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Rotaeno News

Rotaeno News

Lanota × Rotaeno Collab starts on 18 April!

As we journey through the untamed wilderness, ascend majestic peaks, and traverse the meandering streams, a vibrant world unravels beneath our feet. The moment has arrived to embark on the next adventure!

Lanota × Rotaeno 合作 4月18日開始!

當我們穿過曠野、攀上山峰、跨越溪谷, 世界的繽紛在我們腳下展開。 是時候踏上下一段冒險了!

V1.15 Update Available Now: HARDCORE TANO*C Collab II Start!

Dear pilots, v1.15 is now available on the app store. Please update your app to the latest version for optimal gameplay. - Added a new song pack: HARDCORE TANO*C Collab II, containing 6 songs. - HARDCORE TANO*C Limited-time Event is available, and participants will get "Break Through Myself" and other rewards. - Added the new Friends system. - Added the stunt challenge "Suona Champ ft. Rysn" to Chapter 1.
V1.15 Update Available Now: HARDCORE TANO*C Collab II Start!

Rotaeno Reviews

Catch Notes: My Biggest Enemy In Rotaeno
Rotaeno Review - A Letter to Developers
Rotaeno Review: A Rotation Revolution

Developer Log - Improvements to Date and Future Plans

Hi everyone! This is Chris, the producer of Rotaeno. Allow me to express my sincerest gratitude for your unwavering support towards Rotaeno. During Rotaeno’s first anniversary, we have conducted a survey hoping to listen to your thoughts and improve Rotaeno. This developer blog is our response to the survey results. Why did the response take so long to write? Well, actually we had planned to publish the responses within a month of the survey closing, but we did not expect to receive over 5,000 responses! Furthermore, almost all responses are very detailed and contain a lot of great insights! So, in order to read them all thoroughly, we could only publish this developer blog until today. Honestly, thank you so much.
Developer Log - Improvements to Date and Future Plans

【V1.16】免費歌曲 “Apocalypse” 追加

隨著Lanota合作到來 以下歌曲將于4月18日V1.16版本更新後免費追加到基礎歌曲列表: Apocalypse by: Alice Schach and the Magic Orchestra 一起迎接嶄新的世界!
【V1.16】免費歌曲 “Apocalypse” 追加

V1.14 Update Available! New Song Pack "Purple Rave" out now.

Dear pilots, v1.14 is now available on the app store. Please update your app to the latest version (V1.14) for optimal gameplay. =New Song Pack "Purple Rave"= Debut with a limited time offer of 20% off from January 17th to Feburary 1st. 6 new songs included. Wish Upon Vivid Stars by: Reku Mochizuki Vesta by: Saiph conflict by: siromaru + cranky YInMn Blue by: siqlo CO5M1C R4ILR0AD by: kanone ????
V1.14 Update Available! New Song Pack "Purple Rave" out now.

China Launch Celebration: Weekly Free Song Giveaway

Rotaeno officially launches in mainland China on Dec 5! To celebrate, we've prepared 4 new singles for you. From Dec 12 to Jan 8, enjoy a new single every week! All FREE for a limited time! Stay tuned and keep enjoying Rotaeno!
China Launch Celebration: Weekly Free Song Giveaway

MUSYNX Collab Coming Soon, 3 Collab Songs Available from Feb 8!

MUSYNX Collab will be introduced to Rotaeno from Feb 8! The following songs will be added:
MUSYNX Collab Coming Soon, 3 Collab Songs Available from Feb 8!

【V1.13 Update Available】Phigros Collab is initiated!

Dear pilots, v1.13 is now available on the app store. Please update your app to the latest version (V1.13) for optimal gameplay. =Phigros Collab Song Pack= Feast From the East by: 茶鸣拾贰律 Break Over by: K-forest Distorted Fate by: Sakuzyo Rrhar'il by: Team Grimoire ???? by: ???? =Limited-time Event= Join the limited-time event to earn numerous rewards, including the event song 'NO ONE YES MAN', new pilots
【V1.13 Update Available】Phigros Collab is initiated!

