Thanks to all who contributed to creating this game, including developers, designers, and the player-facing community team (Gordo, Lazy).
Thanks to all the creators who supported the game from the very beginning... just to point out some: @JordyGoesRAWR. @MyronT3 @MoreAtomyc @ShouriSays @NoflexFX @DaddyFade @S3DOx but applies to the whole CC team.
Last but not least THANKS to all of my viewers/players for staying, waiting, and hoping.
Let"s see how this evolves... at the moment it's not that shiny.
// T3 Arena - Official Content Creator
// Arena Breakout - Ultra-Realistic Shooter Game
// Undawn - Open-World Survival Game
// Valorant Mobile - 5v5 Shooter - Coming Soon!!
#t3arena #t3arenagameplay #t3arenavideos
Still sad, I keep coming back… hoping… loved this game!
Author likedI came back to TapTap after many months and spotted your comment. It's indeed sad.. the downfall fo T3. Also it's sad that they kicked me from the creator team for telling the truth to the audience :D
Yes I know it’s so annoying at least you are talking about it thank you 🤩
Author likedThx appreciated! I got kick from the creator team for “publicly saying the devs don’t care”. First I was pissed as I put in lots of effort but 2-3 days later I realized that I should have moved on 3 months earlier- and I’m glad I didn’t get stuck.
Pls don let T3 Arena shut down I already lost a favourite game called CD creative destruction😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢🤧🤧🤧🤧
Author likedHy Ruby- sry to hear… I don’t think the game shuts down, it’s just the player base isn’t growing… maybe slowly shrinking.