this week, and boy, am I glad I did. Not only has T3 Arena made some dramatic improvements in the few months since launch, but I've managed to discover a new personal favorite character to play as.
I've Fallen Back in Love with T3 Arena, and It's All Thanks to Sindri
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

T3 Arena is FUN AGAIN - T3 Battle Royale Gameplay

T3 Arena Released the Battle Royale Gameplay named Royale Arena that honestly I think saves the game a bit. With this new update, we are using Ossas and Gloria in a battle royale trying to win the number 1 spot. For T3 Arena a mobile game that has Overwatch Like aspects, I now kinda wonder how an Overwatch Battle Royale would function. But Today we have Royale Arena Gameplay in T3 Arena. Surprise!
T3 Arena is FUN AGAIN  - T3 Battle Royale Gameplay
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

Daimon is THE HERO that Counters TANKS 🥱

LET'S LOOK AT THE STATS, SHALL WE? 👍 Pros: Easily destroy vanguard shields With 10-13 bullets And evade situations the her first active Slows enemy down, especially those who can fly (Tiger man 🙄) Two or three tap damage dealers, flankers and healers. 9-10 shots to kill a vanguard 👎 Cons: Recoil is a bit hard to control from longer distances (preferably, use her mid to close range) Not very agile so be aware of your surroundings
Daimon is THE HERO that Counters TANKS 🥱
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

T3 Arena Guides

Consider Mastering A “High Risk-High Reward” Hero in T3 Arena
The Ultimate "How to Play" for FADE [T3 Arena]
Using Daimon for the First time in T3 Arena - SS4 Gameplay
Tank Practice: RUBY: 001 [T3 Arena]

Judex is literally underrated 😴

👍 Pros: She can easily destroy vanguard shields (except tiger man) Two headshots kill any flankers and damage dealers Blinds and stun you for 3-4 sec In the right hands, she is a BEAST 👎 Cons: Slower firing rate Amazing accuracy is a must Patience But all in all, a pretty nice heavy hitter. Give her a try, you won't regret it 😉 Cheers 🍻
Judex is literally underrated 😴
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

I have been playing since season 0

Pros Maybe one of the best 3rd person shooters in the phones Great designs/characters and animations We get updates frequently Subscription is not that pricy for one month you can earn 160 t-gems A battle pass costs 160 t-gems so(cheap) Plus you can get a 90 for free with each pass Ways to get free skins/Characters Not toxic community Cons After gold tier, it gets harder to climb up the ladder
I have been playing since season 0
T3 Arena
T3 Arena


T3 Arena is by far one of the BEST mobile games I have ever played. I’m pretty picky. If a game doesn’t grab my attention then I’ll never pick it up again. With T3 Arena, that’s not the case. Upon first trying it out, I was able to learn quickly on how the controls worked and was surprised to know that I was able to play using a controller. But touch was perfect. Graphics, UI, and game music are so good. Playing on Ultra is fantastic with gameplay. Gorgeous ♥️ The community is always engaging, and welcoming which really sold me. I don’t know about you guys but after years in gaming in different platforms, I hated unnecessary toxicity. With their community I don’t deal with that anymore. T3 Arena is made for esports competitive players and for casual players. Give T3 Arena a shot if you have been contemplating about it. It’s worth it!
T3 Arena
T3 Arena


Good day dear viewer, I am you most humble of reviewers, Delta, the Wolf. Today we are reviewing T3 Arena, a run of the mill hero shooter, oh joy, yes? CONTENT    T3 Arena features a motley of game modes, from simple shooter modes to a mode akin to Team Fortress 2. All of these modes are what you would expect in shooters, things seen before in other games. Howe’er, this game offers the unique Overwatch experience on mobile with its numerous heroes, and heroines, laugh all you want dear viewer but that is the term for female hero. Now with a new word in your dictionary we can continue.
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

I LOVE T3 Arena 😁

For years, I had been looking for a game I could play all the time and enjoy whole heartedly and it's funny cuz I found this game by mistake. I was playing subway surfer, Cuz was that was my favorite game at the time and I saw an add, thought to myself, this game looks cool. So I downloaded TapTap cuz it wasn't in the playstore yet and from the moment I seen Skadi pop out with that pistol, they had me. She looked mad cool. This game, blew my mind! I truly LOVE T3 Arena, this is my FAVORITE game...EVER‼ I want every character, every skin and I want to be nice with every character. I spend money on this game too, every chance I get. But maybe because I'm not a true gamer, I don't take it as serious as others. The more I play, the more I understand that this is a tacticle and strategic 3rd person shooter game, so I play more to the team now, rather than trying to get a lot of kills or being a kamikaze lol like when I first started playing and I play on a bum ass Android phone, not PC, iPad or an iPhone nor do I have a controller or a backbone. So I think I'm pretty decent for the most part cuz my phone stay freezing mid game but I've had random ppl send me messages complaining, I've been reported for griefing, don't even know what that means, I never respond cuz at the end of the day, It's just a video game. I just want to have fun and be a good teammate, could careless about being the best in the world. Let's have fun ppl and stop complaining about every little thing. No game is perfect and at least the developers try to make it fair for everyone. There are over 5 million ppl playing this game, they can't satisfy everyone, unfortunately. Let's just enjoy the fact that this game is very fun and sometimes u play with ppl who are Pro's and some ppl are newbie's. Me personally, I love playing against people who are better than me or those players I can't get 1 kill on, Cuz now I'm gonna remember you and come for you, Every time we are opponents.
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