【V1.16】Join the Event to Earn the Event Song "Yukianesa" and pilot "Fisica"

Join the limited-time event to earn numerous rewards, including the event song 'Yukianesa', new pilots 'Fisica' and other rewards. *Pilot 'Fisica' can only be unlocked with the purchase of the song pack "Lanota Collab". =Event period= 18 April - 3 May =About Bounty Lab= Special Lab options will be avaiLable in this event, each with their individual effects that may affect the game or charts. Go indulge yourself in Lab which will be an amazing experience!
【V1.16】Join the Event to Earn the Event Song "Yukianesa" and pilot "Fisica"


參與限時活動,贏取限定歌曲「Yukianesa」及駕駛員「菲希卡」等眾多獎勵吧。 *駕駛員「菲希卡」為購買曲包「Lanota 合作」的限定獎勵。 =活動時間= 4月18日 ~ 5月3日 =懸賞Lab說明= 本期活動中會出現特殊的Lab選項。每個Lab選項都有不同的效果,可能會對遊戲或譜面作出變化。請盡情享受Lab所帶來的驚奇體驗吧! 只有已經通關過的譜面才會出現Lab任務。通關及FC越多,Lab出現的機率越高。 =懸賞任務說明= 每局遊戲開始時,遊戲會隨機生成3個不同的懸賞任務。你需要選擇其中一個進行挑戰。 每個任務均會指定不同的歌曲及通關條件,也有可能有一些特殊的限制。 通關難度越高的任務可以取得更多的活動積分。

【V1.15】Join the Event to Earn the Event Song "Break Through Myself" and pilot "DORO*C"

Join the limited-time event to earn numerous rewards, including the event song 'Break Through Myself', new pilots 'DORO*C' and a rerun of 'Nyarlathotep's Dreamland'. *Pilot 'DORO*C' can only be unlocked with the purchase of the song pack "HARDCORE TANO*C Collab II". =Event period= 7 March - 22 March =About Bounty Lab= Special Lab options will be avaiLable in this event, each with their individual effects that may affect the game or charts. Go indulge yourself in Lab which will be an amazing experience!
【V1.15】Join the Event to Earn the Event Song "Break Through Myself" and pilot "DORO*C"

【V1.16】New Free Song "Apocalypse"

The following songs will be added to the Base Songs which can be unlocked free after V1.16 version update on April 18. Apocalypse by: Alice Schach and the Magic Orchestra
【V1.16】New Free Song "Apocalypse"


在2月28日更新的1.7版本中,將會有一首全新的神秘單曲加入Rotaeno! 本首神秘单曲將會免費上架遊戲內商店,需要通過輸入密碼的方式解鎖。 而密碼將通過以下方式公佈。 密碼獲取方式 1)為本文按贊或喜愛本文。當本公告在各個平台的合計點贊/喜愛數達到一定目標時,将逐級公佈密碼位數。 2)關注 HARDCORE TANO*C 後續動態。 目標按贊/喜愛數 第1位 0 第2位 250 第3位 500 第4位 750 第5位 1000 第6位 1250 第7位 1500 第8位 1750 第9位 2000 第10位 2500 第11位 3000 第12位 4000 第13位 5000 第14位 10000 第15位 50000 第16位 100000 記入統計的投稿文 【Twitter (jp)】 【Twitter (en)】 【TapTap(io)】本文 【Reddit】 【FaceBook】

Special Single 'INTERNET OVERDOSE' Now Available for Free!

Rotaeno has surpassed 350,000 sales! Filled with gratitude, we're gifting you a special song that we've kept secret until now! "INTERNET OVERDOSE - Aiobahn feat. KOTOKO" The Theme for NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD 🎄From Dec 24 to Jan 8 Get it for free in the in-game store! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! *Need to update the game to the latest version V1.13.3
Special Single 'INTERNET OVERDOSE' Now Available for Free!

