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Rolling Sky Reviews

Rolling Sky Reviews

Rolling Sky - Interstellar Leap⭐⭐⭐⭐

Rolling Sky Interstellar Leap ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Rolling Sky - Interstellar Leap⭐⭐⭐⭐
Rolling Sky
Rolling Sky

Nostalgic yet new, but has flaws

Has massive potential to be the best game ever, but there are a few things holding it back: 1. No google play store release 2. Can't spend money on the good offers 3. Keys feel really bad to collect (you always need network to get max number of keys) 4. Unfixed bugs and levels that need a rework 5. Add a "download all levels" button (or download the game with all levels installed) 6. Feels like a waste of such a music based game that it doesn't have a dedicated music tab that you can choose as the menu theme and background playing (like spotify or soundcloud)
Rolling Sky
Rolling Sky

Rolling Sky - The day of the dead ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Rolling Sky the day of the dead ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Rolling Sky - The day of the dead ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Rolling Sky
Rolling Sky

Rolling Sky News

Rolling Sky (News)
Rolling Sky (News)
Rolling Sky (News)
Rolling Sky (News)

my childhood game <3

I've been playing Rolling Sky since 2016. it's one of my fav games. ever since minimax got rs, all the memories pop into my head. truly amazing game👌🏻
Rolling Sky
Rolling Sky

Rolling Sky Da Best Game Ever

Rolling Sky
Rolling Sky

俄羅斯方塊X平面塔防! 用下落的方塊保衛自己的國王

遊戲名:Castle master TD 平臺:Android 類型:休閒益智、俄羅斯方塊、塔防 語言:中文、英文、多國語言 今天推介的這款EA階段發行的遊戲Castle master TD實在是有夠益智,很難想象製作組是怎麼想到選擇把俄羅斯方塊這個模式加上了塔防元素和養成內容做成遊戲的。 遊戲目標採用了最經典的塔防模式:扛過所有敵人潮水般地攻擊,讓國王存活到最後。但是你的防禦單位——全部是從天上掉下來的各種俄羅斯方塊結構 經典俄羅斯方塊的規則裡,必須要放置上一個結構,下一個結構才會開始下落。然而在Castle master TD,如果時間允許敵人也允許,你可以一直拖著一個部件不讓它下落。初始結構池放置完畢後需要轉一輪CD 來生產新的部件,同時搭配上*塔防系統裡後放置的單位擁有最高的嘲諷值*這個經典設定,便演化出了我屢試不爽的城牆後面疊大炮玩法。但是築高牆在製作組的部分關卡設計上吃了大虧,有的關卡第一波就讓敵人大兵壓境,遠端兵多到瞬間就把你剛放下的結構砸了個爛。有的關卡預置了特殊地形,國王會在上面亂跑,不優先保護根本就撐不到建立防線的時候。
俄羅斯方塊X平面塔防! 用下落的方塊保衛自己的國王
Castle Master TD
Castle Master TD

Rolling Sky I Want To Tell You

I Like This Level It’s Not Harmful At All
Rolling Sky I Want To Tell You
Rolling Sky
Rolling Sky

Rolling Sky - Musical Theater [Perfect]

This level is spectacular. The music really follows the theater theme and could be dramatic in some parts, which sparks its ambience more. The route is pretty fun, but they could be confusing and sometimes infuriating. The first drop of the route is my favorite part of the level.
Rolling Sky - Musical Theater [Perfect]
Rolling Sky
Rolling Sky

Rolling Sky - Space Station ⭐⭐⭐

Rolling Sky Space Station ⭐⭐⭐
Rolling Sky - Space Station ⭐⭐⭐
Rolling Sky
Rolling Sky

Rolling Sky | Otherworld ⭐⭐⭐

Rolling Sky|Otherworld| ⭐⭐⭐
Rolling Sky | Otherworld ⭐⭐⭐
Rolling Sky
Rolling Sky

Rolling Sky - Harmonic Street ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Rolling Sky Harmonic Street ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Rolling Sky - Harmonic Street ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Rolling Sky
Rolling Sky

Rolling Sky - Eclipse ⭐⭐⭐

Rolling Sky - Eclipse ⭐⭐⭐
Rolling Sky
Rolling Sky

Rolling Sky| Brazil Carnival|⭐⭐⭐⭐

Rolling Sky Brazil Carnival ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Rolling Sky| Brazil Carnival|⭐⭐⭐⭐
Rolling Sky
Rolling Sky

A five-star that should be a six-star level

Competition Park is a five-star level in rolling sky that just feels like a six-star instead. It has both difficult normal route and a difficult   gem/mystery box route Normal ranking is Dinosaur Valley > Competition Park > Happy vs What I think it should be New Year > Competition Park > Hollaween Night 🎮 Gameplay: Here some gameplay of the level Ps: It overall a good level
Rolling Sky
Rolling Sky


這是一款用俄羅斯方塊自由搭建城堡,然後抵擋入侵保護國王的塔防遊戲。遊戲中國王一旦被攻擊死亡,則該關卡遊戲失敗。 🎈治癒可愛的畫風,很像在搭積木~ 🎁休閒輕鬆,幾分鐘一個關卡,失敗就重來,沒有體力限制~ 🌹自由度高,不侷限一種通關方式,你可以用方塊搭成各種有趣的城堡形狀! 遊戲中金幣是最重要的貨幣,小兵、建築都可以用金幣升級,戰鬥過程中,每搭建出來一個閉合的區域都會產出金幣和王國的子民。這些人民會在結算時給到金幣獎勵~所以整個遊戲就是為了通關的目標,儘可能地收集多的金幣,來強化自己的兵種和城堡! 各種型別的小兵和建築需要靠金幣來生產和升級,當然你也可以只用基礎型別的方塊來搭建城堡。 畫風真的超級治癒,給國王搭建出房間的時候,會有人入住,真的不忍心看到辛苦搭建起來的城堡被拆!
Castle Master TD
Castle Master TD

One of the games of all time

Just the game of all time,with the best music and gameplay,also fun mechanics,I would recommend to install at all costs
Rolling Sky
Rolling Sky
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