so this game is like a overwatch and valorant for mobile i recommend playing👌

T3 Arena
T3 Arena

T3 Arena Review: Never Stop Fighting

In the last five years or so, the multiplayer shooter genre has seen two huge trends: battle royale games and hero shooters. The latter includes titles like Overwatch and Valorant—games with an almost MOBA-esque take on shooter mechanics, where players select from a cast of characters who each have their own weapons, special abilities, stats, and playstyles. But notice that those two biggest examples of the hero shooter,
T3 Arena Review: Never Stop Fighting
T3 Arena
T3 Arena


👍 Pros: ○ She does the most damage as a healer ○ She make selected targets receive twice the amount of damage taken from your team (do know this has no cooling rate whatsoever 👉🏽👈🏽) ○ She can heal teammates at a distance ○ Most importantly, when the order rotates around a player, any teammates around thar player will receive additional heal ○ Can't forget her second ult. That little devil blinds you so hard that you have to hide behind walls or look the opposite direction while walking and then having the enemy shoot you in the back, lol. Either way, very OP 💥
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

Patch Notes - July 7, 2022

Dear Arena Players, Server maintenance is happening on July 7 at 2:00~6:00am (UTC). Both Android and iOS version will be updated to 1.26.968963. You will need to update the app on App Store (iOS) or TapTap (Android). How to Update* For iOS users, go to App Store and update the app to latest version. For Android users, open TapTap and go to "My Games". Find "T3 Arena" and update the app. Once the update is finished, TCOM Admin will send 4 Rumble Boxes to your inbox (available until July 15, 0:00am UTC ).
Patch Notes - July 7, 2022
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

The Sad TRUTH Behind 5v5 & Ranked Game Modes - T3 Arena

Watch on YT: Creating content is the only weapon I have and this time I simply want to share my opinion on Ranked and 5v5. Whilst many are super excited about the upcoming changes I'm instead going two steps back to check how the game evolved thus far and what the impact was and is going to be when 5v5 arrives. MY SETUP 🎙️ Microphone: BEACN Mic 📷 Facecam: Razer Kiyo Pro 🎧 Earbuds: Huawei FreeBuds 4i
The Sad TRUTH Behind 5v5 & Ranked Game Modes - T3 Arena
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

T3 Arena review by Ginisis

Hello my friend I'm Ginisis and welcome to my T3 Arena review, T3 Arena is 3rd person shooter 3vs3 team focused battle, the game mods include usual TDM/Control and some unique mod like Payload Race/Crystal Assault and more,,                  +++++ Look and feel +++++ (My own gameplay Screen shot) The game look shocking good for Android game and Run very smoothly with such amazing graphics flashing animation and so much colorful skills, when I start playing T3 Arena like usually every online shooter game I lower the graphics quality to run the game smooth with highest fps, the reason why I do that is mostly android game developers don't care to much about optimization and many games with such basic graphics run very poorly, (Games like pubg are just an example)
T3 Arena review by Ginisis
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

T3 arena | my review (short)

🎮 Gameplay: OKOKOK, I ACTUALLY THINK THIS GAME IS A MOBILE VERSION OF OVER WATCH?!? 👍👎 Pros & Cons: my only Complaint over the most part of the designs is that... The designs are so Sexualized LIKE A CHARACTER'S NIPPLES ARE MARKED AND THE GAME IS FOR PPL WHO HAVE MORE THE 13+?!? this game for me is a 16+ , also the The toxicity of this game is very Very small, I don't know if it's because there are almost no people playing or because of something else like global chat (Since we don't have one, that's probably why we arent that toxic) And also I love the most part of games bc is so Entertaining but Sadly there is only 4-3 game modes
T3 arena | my review (short)
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

SS3 Heroes Suck!

Not T3 making Lacia - a very broken character, might I add! - a whole pay to win cash grab! She needs to be NERFED ASAP. A flank type sniper who can also shoot through walls???!!! That's just doing too much atp🤦‍♀️ Daimon on the other hand is alright- I guess but being an out of bounds flying hero, the camping is real. This season ain't it at all. Fix your characters T3!
SS3 Heroes Suck!
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

T3 Arena Entertainment

How To Bind TapTap Account // T3 Arena
Vincent, the most traumatic experience you could get 😮‍💨
Easiest 1v3
🦹🏾🦸🏼‍♀️T3 Arena Anime Concept🎬📺

Lady Of The Night

The Best Skin I Ever Have. Love It 😍
Lady Of The Night
T3 Arena
T3 Arena

I think this helped - T3 Arena Gameplay

Yaa in T3 Arena has received a buff that I think helped her out. So in today's video we will use the updated yaa. Enjoy the video! DISCORD: https://discord.gg/zKe8fkkR8Y Follow me on Social Media! Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/imzeekg Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imzeekg
I think this helped - T3 Arena Gameplay
T3 Arena
T3 Arena
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TapTap looks better

on the app love-tato

Open with TapTap