體感音樂遊戲《旋轉音律 Rotaeno》將於5月30日起開放限時免費下載

由香港開發商 Dream Engine Games 開發,XD Inc. 發行的手機平臺體感音樂遊戲《旋轉音律 Rotaeno》,即將於 5 月 30 日迎來發售一週年紀念,官方宣布將於 5 月 30 日、31 日在 App Store、GooglePlay 等平臺開啟免費下載。另外,遊戲內將上線包含 6 首 Vocaloid 歌曲的新曲包、每日星鑽抽獎、限時歌曲挑戰等週年慶活動。 《旋轉音律 Rotaeno》是一款體感音樂節奏遊戲。在近未來風格的廢土大陸上,由於『無盡之雨』的侵蝕,少女伊洛不得不踏上跨越宇宙的旅程。玩家將跟隨伊洛,穿梭星海,一同感受浩瀚的音樂之旅。遊戲以體感旋轉玩法為特點,玩家在遊戲中需要跟隨節奏旋轉手機並打擊音符。透過體感動作的加入以及細膩的演出表現,為玩家帶來超乎一般的爽快音樂體驗。
體感音樂遊戲《旋轉音律 Rotaeno》將於5月30日起開放限時免費下載

開發者日誌 - 至今爲止的改進和未來計劃

大家好,我是Rotaeno的製作人Chris。非常感謝各位玩家一直以來對Rotaeno的支持。 在一週年期間,Rotaeno團隊進行了一次問卷調查,希望聽取各位玩家的意見,讓Rotaeno變得更好。本次開發者日誌就是對調查結果的回應。 其實本來我們是打算在調查結束後的一個月內就釋出回應的,但沒想到我們竟然會收到超過5000份的問卷!而且裡面的回應都超級仔細且精闢!為了逐一閱讀全部的問卷,直到今天我們才可以釋出這份開發者日誌。實在是承蒙各位的厚愛。 那麼接下來,會針對問卷各項內容作出回應。因為問卷數量眾多的關係,以下只能對一些較為多人提到的問題作出回應,請見諒。 【全文約4000字,總結版見評論區】 💿歌曲相關 玩家的回應基本上都非常一致,大家最為期待的就是「音樂遊戲合作」和「音樂遊戲知名歌曲」。各位的意見收到了! 音樂遊戲合作 跟各位一樣,我們同樣超級希望Rotaeno與自己喜愛的音樂遊戲合作,前兩次的WACCA及Kalpa合作也好評如潮。故此,我們已經開始著手聯絡更多的音樂遊戲合作(其中有一些也許可以滿足各位在問卷裡的期待),雖然現在我沒法跟大家公布細節,但還請各位期待!
開發者日誌 - 至今爲止的改進和未來計劃

New song pack "Funky Party" Debuts on October 19

Together, let's revel in a festivity pulsating with the vibrant beats of jazz. =New Song Pack "Funky Party"= Debut with a limited time offer of 20% off from October 19th to November 1st. 6 new songs included. =Update Date= October 19th, 2023 =Track List= NightTheater by: わかどり Giselle by: Sobrem a.k.a. Widowmaker 分かってるけど by: HyuN feat. LyuU スプーキィダンスパーティ by: seatrus Marble Joker by: pan Phantago by: Nagiha
New song pack "Funky Party" Debuts on October 19

HARDCORE TANO*C × Rotaeno Collab II starts on 7 March!

Playing with friends is the most TANO*C! HARDCORE TANO*C × Rotaeno Collab II starts on 7 March! =Added the Song Pack: HARDCORE TANO*C Collab II= Strange Bar  by: Laur UN1TE  by: Massive New Krew Becouse of You by: Srav3R & USAO Luminosity (Don't you worry) by: DJ Noriken Dual Doom Deathmatch  by: Kobaryo vs HyuN ???? by: ???? From 6 March to 20 March, it's 33% off for a limited time in game. See you in the brand-new world!
HARDCORE TANO*C × Rotaeno Collab II starts on 7 March!
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